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Natural hair chignon: types and care recommendations

Natural hair chignon: types and care recommendations

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  1. Features
  2. Varieties
  3. Mounting methods
  4. Recommendations for selection
  5. Subtleties of care
  6. Interesting examples

Every girl dreams of beautiful thick hair. Natural hairpieces will help to quickly realize the desired: to increase the thickness and length of hair with their help is very simple. Beautiful and voluminous hairstyles require a lot of time and effort, and various types of chignons allow you to create any images.


Chignon of natural hair requires careful treatment. Visually notice such a decoration on the hair is almost impossible, provided that the color is well chosen. If properly maintained, the chignon will last you several years even with daily use. A big advantage is that natural material can be dyed, styled and curled just like your hair.

In the process of use, you can change the appearance of the chignon, thereby changing its image. A wide range of colors allows you to choose as an extravagant product, and as close as possible to your hair shade.


Natural hairpieces allow you to make hair more thick and lengthen hair. There are different kinds of them.

  • Tail usually choose owners of short hair. A great option for increasing the volume of thin hair. To create a high horse tail, it is enough to collect the hair on the crown and fasten the chignon on top, wrapping your curls.
  • Spit allows you to create any braided hairstyle. Chignon put on hair in the straightened form and connect with their hair.
  • Bang consists of small length strands. Used to temporarily change the image and when creating complex hairstyles, in which the bangs play an important role.
  • Strands help to add density to the hair. In youth hairstyles, bright colors are often used to create a special look.
  • Babette is already finished hairstyle and looks like a pad. A great option for a quick festive look. Surrounding people will be confident that the owner of the haircut spent many hours in the salon, and not a couple of minutes in front of the mirror.
  • Skullcap more like a wig, not a hairpiece. It is able to completely change the image. You can collect your long hair and cover them with a short hairpiece. A great way to find the right length before cutting.

Mounting methods

Chignon allows you to make an unusual hairstyle at home in a matter of minutes. Methods of fixation are directly dependent on the type of product.

  • The tail is usually held on a tape and a clip. Another common option is a crab barrette. Both mounting options allow you to place the hairpiece over the tail to create additional volume and length.
  • The braid fastens in loose form with small clips. Have the product under their hair. The finished hairstyle can be fixed in any way with the help of invisible hairpins, hairpins, hairpins.

Additional fastening adds reliability and allows smoothing the border between the pads and your hair.

  • Babette is fastened on a bun with very small clips. Their hair is hidden inside the lining, for this there is a special recess. The skullcap is also attached with clips over loose hair. It is necessary to carefully distribute the hair on the head and temples, so that everything looks natural.

Recommendations for selection

Before buying a hairpiece, you need to decide on the main task and think over the hair style beforehand.

  • If you just need to add volume, then use the individual strands.
  • The tail and braid will help both to lengthen short hair and add volume to thin and sparse hair.
  • Babette is used exclusively for hairstyles with a bun.
  • Skullcap can completely change the image.

An important step is the selection of tone. For youth hairstyles, you can take a bright chignon of unnatural color. If you want to have fake hair merged with your own, you will have to spend much more time.

It is better to purchase the product in the store in order to be able to apply to the hair and compare the shade. Inspect hairpieces in different lighting conditions: electric lamps may distort colors, and you will be disappointed in the purchase in daylight. Stylists recommend to buy the product half a tone lighter than their hair. This combination helps to refresh your hair, give a special gloss.

Choosing a popular chignon tail requires special attention. The pad should be in harmony with natural hair, so you need to take into account some of the nuances.

  • Pay attention to the products of medium volume. If you choose a very lush tail, the hairstyle will look unnatural due to the noticeable difference between the basal volume and the thickness of the tail.
  • If you can not find the desired color, then just paint the chignon after purchase. To do it right, it is best to consult your hairdresser. This solution is ideal for girls with hair painted in an unusual color.
  • More hairstyles can be made with models that are taped. The presence of a crab hairpin simplifies the formation of the tail, but provides less opportunity for the realization of fantasy.
  • Curly linings significantly reduce the time spent on styling.

The skullcap covers the entire head, so the choice should also be taken very carefully: it is important to consider the size of the chignon and head. Your hair is usually hidden under the net, so there will be no particular difficulty with matching the color. You can specifically take a product of a different tone for the experiment.

Subtleties of care

Lining natural hair requires delicate care. For combing, be sure to use only a soft brush with natural bristles and a special spray. Movement should be smooth and soft, without jerks and pressure.

To wash, use shampoo for damaged and dry hair. If you use hairpiece rarely, then clean about once a month. Do not rub hard and squeeze the product. Blot with a towel and hang out to glass the water. For complete drying, it will take about 9 hours, and the exact time depends on the size and volume of the lining.

If you want to extend the life, then clean the product from natural hair should be properly.

  • Dissolve mild shampoo in warm water. Leave the pad in the liquid for 20-25 minutes.
  • Rinse the product under running water.
  • In a clean container dissolve balm. Soak the product for another 25–30 minutes.
  • Rinse thoroughly in clean water.
  • Put on a pad a fat mask and hold for 10 minutes. Rinse with warm running water.
  • Blot with a towel and hang on a stand.

    Care for the pad should be as careful as for your own hair.

    • After washing it is necessary to make laying. You can use any methods: curlers, hair dryer, iron or curling. Align or wind at your discretion.
    • Before laying, be sure to apply a spray on the hair for thermal protection.
    • It is recommended to cover natural strands with silicone cream for nourishment and protection.
    • Store the product in a straightened form. It is better to use a special stand for chignons. If the pad just lies there, the hairs can wrinkle and it will quickly become unusable.
    • If you decide to paint the pad, then use only high-quality and professional materials. You can contact the salon to do it right. If you have a personal hairdresser, be sure to consult before buying materials for coloring.

    Interesting examples

    Hairstyles with hairpieces look interesting and attractive.Properly selected product looks natural. Lining can be used interestingly.

    Babette with curls looks very impressive. Hairstyle turns festive, neat and voluminous.

    Thick and long braid - the dream of every girl. This hairstyle can be worn every day.

    Additional strands allow you to lengthen the hair and add volume.

    Multi-colored long strands will help create a bright and unique image. A great option for a photo shoot or party.

    Lush trim can be interesting to decorate. An elegant hairstyle does not take much time to make it.

    Simple casual look. A good way to change the image for girls with short hair.

    Bangs can transform your face and image as a whole. A good option for those who can not decide on a haircut.

    How to become the owner of luxurious long hair in just a few seconds, see below.

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    Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


