Hair extension

Hair extensions on capsules: features, scheme and technology

Hair extensions on capsules: features, scheme and technology

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  1. Features
  2. Kinds
  3. Calculation of materials
  4. How to do?
  5. Tips

Most of the fair sex dream of luxurious long curls, but not everyone is fortunate to have such by nature. However, the modern beauty industry does not stand still and is ready to offer you a variety of ways of building that will allow your hair to look luxurious and at the same time natural. The superimposed strands, as well as the standard types of extension, have been replaced by a new type of this procedure: a capsular increase in the amount of hair. Before you try this method of transformation, you must be familiar with the features of the procedure, its various variations and schemes.


Capsule method of increasing the length of the hair has a number of characteristics distinguishing it from other types of extensions.

  • The basis of the capsular extension, spread from Italy, is the use of special capsules with donor strands that are attached to the hair. At the same time artificial fibers are never used, and as a result the hairstyle gets a natural look.
  • This procedure is designed only for owners of strong on the nature of hair, unwilling to brittleness. Otherwise, the hair condition will deteriorate further after the extension.
  • Negative effects are associated with the feature: a fairly large weight of the strands that will be attached to the hair.
  • Extension with the help of microcapsules can be made only by ladies, whose initial hair length is at least 10 cm.
  • This procedure involves attaching a capsule with artificial hair to the area of ​​the roots of natural strands. With the help of a special device that has similarity with the rectifier, the capsules are soldered with natural hair.

Like all procedures for hair transformation, the addition of capsular strands has its pros and cons. Positive features include:

  • no pain during attachment of capsules;
  • increase in total hair;
  • the duration of the procedure is not very long;
  • the possibility of creating various weaves and hairstyles, impossible on short hair;
  • reasonable price for the procedure;
  • the ability to plan in detail all the nuances of the implementation of capacity.

But before embarking on this method of transformation, it is also worth assessing a number of its shortcomings.

  • You must choose the appropriate hairstyle or haircut, so that the capsules are not visible.
  • Certain types of extension using heat treatment strands adversely affect the structure and overall condition of the hair.
  • Hairstyle requires regular correction, which would entail additional costs.
  • One of the undesirable consequences of capsular increase in the volume of hair may be their loss due to the large weight of artificial strands.
  • Lovers of curly locks are unlikely to approach this type of building, because it implies a ban on the use of various thermal tools to create wavy textures. However, in this case, you can find more gentle ways to create curls.


Such a procedure as an increase in the length of hair with the help of capsules, as a rule, refers to hot hairdressing procedures. This is due to the use of capsule heating technology for their long-lasting fixation. In contrast to the cold version, this method is considered more effective because of the better adherence of donor strands with natural ones.In addition to the standard Italian extension, there is also its micro species. It involves the use of smaller capsules. The advantage of this variation is that the result is obtained as close as possible to the natural look.

This technique is popular not only among the fair sex, but also among men. It helps to preserve the density of hair and hide the traces of the process of baldness.

A separate type of increasing the length of the strands is the English method. It uses capsules made of hot resin. In this case, the fixation of the material is carried out using a special glue gun.

The basis of the Spanish version of the capsular extension uses a special adhesive composition.

Calculation of materials

An important nuance is the planning of how many capsules will be needed for the extension procedure. It is important to remember that the amount of materials is governed by a number of factors:

  • initial length and density of hair;
  • emphasis on length or on creating additional volume;
  • the length by which it is planned to increase the curls.

If you are the owner of chic curly density, then you may need from 150 to 175 strands.

For thick hair, as a rule, the largest amount of material is used.

If your hair has an average density, then 100 grams of hair is enough, which is the equivalent of 100-125 artificial strands. With this amount, both the length and the volume are added. If you just want to add thicknesses, you may need from 50 to 75 strands (depending on your own curls length). For a short haircut, the length of the hair at which is about 20 cm, an increase in thickness is done using 150 pieces of strands. If the emphasis is on increasing only the length, then you may need from 80 to 120 artificial curls.

How to do?

When you have decided on the amount of material necessary for the implementation of the procedure, you can proceed directly to building up. It is done in stages, regardless of whether in the salon or at home you increase hair on the capsules.

  • Choose the most convenient place with good lighting. The client should be placed in a comfortable chair so that the master has the opportunity to approach from different sides and increase the curls as carefully as possible.
  • To perform the procedure, it is necessary to prepare equipment such as strands attached to the capsules, small scissors, tongs, a comb, clips, as well as dividers.
  • The process begins with a thorough combing of natural strands from the top of the head.
  • A scheme that allows capsular building to be carried out correctly involves the division of strands into zones, as well as the attachment of artificial material in a circle, starting from the left side.
  • The upper area of ​​the hair is separated with a clip. Then you need to take the leftmost strand, attach a capsule with hair to it and clamp the capsule with preheated forceps for 10-15 seconds. This time is enough to melt the keratin.
  • After that it is necessary to twist the capsule with your fingers until it is a thin tube. This technique allows you to make the capsules more accurate and invisible in the total hair mass. You can attach strands with special forceps, which must be kept on the capsule for only 4 to 6 seconds.
  • Check that the donor strand is firmly connected with the native.
  • Subsequent build-up takes place layer by layer. This technology suggests that the capsules are attached to the temples last.
  • After completing the procedure, comb the curls with a special comb.


Before starting the procedure, it is recommended to carefully plan your wishes for a future result. This will allow the master to understand how many strands will be needed, and what the overall appearance will be. Usually the options are selected using photos of finished works.

  • After building it is important to observe a number of restrictions so that the result is truly long. First of all, it is worth refusing to visit open water reservoirs, pools, and also baths and saunas.
  • Comb hair should be a special comb, which is designed to care for artificial curls. and also use care products with a sparing chemical composition without caustic impurities or acids.
  • It is not recommended to go to bed with a wet head or to dry curls with a hair dryer. An ideal option for a night is a braid, which will prevent tangling of strands during sleep.
  • To keep the appearance of the strands beautiful for a long time, it is recommended to make periodic correction of artificial curls. However, if you want to remove the capsular hair, it is not recommended to do it yourself: otherwise, you can cause significant damage to your natural hair.
  • Hairdressers are also not advised to use heated hair curlers, curling iron and other devices that heat hair for styling artificial hair strands. Only minimal and accurate use of a rectifier is permissible.

It is also recommended to carefully consider the choice of a specialist, who will be building.

Consider the recommendations of people who have already enjoyed similar services from specific masters, read the reviews. And also pay attention to the willingness of the master to work with the material you purchased. If he agrees to work only with his capsules, it is better to stop the choice at another salon. A good specialist should not insist on using any specific donor curls. Familiarize yourself with the portfolio of the selected hairdresser, and also inquire about the estimated time that will be spent on the procedure. If they refuse to provide you with a portfolio or say that it will take 4 hours or more to build it up, most likely you are an inexperienced person in the field of hair extensions.

Technology capsular hair extensions, see the video below.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


