Hair extension

How to choose shampoo for hair extensions?

How to choose shampoo for hair extensions?

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  1. Cons of conventional means
  2. Care
  3. What means better?
  4. Subtleties of choice
  5. How to wash?
  6. Nutritious Mask Recipes

Most women with short hair, resort to such a very popular service, as hair extensions.

However, to find a good master, to carry out the procedure correctly without consequences is one thing, but then carefully taking care of the head of hair is a completely different moment, which cannot be silent. Of great importance is the choice of a special shampoo and the proper washing of such hair, which will be discussed in the article.

Cons of conventional means

Many people after carrying out this procedure mistakenly believe that for subsequent washing you can safely choose the most ordinary shampoos. But it is not.

The process of building itself means fixing special substances or fixings on the hair. If simple means are regularly placed on these fastenings, then very soon they may weaken, and the consequences will be rather dire.

Specialized shampoos will, on the contrary, help hair, making them stronger and more radiant. That is why this point should be paid special attention.


We list the basic rules of care for hair extensions.

  • Washing hair extensions should occur only after two or three days, and not before.
  • Only special PH shampoos can be used for such washing, namely: neutral or sulfate-free products.
  • Shampoo should be applied only in the direction of hair growth in such a way as not to lift them up. Otherwise there is a risk that the attachments will fall off.
  • Rinse your head with warm water, but not hot.
  • The consistency of the tool should be as liquid as possible.
  • Flushing preferably under running water, rather than standing.

It is also important to know that conditioners or balms should also be specialized.

  • Home masks better to exclude. As a rule, they often contain quite aggressive components that can destroy capsules.
  • To visit the baths or saunas should purchase a special hat. The same applies to swimming in the sea - it is impossible without a hat, since salt affects the hairs in an extremely negative way.
  • After washing the hair in any case can not use a hair dryer or any other drying devices. The drying process should be as natural as possible.
  • In order to prevent hair getting tangled during a night's sleep, you can braid a pigtail. The main thing is that this hairstyle was as tight as possible.
  • But about too tight styling is best forgotten, using more gentle for fastening options.
  • After three or four months, it is recommended to remove the curls for a while, letting your hair rest.

You can not go to bed with wet or even slightly moisturized hair, as during sleep, natural hair will simply be confused with extensions. To eliminate such consequences is extremely difficult.

What means better?

It is not necessary to learn the names of all known and suitable brands in order to find the right product. Sometimes it is enough to know only an approximate composition and list of prohibited items. A large role is played by the amount of alkalis - the smaller, the better for the hair.

It is best to give preference to those shampoos that have the most neutral composition. The main thing - the absence of silicones, wax and any oils. The remedy itself should be intended for washing normal or greasy hair.

Particular attention should be paid to sulphate-free shampoo, which does not contain preservatives or parabens. You can find out such a means by the amount of foam produced during washing - if it is low, it means that it has a minimum amount of sulfates.

Sulfate-free shampoo is also notable for the fact that it contains no harmful chemical elements that can harm the hair or scalp. But the number of natural and beneficial elements that nourish hair and skin is quite large.

Means for dry and dyed hair, as well as all series "2 in 1" can not be used categorically.

Subtleties of choice

Consider those brands that are suitable for washing extended strands.


Funds from not the most popular brand, but their composition is considered absolutely reliable for hair extensions. In addition, this option can be considered a budget, because the average price is about 220 rubles.


This brand is considered to be more popular and famous than the previous one. Sparing and at the same time rich composition is able to favorably affect not only the extended hair, but also on natural.

Estel shampoo cost about 250 rubles.

Natura Siberica

A great shampoo that is great for sensitive skin and scalp hair. The composition of this drug includes the following components: chamomile, licorice, train and others. It is possible and even necessary to wash hair with this shampoo.

Here the price is already somewhat higher - 350 rubles.


Italian professional brand, produced specifically for those hairs that were subjected to the procedure of extension. Shampoo perfectly nourishes and washes hair.

The price varies from 1000 to 1800 rubles.


Kapous is not only for hair of extended origin, but also for any other types. It has an extremely beneficial effect, saturating and providing the hair with all the necessary substances and components.

Price ranges from 320 to 370 rubles.


Another very expensive brand, but at the same time high quality and reliable. Keune's great advantage is the thermal protection of the product, that is, washing the hair with shampoo doesn’t harm the fixtures, so all the strands remain in perfect order.

The price of the funds is 1,100 rubles.

According to the composition of these shampoos for washing hair extensions, they are absolutely suitable. However, due to the fact that all people have different reactions, not everyone can be suitable for certain hairs. Therefore, to the choice of these funds should be as carefully as possible.

How to wash?

Having selected a suitable shampoo for your hair, you can safely proceed directly to the washing procedure. For this you need to remember a few rules.

  • Before you start washing your hair, you need to gently comb them to prevent tangling.
  • While washing the head it is better not to shower it, as this can also lead to entanglement.
  • It is recommended to dilute the shampoo with a small amount of warm water and beat it into a foam. This solution should be carefully applied from the tips to the roots, and then washed off.

Regularly wash your hair is not worth it. The best mode is washing every two to three days.

Nutritious Mask Recipes

Since conventional masks are not recommended, you should resort to homemade masks. Here are the recipes useful and fairly simple in the preparation of masks.

Using yogurt

As the name implies, to prepare this product, you need to take the minimum fat yogurt in the amount of 100-200 grams. To this product should be added beaten egg and one tablespoon of linseed oil. All this must be gently mixed until a homogeneous mixture, and then applied to the hair from root to tip. Perform the procedure should be only with a brush. It remains to wait about 30-40 minutes, and then rinse thoroughly.

Honey Mask

For the preparation of this tool will need: three teaspoons of honey, yolk, one tablespoon of olive oil. All ingredients should be heated, then mixed. The resulting solution should be applied only to the curls, without touching the hair roots. Keep it for about an hour, then gently rinse.

Castor oil mask

It will take about 40 grams of castor oil, chicken yolk, 2 teaspoons of honey. First you need to mix the yolk with oil of castorca and heat it a little. To the resulting base is added slightly heated honey. All ingredients are mixed to obtain a homogeneous slurry, and then applied with a brush to the hair.

Keep this mask must be at least 40 minutes. Over time, the product is washed off, and the hair itself is dried.

As follows from the article, hair extensions are not only expensive and beautiful pleasure, but also a great responsibility, especially when it comes to washing your hair. It is necessary to approach this issue wisely in order to avoid all negative consequences and complications.

On the care of hair extensions and long hair, see the following video.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


