Can I grow my nails during pregnancy and what are the limitations?

Nail extension in recent years has become quite a familiar procedure. Many women resort to different ways to lengthen their marigolds, which makes them feel more confident. This article will help you to understand whether it is possible to increase the nails during pregnancy, and what are the limitations for this procedure.
Features of the procedure
There are several ways to lengthen the nails. So, you can make them longer by applying a gel or acrylic. These materials are currently used for nail extensions most often.
The choice of extension method depends on many factors. And there are adherents of both one and the other options for the extension of the nails. The builders point out that if a woman chooses to carry out such a procedure with a gel, then later, as a rule, only uses it, the same applies to acrylic.
By itself, the procedure for lengthening the nails using acrylic or gel is quite safe. Of course, in these substances there are components that can affect the body, but their concentration is quite low.
The minus extension procedure is the notorious human factor. If the extension of the nails is performed by an unqualified master, then further unpleasant consequences may arise. For example, you can "catch" a fungal infection. This complication is possible if an unqualified manicure specialist uses insufficiently disinfected instruments during the procedure.
The use of poor quality materials is another reason that can lead to the appearance of adverse symptoms. If, for example, the nails are lengthened through the use of a gel containing toxic components, then there may be problems with a strong stratification of the nail plates.
Some materials may even be toxic. Inhalation of their vapors causes poisoning of the body. Such cases are extremely rare and are found, as a rule, if the manicure specialist builds up low-quality materials with safety violations.
A woman always wants to be well-groomed, and the period of pregnancy is no exception. Many women even in the “interesting position” carefully monitor themselves. At the same time, they pay special attention to their nails. However, during pregnancy should be assessed and the possible harm of cosmetic procedures, because during this period, the expectant mother is responsible not only for herself, but also for the baby that grows in her stomach.
There are so many superstitions and various folk signs that limit the conduct of many face, body and hair treatments, but doctors advise you not to follow them blindly. Many of them are simply far-fetched.
Pregnant women who want to determine for themselves the possibility of nail extension, of course, would like to know the answer of specialists. Doctors note that it is impossible to make general recommendations. In each case, an assessment of the general condition of the woman is required, and only then a determination of the possibility of performing nail extension.
The procedure for lengthening the nails should be abandoned expectant mothers in the first trimester of pregnancy. At this time, experts recommend virtually eliminate the use of any chemicals.Even many drugs in the first trimester are contraindicated. Such restrictions are imposed by chance. During this period, in a small embryo that is located in the maternal uterus, internal organs and systems begin to be actively laid.
Exposure to chemicals can affect this process. Of course, it is impossible to exclude the presence of toxic components in acrylic and gel. Especially if the material for building substandard.
That is why, in order to avoid serious problems in the future, in the first months of pregnancy doctors recommend that the procedure for lengthening the nails should be abandoned.
Women who are allergic to the materials used for building up should also be abandoned. In this case, it is impossible to lengthen the marigold, not only during pregnancy, but at any other time. The use of materials that cause allergies can cause adverse symptoms.
Acrylic buildup can occur with the appearance of a specific odor. It has a product that is used in this procedure for lengthening the nail plates. Women suffering from pathologies accompanied by a broncho-obstructive component, such a method of nail extension should be abandoned. Such a procedure can cause asthma and respiratory depression in asthmatics.
Pregnant women who want to do a nail extension, be sure to remember about the precautions. If the expectant mother still decides that she wants to increase her nails, she should weigh the pros and cons.
- Nail extension can be done only by a qualified master. If a manicure specialist violates safety regulations during the procedure, this can cause infection, and this is certainly very harmful.
- During the manicure, there is an intensive processing of not only the nail plates, but also the cuticle that surrounds them. Careless movement with a manicure tool can lead to skin trauma.
The entry of pathogenic microbes into the wound is dangerous due to its infection. This should be sure to remember and not to trust your health to low-skilled specialists.
- Many manicurists do not advise their clients to lengthen nails with acrylic or gel during pregnancy. There are numerous observations suggesting that the “wearing” of a manicure made during pregnancy is not very durable. Manicurists note that flaking of materials from nail plates and their damage often occur. They explain this by the fact that numerous hormonal changes occur in the future mother's body, which also affect the condition of her nails.
- It is recommended to increase nails in manicure rooms or beauty salons that have good ventilation. So, if the air in the room practically does not circulate, then harmful vapors from the materials used for building up gradually accumulate. This is more likely to increase the risk of vapors and, in some cases, even the smallest particles in the respiratory tract.
If the ventilation works well, then in such a case such negative consequences can be forgotten.
About pregnancy and nail extensions, see the following video.