Hair extension

How to increase hair?

How to increase hair?

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  1. Contraindications
  2. How to choose a method?
  3. What is required?
  4. Ways

Hair extension is a unique and sought-after cosmetic procedure. Special methods of attaching donor hair allow the girl to quickly increase the length of hair. If you achieve a perfect match in color and texture, it is easy to get the desired fashionable image in the shortest possible time.


Under the hair extension is commonly understood as the elongation of natural short hair in the shortest possible time. Usually achieved by attaching to your own curls additionally artificial or natural donor strands.

Color curls choose identical to the main, so that the difference was invisible.

This procedure has contraindications. These include hairline disorders associated with diseases of the scalp. If the hair is prone to oily seborrhea in need of treatment, or, conversely, especially brittle and fragile. Obviously, with abundant loss instead of the procedure of building it is necessary to strengthen the roots and improve the scalp. Cosmetic procedures will have to leave for later.

As a rule, the situation with noticeable hair loss is observed with endocrine disorders, it is also possible with regular use of hormonal drugs. Hair "does not like" when the body has a lot of antibiotics and active chemicals. From this they deteriorate and become dull and brittle. It is not shown to build up strands when the vascular and nervous system suffers, VSD or hypertension are diagnosed, migraines are frequent.

For pregnant women, building up is not completely prohibited, but if necessary, expectant mothers will use the most benign methods. Although doctors tend to think that it is better to wait for the moment of birth of the child. The same applies to girls under the age of 18 years. Female hormonal adjustment of the body is the time when it is better not to experiment with the appearance, preferring the elegant hairstyles of natural hair. Complicated operations to create intricate hairstyles and frequent change of image more to the face of fashionable lady from the age group of 25+.

There is such a moment as the aesthetic rejection of other people's hair on their head. The idea that the hair belonged to another woman can nullify all efforts to decorate hair. Experts assure: disinfection, processing and painting of the biomaterial makes it safe for health and energy neutral. It is not worth worrying about the origin of the curls.

A theme that may be of interest and deserves attention sounds differently - why do some hairs serve more reliably and longer than others. What determines the price of the beam to build and what to choose. And also where to buy donor curls. It is well known that Slavic curls are valued above others, can be used several times. Have an attractive appearance, soft and shiny. Many women like South Russian hair of natural shades.

Produced in Europe also earned a lot of positive feedback. They are obtained as a by-product after the manufacture of Slavic strands and are used predominantly once. Asian is subjected to all methods of exposure - a cardinal staining and discoloration, however, their quality is lower, the hairs are thinner and often confused. The material obtained in China and Vietnam is consumed actively in the production of dummies. Often used by craftsmen when learning to build.

Artificial hair also has its advantages.The fibers are practically not torn, it is difficult to damage them mechanically.

How to choose a method?

There are several extension methods, which one is better, it is up to you to decide, it depends on many factors - price and complexity, for how long you need to increase the length and volume. The operation is expensive, the correction will need to be carried out every 4-6 months, raising the place of consolidation higher due to the natural regrowth of the roots.

Usually in the beauty salon use a variety of ways.

  • Hot "sticking". A common method that requires a heated resin or glue, gel or capsules. The method is considered unsafe for the hair structure and may cause premature loss. The substance is melted by hot tongs, connecting the pad with its own head of hair.
  • Capacity ribbons. They are called tressami. In each sewed hairs of a certain length. Stripes can be sewn with thread. Duct tape also firmly connects your own and donor hair. The design keeps from one to two months.
  • Fastening metal strands with beads - Japanese technology. The rings are made of metal-ceramic, with compression, the effect of connecting the hair to each other is achieved. The disadvantage of this method is that when removing the little ringlets, the native curls are often damaged.
  • With the help of lining of the hair, fixed with hairpins. Simple method that does not guarantee long-term use.
  • Hypoallergenic glue - the so-called Spanish method. At the same time, it is only possible to find a junction by touch. The number of added pryadok reaches 200-230 pieces. Pressing and flattened adhesive capsules after drying, acquire a whitish hue. Therefore, well-proven for blondes, girls with dark hair, this method is not suitable.
  • With the use of keratin capsules - Italian and English technology. One of the most gentle and modern methods in the hairdressing art of lengthening. For the cold way, the hair is divided into small strands, each of which is attached to the elongation with keratin. Fix very high - at a distance of several centimeters from the crown, and the capsule is melted by ultrasound, which eliminates the heat.

If you are determined to perform the operation at home, it is better to choose simple methods that do not require a large arsenal of materials and special skills. Long-term practice of Hollywood has shown that tape building is not suitable for rare and not strong hair, as well as curls of insufficient length. Hot technology for obvious reasons began to lose popularity, giving way to universal methods of obtaining impressive length and volume.

After cold capsular lengthening, you can add variety to the existing hairstyle, add a perm and other coloring.


What is required?

To prepare in advance for the build-up process, buy the necessary ingredients and tools.

  • Main - curls for lengthening, donor or artificial. The cheaper the hair, the less reliably it will serve. Obviously, an expensive and high-quality material that has not been subjected to repeated chemical treatment is safer for health. It is better to buy curls in specialized stores, not trusting random merchants.
  • Nippers with which help there is a fixing, and also the distributor of hair locks.
  • Consumables for gluing. These may be resins or silicone, keratin capsules. The choice depends on the technology used.
  • Vibrating razor.
  • Large comfortable mirror that allows you to inspect the head from behind and from the sides.

In addition, their own hair needs preparation. Ends that are stained or brittle look are sheared off. For the procedure to be effective, the native length is left at about 10 to 20 cm.If you want to pick up a new color and paint, also do it just before you fasten artificial strands. They are sold ready-made and dyed, so it is necessary to fall into the color scheme if necessary, by changing your own hair tone.

We need to learn and properly care for the new head of hair. To do this, you must use a comb with rare teeth, do not pull the hairs. To wash the head with light and gel-like shampoo, soft movements, without touching the roots. In the cosmetic arsenal should appear air conditioning, facilitating combing and giving extra shine. In the first 2-3 days after the procedure, you are not allowed to wash your hair, it is better to wait. This is necessary for the final fixing of the active glue.

We'll have to forget about the cardinal care products with alcohol content, as well as hot water for washing. Rigid curling tongs, red-hot hair dryer and similar effects for laying also will not work. At night, clean strands are dried, moisture should not remain on them during sleep. Also comb only completely dry hair. Going to bed, they are braided in a pigtail. You can leave less long hair in the ponytail. In the bath it is desirable to cover your head, swim in a rubber cap in the pool and pond. Ointments and balms, as well as wet masks on the hair is not recommended.


Build hair at home under the power of many fashionable women, especially if you take a friend as an assistant. It’s harder to do at home for girls who usually don’t cope on their own even with hair coloring on their heads. In this case, the best option for you will be visiting the salon. There, the volume buildup is done quickly, the process is performed by experienced craftsmen.

If there is no need to save money, you can invite a specialist home.

Luxurious and long, like a mermaid, strands immediately after a short haircut - this is only increased by attaching one of the known methods. Get a spectacular hair can be for 1 day. Masters will tell you how to care for the scalp to achieve rapid growth of their curls. Subject to the rules, you can achieve significant success. For this you need the following.

  • To resort to stimulation. Irritate the skin, rubbing the tincture of red pepper. Use mustard masks.
  • Combine stimulation with cleaning and using herbal decoctions of calendula, chamomile and burdock.
  • Apply nutritional masks to retain moisture without letting the roots dry out.
  • Take in vitamins and supplementsstrengthening hair follicles.
  • Take a course of physiotherapy. For example, Darsonval will help improve blood circulation in the desired area on the head. Blood flow will activate biological processes.

Here are some of the time-tested recipes to thin and brittle hair become fluffy and beautiful.

  • Mix 50 g of honey and burdock oil, add a teaspoon of brandy and just a little yeast. A mixture of smear the skin on the head for an hour to give the composition is well absorbed. Then rinse with warm water.
  • Connect the bulb twisted in a meat grinder with honey. This mask is enough to hold for half an hour. Refers to simple, but especially effective ways.
  • Mix a tablespoon of dry mustard powder with the same amount of vegetable oil and purified water. Add some sugar and one egg yolk. Keep on the head for 20-30 minutes.
  • In a half cup of kefir, stir two yolks, two tablespoons of castor oil and tea with a mustard. To rub a mask in the easy massing movements, to leave for 50-60 minutes, then to wash away.

All these measures will gradually lead to the desired result, growth will increase. On average, hair grows by 2 cm per month, if they are carefully looked after and followed by nutrition. So you can achieve the original length, which produce further capacity.The easiest ways for home lengthening - overhead strands and ribbons. It is better to build strands correctly with the use of sophisticated technologies in the salon; at home you can try a hot method.

Of course, the hair must be washed and prepared completely for this procedure, as mentioned above. Where the lining of donor hair will be attached, hold a parting in a circle. All hair lift up in a bundle. Under the parting line, only small locks will remain, each of which is attached with artificial hair loops in circles. Whiskey make bulk in the same way, using hairpins and hair sets. It remains only to lower the rest of the head of hair, covering the attachment points. The method is simple, in order to show off at the party a new hairstyle, just fit. Purchase need 7-8 sets with hair of different lengths. Hairpins are removed at night, you can not sleep with them. That is, this is a one-day lengthening.

The ribbons are stuck on the head also after small strands are left. They are fixed at a small distance - up to 1 centimeter from each other. In this case, the number of tapes reaches 50-60 to cover the entire circumference. Tresses are placed on all partitions located along the head, except for areas close to the face, so that the attachment points are not visible. Then braid pigtail, which serves as the basis. The tape is sewn on it. The technique requires thoroughness and optimal tonal matching between own and artificial hair.

The ribbons are placed as close as possible to the roots, then pressed, causing fixation of the polymer. Having fixed the first strip, it is possible to lower the strands down. Then continue, moving from the parting to the crown, where the last row is attached. So that the joints are not conspicuous and invisible, the tape behind the tape is strengthened gradually, taking breaks of 1-2 days. Thus, the hairstyle improves and becomes more beautiful with the addition of new strips. The method allows you to build a week.

If one of the elements is unsuccessfully fixed, spray with alcohol is enough to peel off the tape and place it again. Correction will allow to achieve a neat and attractive look of hair, but to make high hairstyles will not work - the joints will still be noticeable. Every 3 months on average will require a complete update associated with hair growth.

To learn how to properly wash hair, see the following video.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


