Nail extensions

Lamps for nail extensions: types and tips on choosing

Lamps for nail extensions: types and tips on choosing

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  1. Description of the procedure
  2. Types of lamps
  3. Criterias of choice
  4. Tubeless method

Beautiful and well-groomed hands - the card of every woman. However, not all the representatives of the weaker sex can boast a strong and even nail plate, which could be a reliable basis for a beautiful and high-quality manicure. Specialists in this field offer a decorative procedure that will help not only to form the required length of the nail, but also to strengthen the nail plate, remove brittleness and weakness of the nails.

Nail extension is a popular and demanded procedure that can be done not only in expensive beauty salons, but also at home.

Description of the procedure

Artificially increasing the length of the nail plate is an expensive service provided by all modern beauty salons. For significant budget savings, you can make an original and beautiful manicure yourself, without leaving home.

Before starting work, you need to carefully study the technology of nail extension and purchase the necessary tools. Following the advice of professional craftsmen and having quality work tools, you can model beautiful nails that will hide all defects and will favorably emphasize the chosen image and style.

In specialized stores you can see the starter kits for beginners, which include all the necessary accessories. The most important element of this kit is a special lamp, which is intended for the polymerization of the working material. The quality of the created coating depends on the choice of this device. The drying period of the applied material depends on the lamp power, the number of layers used and the structure of the gel.

For artificial modeling of the nail plate, specialists use several types of materials:

  • acrylic - used to create thin and durable matte nails;
  • gel is an elastic material that has a glossy structure and is used for soft nails;
  • glue powder - modeling material, products from which have the shortest service life;
  • fabric - this group of materials includes silk and fireglass, which are used to correct manicure from gel and acrylic.

    Advantages of artificial nails:

    • strength;
    • flat and smooth surface;
    • protection of the nail surface from mechanical damage and the action of aggressive external factors;
    • creating high-quality artistic painting of nails.


    • the need for timely and regular correction;
    • detachment of the natural nail plate from the base due to shrinkage of the artificial material.

    Experts do not recommend using this procedure for women during gestation and feeding of the child, during the period of taking hormonal preparations and in case of individual intolerance.

    Types of lamps

    Drying lamp - a special device, without which it is impossible to carry out the process of modeling the nail plate. In specialized stores you can see several types of lamps that have different power.


    Such devices have a narrow scope and are used only for drying varnishes with LED marking. This device has a low price range and is suitable only for beginners.In this type of apparatus used incandescent bulbs with phosphor spraying, on the number of which depends on the speed and quality of drying of the coating. For sculptural modeling the number of light bulbs in the lamp should not be less than 4 pieces. The main disadvantages of an ultraviolet device are: large size, the need for frequent replacement of component parts, the rapid combustion of special spraying.

    Cold Cathode (CCFL)

    These tumble dryers are based on ultraviolet lamps. The main feature is the presence of a special gas in the radiating elements. Advantages: a long period of operation, the possibility of applying for all types of coverage, no overheating and the need for regular replacement of component parts, the consumption of a small amount of electricity. Disadvantages: high price range, the complexity of the process of replacing the heating spring, the lack of drying LED-gels.


    Universal type of devices, which is used in professional beauty salons. Manufacturers produce two types of lamps - LED + CCFL and UV + LED.

    LED + CCFL lamp consists of fluorescent and heating elements and has a universal purpose. Disadvantages: large mass and size, high price. Advantages: a long period of operation, the replacement of elements only when necessary.

    UV + LED lamp is the latest development of manufacturers. Advantages: high power, universal purpose, resistance to various types of breakage, small size, long period of use and a wide price range, which allows you to purchase the device for both home and professional use.

    Experts recommend to purchase a rotary device, which has a mirror at the bottom. This feature allows you to evenly affect the applied coating.

    Criterias of choice

    The main criterion for the correct choice of the device is the type of coating used. Before using the material, it is imperative to pay attention to the information and labeling that the manufacturer indicates on the package.

    Types of marking:

    • LED - only LED device is used;
    • UV - it is possible to use a UV instrument or a CCFL dryer;
    • LED / UV - all types of dryers are used.

      To create a high-quality manicure, you need to take a responsible approach to the choice of a drying apparatus. The power of the dryers should not be less than 36 watts. Experts recommend purchasing hybrid devices that are durable and versatile.

      The cost of this equipment is influenced by the following factors:

      • country of origin - European products have a high price range;
      • brand name - products of well-known manufacturers is more expensive;
      • the number of auxiliary functions;
      • the type of material the body is made of;
      • power.

        Professional craftsmen recommend purchasing popular products from well-known manufacturers, whose component parts can be purchased at any hardware store. Before choosing the type of case you need to know the purpose of the device. For home use, it is pointless to overpay for the iron case, but in the case of frequent movement of the device you should not save on its reliability. Significantly increase the price of such auxiliary functions such as: cold air cooling, timer, radio and self-powered. Devices with a large number of additional functions are necessary for professional masters and elite beauty salons.

        Tubeless method

        If it is not possible to use gel polish drying machines or an allergic reaction to ultraviolet radiation, experts recommend acquiring coatings that are not sensitive to light radiation.

        The process of building this type of material occurs under the action of a special substance that must be applied to the working surface. The special composition is applied by spraying or squeezing out of the bottle. Innovative technologies have allowed manufacturers to produce a gel that solidifies on contact with ordinary cold water. For complete hardening of the applied composition, it is enough to put your hands in a container with cold water for 5 minutes.

        Using the acrylic method of modifying the nail plate, you can never buy a special lamp. The tubeless nail extension method involves the use of flexible tips, the elasticity of which can be checked by longitudinal bending.

        Among the main advantages of this method are the following:

        • low cost;
        • ease of use;
        • lack of professional skills.


        • short period of operation;
        • instability to mechanical damage;
        • low aesthetic appearance.

        To perform these works, you must purchase nail files, special glue, glue powder, tweezers, activator, decorating varnish. Before starting the implementation of these works, it is necessary to carefully study the extension technique and the advice of professional craftsmen. Drying and modeling of polymer material is necessary only in ventilated areas.

        Visiting beauty salons to create a beautiful and high-quality manicure is an integral part of every woman’s life. The high intensity of life of the representatives of the weaker sex does not always allow you to devote a lot of time to creating a perfect image. Modern technologies and innovative development of manufacturers of decorative cosmetics and specialized household appliances provide an opportunity to increase and strengthen the nail plate at home. This procedure does not take much time and significantly reduce financial costs.

        On how to choose a lamp for manicure, see the following video.

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        Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


