
Do I need to wash my hair before highlighting and why?

Do I need to wash my hair before highlighting and why?

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  1. Features
  2. Preparation for the procedure
  3. Care Tips

Every woman who wants to quickly change her image, is recorded on such a procedure as highlighting. This is a popular and quite affordable way for all those who do not want to change drastically, but wants to bring a certain zest to their usual style. Many before the procedure ask a question: do highlights on dirty or clean hair? Let's sort this out together.


Most women are confident that washing the curls before such a procedure as highlighting is not worth it. But others are sure of the opposite and believe that to achieve the best result it will be better if the hair is clean.

Hairdressing specialists, who have been helping women create new hairstyles and images for years, recommend not to wash their curls right before the procedure itself. The fact is that many girls are just uncomfortable coming to a beauty salon with dirty hair, so before going to a specialist they carefully wash their curls. But it is absolutely impossible to do this, because this way you can cause significant harm to your hair.

The scalp secretes fat, due to which the curls become greasy and unattractive. But in fact, it has a protective effect during such procedures. Dirt and sebum protect the hair structure during a procedure such as highlighting, not allowing them to dry out. Due to this, after the procedure, the curls will not be brittle.

If you wash your hair using shampoo immediately prior to highlighting, they will lose their natural protection and eventually become more fragile, dry and lose their healthy glow. Aggressive components that are contained in special means for bleaching can disrupt the structure of curls so that they lose the ability to retain moisture. Moreover, the structure of the hair becomes friable, loses its elasticity, after which it can begin to tear during normal combing.

Ideally, you do not need to wash your hair 4-5 days before the start of the procedure. If you are the owner of oily hair, then 2-3 days will be enough. In any case, a professional master himself must assess the condition of your hair, so as not to harm them. Therefore, be sure to listen to the advice of a professional and take into account all the above recommendations in the event that you do the procedure at home.

We should also mention that in the case of dark highlighting, it is recommended to wash your hair the day before the procedure. Due to this, they will find a more intense and deep color.

If you plan to use a tint balm or tonic for lightening, then you can perform the procedure on clean hair. The fact is that such tools do not contain aggressive components in their composition, which can harm the structure of curls. Before using this or that tool, be sure to read the instructions..

In addition, you can do highlighting on clean hair in the event that will be used professional tools for bleaching, which include no ammonia. They help to achieve a good effect on both dirty and clean hair.

Preparation for the procedure

In order for the result of the procedure to please you for a long time and the curls have not lost their healthy glow, you need to carefully prepare for highlighting.So that the procedure does not harm your luxurious hair, you should start using special products a month before it, which will help to strengthen the health of your locks.

At least two weeks before highlighting, start using balms and hair masks that help strengthen their structure. Due to this, aggressive substances that will be used during highlighting will not spoil the hair. Use protective and nutritional products 2-3 times a week.

Before the procedure, you should not use special styling products. If you apply mousse or gel on the curls, then the result of highlighting will upset you. Due to various hair styling products, a good result cannot be achieved, as the curls can be colored unevenly.

In addition, if you recently dyed curls usual hair color, then the procedure is better to postpone. After staining, it should take at least ten days, and only then can highlighting. In the event that you used henna or basma for dyeing hair, this will adversely affect the quality of highlighting. After the procedure, an unpleasant purple or even greenish tint may appear on the hair. Therefore, you need to wait until the henna completely comes off the hair, otherwise the result may be completely unpredictable.

You also can not carry out the procedure in the event that you recently did a perm. After such procedures, the hair loses its strength, becomes more weakened and highlighting only exacerbates the situation. In the event that there are small scratches, inflammations or wounds on the scalp, highlighting also needs to be postponed.

After the procedure itself, in order not to spoil and fix the result, it is not recommended to wash your hair for the next two days.

In order that the result of the procedure does not disappoint you, you should contact the professionals in their field. The specialist will be able to choose the right ingredients and determine the optimal time in order to achieve the desired result. The number of required components is calculated individually for each.

Care Tips

Since such a procedure as highlighting is a serious stress for healthy and beautiful curls, after it you should definitely take care of them according to all the rules. Do not wash curls too hot water. The water should be a little warm, then the healthy glow will not disappear anywhere. Contrast rinsing is also recommended.

Combing curls in the wet can not be, as this will lead to their fragility. For combing it is best to use special comb made from natural materials. For example, a wooden comb with large teeth.

Try to use less hair dryer, curling iron or iron. Due to regular hot styling, curls can become brittle and dry. Do not get your hair dryer too close to your hair during drying or styling. And to consolidate the result, use lightweight styling tools, such as mousse.

After highlighting you should protect the curls from the hot sun with a hat. If you go to the pool or going to the sea, then do not forget about a special swimming cap.

For the effect of the procedure to please you for a long time, and your hair does not lose a healthy shine and beauty, be sure to use balms and nourishing masks. It is best to choose the means that include natural oils and vitamins. Also, pay attention to shampoos, which do not contain sulfates. This tool will help maintain the health and beauty of your hair.

Choose shampoos, balsams and masks from the same series. Be sure to consult with the master. It will help you choose the right tool that is ideal for your hair type.

On whether you need to wash your hair before dyeing hair, see the following video.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


