Hair extension

Cold hair extensions: features, types and technology

Cold hair extensions: features, types and technology

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  1. Features
  2. What is different from the hot method?
  3. Advantages and disadvantages
  4. Tools and materials
  5. Kinds
  6. Performance technique
  7. Aftercare
  8. Reviews

Probably, there is no such girl who would not like to change her image at least once. Some want to make curly hair straight, the second just add a few curls, and others dream of long curls. And it is this desire to fulfill the easiest way - just contact your hairdresser with a request to make a cold buildup.


In itself, cold hair extension is the process of lengthening the curls. This is done with the help of natural hair and is popular not only among the "stars", but also among ordinary people. With the help of extensions, you can completely change the hairstyle and make beautiful and voluminous styling out of thin and brittle hair. An experienced master can make it so that no one will understand that hair is not natural. Besides cold build almost harmless to hair.

The extension technology does not at all envisage the use of high temperature, which distinguishes such a method from other types of curl lengthening. Hairdressers can attach hair using glue tape, small rings, as well as special capsules. There is another way to cold build, but it is considered one of the most expensive - it is fixing the strands with ultrasound.

When making a cold extension, you need to use very thin strands, then the hairstyle will look more natural. In addition, the strands should be no more than 1 centimeter from the hair roots.

What is different from the hot method?

The difference between these two methods, of course, exists. So, using the hot method of building up, rather high temperatures are applied. When the adhesive base is melted, artificial hair and natural hair are combined with it. With the cold extension method, a completely different technique is used, which will be discussed in more detail a little later. Hot buildup takes longer than cold.

In addition, it is more difficult to care for hair that is extended in this way. So, it is not allowed to go to saunas or baths so that the capsules connecting the hair do not heat up. In addition, it is necessary to limit yourself a little in the choice of cosmetics.

Advantages and disadvantages

This method for hair extensions has some advantages, but also several disadvantages that you need to be aware of.

First you need to consider all the advantages:

  • hair will be as long as the customer wants;
  • they will also be thicker and more beautiful;
  • after such a procedure, you can do almost everything with hair, that is, you can wash, comb, dry and dye, because there will be no consequences;
  • you can even grow very short hair (from five centimeters);
  • correction after a cold build will be needed only after 6 months.

Tools and materials

In addition to the advantages, there are also disadvantages of this method:

  • such a procedure is not available to every girl, because few can allocate the sum of ten thousand rubles from their budget for going to the salon;
  • build-up lasts a long time, at least two hours;
  • not every master can cope with such a difficult task qualitatively;
  • in some cases, glue is visible on the hair;
  • for women who are breastfeeding, as well as those in position, such procedures are contraindicated.

Therefore, before you decide whether to build up or not, you need to think about everything well.


There are several types of cold build.

  • Tape building for which the special adhesive tape is applied.
  • On the tressa where afrokosa is used. It is necessary to braid around the head, and then sew strands on the tress.
  • Gel capacity, which is considered one of the most benign.
  • Hollywood, which used keratin capsules.
  • Spanish building. For this method, glue is used that does not cause allergies.
  • Japanese extensions include the use of clips.
  • Ultrasound, which is the fastest of all ways.

For cold building different types will need:

  • crochet hook, with which you can pull the strands;
  • Japanese forceps;
  • gel;
  • glue;
  • to build up on tresses, you will need not only a special thread, but also a needle;
  • capsules, as well as transparent plates;
  • a special apparatus used for ultrasound extension;
  • ordinary comb, hairpins.

Performance technique

Cold build technology is a rather complicated procedure. In addition, it is slightly different in its method from the hot. All of them need to be considered in more detail.


This method is quite simple. To make it, you will need artificial strands that need to be combined with real hair using adhesive tape. To do this, you need to separate the thin strands of your hair, slightly lift them near the roots, and then attach the artificial curls with duct tape up. Next you need to lower the strands of your hair, and glue on them another row of artificial hair, but already with tape down. Such a procedure takes very little time. It will be enough just 30 minutes.

You can wear such beauty for 70-80 days, and then you can either apply the correction, or completely remove the overhead strands. Make it very easy. Moreover, their hair will not be affected. This method can be applied even to the fair sex who have very short hair.


This method is considered one of the most reliable options, although it takes a lot of time. Everything is done by hand, so every moment of the process is carefully controlled. To do this, this donor hair must be attached to his. This is done with the highest quality glue from which the capsule is formed. The size of it can be adjusted. This will depend directly on the thickness of the hair. If you use this method, the hairstyle is beautiful and neat, and artificial hair is almost invisible.

This hairstyle can last up to 120 days, and then a correction will be needed. However, this method is not entirely perfect, it has one drawback. It consists in the fact that the Spanish extension will suit only fair-haired beauties. Brunettes and brown-haired women should choose for themselves something else.


Here small beads are used, as well as rings, the size of which is not larger than a match head. With their help, you need to attach artificial curls to your hair. This is done with the usual crochet, which is necessary to thread artificial hair into rings. And then they just need to hold tweezers.

This method is suitable for all, regardless of hair color. In addition, after him we must continue to usually take care of hair extensions. Correction will need to be done no later than 75 days. But to remove them, it will be enough just to open the rings with special tweezers.


This technique appeared quite a long time ago. It was thought up by Africans who wanted to be just a little like Europeans. To do this, they wound thin pigtails around the head. Over time, this method is slightly improved. Artificial curls were sewn to these pigtails.

However, this extension is suitable only for girls who have rather thick hair. In addition, the correction should be done once a month.


This method is very fast and is suitable even for short hair. Strands are fixed in less than an hour. However, the correction in this case will take much longer than the build-up itself. You need to do it in 120 days.


After such a procedure as cold buildup, it is necessary to carry out a correction at the appointed time so that the hair looks beautiful and natural. In addition, you need to properly care for them.

You can only wash your hair 48 hours after the procedure. This should be done only in an upright position so that the curls are not confused. In addition, they are often not worth washing, as tapes or capsules will wear out very quickly. Shampoo can be used as usual without buying special salon products. Balm or mask should be applied only to your hair, so as not to hurt the capsules.

It is better to dry the curls in a natural way so as not to damage them. It is only necessary to comb the already dry hair, so that they are not confused. This should be done several times a day. Buy a comb better with a natural pile. When laying the curling iron or iron should not touch the artificial addition of hair.


Of course, reviews about this type of extension are slightly different. There are those girls who are completely satisfied with their new hairstyle and recommend it to their friends. However, there are dissatisfied customers. As a rule, these are the ones that fell into the hands of the bad master and the process did not go as we would like.

Summing up, it can be said that such a method as cold hair extensions has many advantages, among which it is worth mentioning one of the most important things for any girl - this is a beautiful hairstyle with long and neat curls.

In the next video, see the description of the process of tape hair extensions.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


