Hair extension

What is better - tape or capsular capacity?

What is better - tape or capsular capacity?

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  1. Features of the procedure
  2. Differences
  3. What's better
  4. Tips

Probably, every woman from time to time wants a dramatic change in appearance. It is enough to increase the hair. Today, the day there are two main technologies: tape and capsular capacity.

Features of the procedure


Capsule extension technique involves bonding native and artificial hair with a special capsule. Depending on the polymer, which is used in the work, there are several basic techniques of building.

  • Spanish In this case, the capsule is formed by the use of glue.
  • Ultrasound. The keratin capsule is melted using ultrasound.
  • Japanese The capsules are beads and rings.
  • English The capsule is filled with resin.
  • Italian A keratin capsule is used, but it is heated not by ultrasound, but by hot forceps.


    This is a cold extension method, which involves fixing artificial curls to your native hair using thin sticky tape. Tape building is made in several versions.

    • Express technology. Strands of hair are attached with a rather wide ribbon, which significantly reduces the time of the entire procedure.
    • German technology Hair Talk. Use strips with a width of no more than 1 cm. This method of building is less noticeable, and the correction is usually carried out using specialized correction strips.
    • AngeloHair. The technology resembles the previous one, but in this case the fastening itself is carried out using keratin, and the adhesive tape is used for correction.


    Tape and capsular hair extensions suggest an increase in their length. In the case of tape extensions, the whole procedure takes very little time, but the correction has to be done every month. This method is suitable only for owners of medium-length hair, for owners of short it is not suitable.

    There is one caveat - with a tape extension, you will not be able to collect hair in a ponytail or make high hairstyles, and the curls themselves will require special care procedures.

    Capsule extension is a very time-consuming procedure, which takes several hours, while the strands are very neat and the capsules are almost invisible. The undoubted advantage of such an extension is the ability to create absolutely any hairstyle on the hair, and correction is required no more than once per quarter. Capsule capacity is optimal for women with short haircuts.

    Hair care after the procedure does not require any special means, but it should be noted that such procedures are not suitable for owners of thin and weak hair.

    What's better

    To unequivocally answer the common question of what type of building is optimal is not so simple: it all depends on what kind of result you plan to achieve. If you need long curls for a short period of time, it is better to opt for the tape technique: it does not take much time, it is quite cheap. In this case, removal of hair extensions is very quick and easy.

    If you need a gorgeous hairstyle for a long time, then you should give preference to the capsular technique, which makes the transition from artificial strands to relatives almost unnoticeable and allows you to forget about the need for adjustment for a long time.

    These are basic recommendations, but there are a number of nuances that must be considered when choosing a method of extension.

    By hair type

    For short hair, the choice should be made in favor of the capsular technique. The same option is optimal for owners of thick and dense hair. Owners of oily hair is strictly contraindicated capsular technique, because fat tends to destroy keratin, and the effect of the procedure will be very short.

    The tape technique will be the best choice for women with thin weakened hair. Due to the fact that the tape captures a rather large strand, the hair is less injured, and in addition, the probability of tangling of curls is completely excluded, which is always important for thinned hair. For these reasons, tape build-up is optimal for sparse hair due to a gentle bonding technique.

    By price

    If you decide on a radical hair extensions - be prepared to part with a fairly large amount. Both procedures are rather expensive, but tape technologies are a bit cheaper. For example, the average cost in Russia is on capsular capacity - 17 thousand rubles (using 100 strands), and on tape - 12 thousand (price for 40 tapes). The difference is quite significant.

    However, the cost of the procedure is significantly affected by the quality of the materials used, the length and the number of incremental strands.


    Tape buildup involves simple gluing of finished tapes, because the process itself does not need the exceptional professionalism of the master, and in general, the manipulations take no more than 1 hour.

    Capsule technology involves several steps:

    • polymer melting;
    • strand selection;
    • capsule formation.

    Curls should be chosen so that they have the same thickness, you also need to choose the temperature: it must, on the one hand, effectively melt the polymer substance, and on the other - do not harm the hair. The duration of the procedure is usually 3-4 hours and is carried out by an experienced master.

    Both procedures differ in their pros and cons. The advantages of capsular capacity include:

    • the possibility of using technology on the most prominent areas - at the temples, as well as on the back of the head or bangs;
    • the absence of bans on visiting baths and saunas;
    • All care manipulations are allowed, as well as any type of styling (although it is important not to allow direct exposure to the capsules).

    The disadvantage is obvious - it is high cost and duration of work. In addition, the hair tends to tangle, form mats, and they have to be cut from time to time. Therefore, after each correction, the length of the hair decreases.

      The tape method is very fast and completely safe due to the fact that it does not expose either the hair or the head to heat. The locks accrued with this technique are easily removed, and after correction they do not decrease in length. At the same time, the technique imposes rather limited possibilities for creating hairstyles: you should not take your hair upstairs, you can not use a hairdryer, forceps and irons for styling. Any impact is allowed only at the very ends of the locks.


      There are some recommendations that will certainly be useful to all women who wish to increase their hair, regardless of how they decided to do it.

      • Choose only the highest quality material, it is not necessary to save on artificial curls: low-quality products will look unnatural after a couple of sinks.
      • Make corrections in a timely manner: otherwise sections of the joints will be visible, and the strands will become tangled, which does not add to the appeal of your appearance.
      • In the presence of any skin diseases on the head and alopecia, the build-up is not used. As well as manipulations are not recommended for treatment with antibiotics, during the course of hormonal and chemotherapy.
      • Extended hair should not be worn for more than 12 months: native strands should be given periodic rest.
      • Make it a rule to comb your hair after washing, especially if you intend to go to sleep: otherwise, it will be almost unreal to unravel the lump formed during the night.

      See the next video for more on tape and capsule extensions.

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      Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


