The guinea pig

What sounds do guinea pigs make and what do they mean?

What sounds do guinea pigs make and what do they mean?

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  1. Whistling
  2. Sniffs
  3. Hums
  4. Growls
  5. Gnashing of teeth
  6. Sizzles or whistles
  7. Squeals or whines
  8. Chirping
  9. Language of the body
  10. Moments when you need to be guarded

Guinea pigs are small and very cute animals. And if you want to get yourself this little animal, then you should know that they are very sociable. And they speak with the help of various sounds. And each of them means something different. It can be: hunger, pleasure, fear, pain. They can do this all the time, at any time of the day or night.

Each state has its own sound. And if you want to become a good master, then you should learn to recognize them. When you study them, it will become easier for you to communicate with your darling, and you will be able to make it more comfortable to live.

Many have a question - why when you stroke pigs, do they start beeping? The answer is very simple: in this way “pigs” show that they are satisfied.

In this article, you will learn what strange sounds guinea pigs make and what they mean.


This sound is one of the most common, you will hear it very often. They publish it when full of joy. When you came home and see that your pet has risen on its hind legs and whistles, then know that he is glad to see you. Also a whistle pig can in the event that if he wants to eat, and in your hands he sees his favorite snack.


This signal means that the guinea pig is experiencing anxiety or is waiting for something. Sometimes sniffing can develop into a whistle. Such a phenomenon occurs, when the owner is going to feed the animal. But at the same time by this method they can demand attention.


This sound has many meanings, and to understand what the pig wants to say, need to rely on the position in which it is located. If she is relaxed, then at this moment she is pleased and happy. But at the same time, if there is a rather high tone, then there is a high probability that the pet is annoyed. At this point you can observe the stress state. And if you look closely at him, you will notice that he is trembling.

If the rumbling is jerky, then the animal feels fear and discomfort.


The animal growls almost the same as rumbling, but the tones are different in that the first one sounds quite low. This expression of emotion you can hear when the male starts caring for the female. Also during the mating season, you can hear this sound from the female. Mainly a growl is used for the background during mating. Even in these moments, it may seem that the animals quack. Therefore, do not be afraid.

Gnashing of teeth

With this action, the animal wants to show that it is angry or in a bad mood. It may also mean that the animal is aggressive. During the rattle, it can show its teeth, in such a way telling you not to be touched.

This behavior can still mean anger, discontent, and the fact that the guinea pig is preparing to fight. Therefore, to understand the mood of your pet, you should carefully look at him.

To understand the cause and nature of the occurrence of this manifestation of emotions, it is necessary to monitor the animal and not annoy it.

In order not to provoke a pet to negative emotions, when you just purchased it, you should let it adapt to a new place. And therefore it is not necessary to be near the cell for a long time. If you bought your pet a new toy, it also needs to get used to it. Therefore, it should be installed next to the cell and only after a while to place it already in it.With this action, your pet will get used to the new thing and realize that it does not carry any threat.

Pet may also start chattering with its teeth due to other external stimuli, such as:

  • smells of other pets;
  • replacement of the diet;
  • extraneous loud sounds from various devices;
  • sharp temperature drop.

Special attention should be paid to the fact that your animal knocks or squeaks. This detail is important because the causes are different.

The creaking of teeth may appear if they have grown too large or are poorly grinded when the animal eats solid food or plays with toys. If this is the reason, then you should consult a doctor for diagnostics and treatment prescription. Inactivity can lead to infection and thinning of the teeth.

It may also indicate the appearance of parasites, which must be eliminated. And in order to accurately determine the cause of these symptoms, you must contact the veterinary clinic and pass all the necessary tests. In the case of parasites, the treatment is selected only by a veterinarian. And if you do not follow his recommendations, the situation may have irreversible consequences.

Therefore, you should not rely on yourself or your friends who have had the same situation.

Sizzles or whistles

Hissing means almost the same as gnashing of teeth. Very often they complement each other. Under natural conditions, this means that the rodent is scared.

Guinea pigs coo if they feel confident. Mostly this sound is made by females when their children are called. Also with the help of this squeak guinea pigs can communicate at the time of courtship. When it is published by a newly born guinea pig, it means that it is worried.

And if you have taught your pet to the hands, then in this way he may try to draw attention to himself so that he can be taken and played with him. In addition, with the help of a squeak, mumps can show that they are glad to see their master. Even so begging favorite treats.

Mostly whistling, they show that they are hungry, and tell the owner about it.

Squeals or whines

Squeal is a loud, heart-rending squeak, with which the animal tries to convey to you that it is experiencing fear or pain. In the event that your pet makes such a sound, immediately go to him and see if everything is well with him. If the animal moans or whines, then it wants to say something experiencing irritation or aversion to something or someone.


This sound is very similar to the singing of birds. And his guinea pigs almost never publish. If you watch your pet at the time of this action, then you might think that he is in a trance.

What these sounds mean is not yet known, there is still controversy on this issue.

Language of the body

These rodents can communicate not only with sounds, but also with the help of body language. In that case, if you figure it out, you can understand without any problems what your pet wants and what it feels like.

Young pigs bounce when they are in a good mood, happy, or anxious. Sometimes the older pigs show their emotions like this, but the jumps are not so high.

If the animal is in doubt or something surprised, it will be in a daze. At this moment will stand and not move.

In order to assess what is happening around the situation, they will sniff everything. In this way, they also meet other representatives of the species. To do this, they sniff the nose, chin, ears and back. Greet them by touching their noses.

When the pigs show aggression, they do so to be higher than the enemy, standing on their hind legs and lifting their heads. In addition, they begin to swing from side to side, the wool stands on end and they begin to grin. To add effect, the pigs can begin to sizzle.

If you see similar behavior in their pets, then you should be careful.Because there is a high probability that you will need to intervene in their relationship so that there is no fight.

Similar behavior during the mating season towards the female means that the male is sympathetic.

These cute rodents often mark their territory. And to do this, they rub their heads, necks, or the back of their bodies about the things they want to tag.

Moments when you need to be guarded

A heart-rending cry means that the animal is afraid or feels pain. And at the moment he feels bad. As soon as you hear this, immediately go to your pet to see if everything is all right with him.

Also pay special attention to the grinding of teeth. This means that the teeth of the animal begin to grow, but toys and solid food do not help. If you start a situation, then an infection may occur. And in this case, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Any loud cry of your pet means that he feels danger somewhere nearby or something threatens his health. And if you heard a wheeze while breathing, then urgently go to the vet, because life is at risk.

Read more about the language of communication of guinea pigs with the outside world tells the veterinarian in the video below.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


