Hair extension

Features and methods of hair extensions for volume

Features and methods of hair extensions for volume

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  1. Kinds
  2. Scheme
  3. Methods
  4. The choice of method

Women can change the hairstyle, hair length and add curls to the curls - but it is unrealistic to increase the thickness of the hair, it is laid genetically. The number of hair follicles that a person receives at birth remains with him for the rest of his life and can only decrease over time. However, for girls who dream of a luxurious mane, there is an excellent way out - building up for volume.


Increasing the density of the hair with full preservation of the length and type of haircut can be partial or complete. In the first case, the donor strands are zoned. This is done specifically to level the visual lack of volume and to focus on some of the individual elements of hair. In the case of a full build-up, artificial locks are placed evenly on the temporal and inferior occipital zones, but for some hairstyles, anchoring of strands on the upper occipital part of the head can be used.

Regardless of what type of building you choose, acceptable boundaries for attaching artificial strands are set, it is not recommended to go beyond them, otherwise an excess of donor curls will impede styling, and it will look extremely unnatural.


Extension for the volume can be done on absolutely any haircut, of course, except for the "hedgehog". At the same time, the layout of the artificial strands is suitable for all types of hairstyles. For hair of large and medium length, as well as for cutting the bob and bob, the material should be fixed not higher than the temporal and lower occipital areas.

If the extension is made on short hair, then partial attachment of donor strands will not be the best option, because in this case uneven thickness will make the overall look unnatural, for example, an excess of opacity on the temples will visually form a square on the head, however, the lack of volume on The side portions also look pretty ugly. That is why the build-up for the volume of hair length of 6–9 cm strands should be added evenly, and for hair shorter than 5 cm building does not make sense.


It is much easier to add a head of hair to a volume than to increase the strands in length, since in this case it is not necessary to block the face of your own hair with artificial ones. The number of strands that will be needed for the volume extension depends solely on the natural density of the native hair and their length, in addition, on the dimensions of the fixings used. When working with thinned and very sparse hair, it is better to avoid the use of bulky structures for fastening synthetic material, since additional weighting increases the pressure exerted on the bulbs, in addition, it will be very difficult to hide such anchorage, which is why in such a case do not use.

The tape method is also not suitable for weakened hair.

But the capsule technology is considered optimal. This is a fairly universal type of fixation that can be used for hair extensions, both in volume and in length. The method is optimal for a complete change in the volume and thickness of the hair, as well as for the correction of hairstyle and haircut model. For example, if you plan to get rid of the asymmetry on the head or, on the contrary, do it. Capsules are suitable for giving hair multi-colored accents and for the usual increase in pomp.

With capsular capacity, you can adjust the number and size of donor strands.For example, if you want to add volume at the roots, you can increase the number of capsules used by attaching them with a solid strip without a space between them. No less important is the thickness of the capsules themselves. Traditionally they can be in the following sizes:

  • standard - 5x5 mm;
  • mini - 4x4 mm;
  • micro - 3x3 mm.

To donor material looked as natural as possible with native hair, use capsules of several sizes at once, which is quite simply explained. The follicles on the surface of the head are uneven. So, on the temples the number of bulbs is much less than on the crown and in the occipital zone, therefore the natural density on the sides is always less.

To hide the presence of donor strands in these areas, using microcapsular capacity. To increase the hair on the back of your head is better to use standard capsules.

The choice of method

There are several main options for increasing the size of the hair. It is worth considering the most popular.

  • African technology on tress It is considered the most benign, since it does not require the use of either glue, or thermal tongs, or metal clips. According to this method, the hair is attached to the pigtail with a special thread, while you can arrange such a mane as you like - pinning forward or to the side, if you wish, you can make a high horse tail, but the capsules will not be visible. However, this method is applicable only for long and medium hair.
  • It is very easy and quick to change hairstyle and volume, creating a completely new bright image using Brazilian build-up. Immediately make a reservation - this method is also optimal for long, rather dense hair initially. In Russia, the technology has become widespread relatively recently, but almost immediately became the most sought after. This is not surprising, because the Brazilian extension does not require glue, adhesive tape and the use of chemical compounds - here additional hair is simply woven into their own, while the hair looks completely natural, without creating a feeling of heaviness on the head and "foreignness" interweaving.
  • A very interesting expansion option for volume was invented in Japan. This technique involves the fixation of donor strands to your own with the help of small rings, selected in tune with the hair color. This procedure is quite laborious and takes at least 3-4 hours, during which time the master attaches about 200 strands. However, all these expectations are fully justified - the hairstyle remains flawless for 4–5 months, although every 2 months it still requires correction.

Important! All of these techniques are cold. Despite their effectiveness, most women prefer hot build-up.

  • The most popular is Italian. In this case, the overhead strands are fixed on their hair with the help of special keratin capsules by overlaying thermal tongs. Keratin is an absolutely natural material, which is already present in the body of each person, with its lack of stratification of hair occurs, which is expressed in the effect of the split ends. The Italian build-up doesn’t cause any harm.
  • With the Spanish method of building donor strands are fixed on relatives with the help of a special two-component glue, the master softens it with a special activator and creates a capsule with his own hands. It is small and almost invisible, it is not felt when you touch the hair and does not interfere with rest.

It should be noted that drying out, such capsules brighten, so the method of building is optimal for fair-haired women, and brunettes better pay attention to other methods.

  • French build involves the use of microcapsules based on special gel polymer compositions. They are invisible on the hair, do not create a feeling of confusion and do not weigh down the hair.
  • If you do not need additional volume for a long time, for example, you want to make a mane for a wedding, birthday or other festive event, you can use hair extensions on hairpins. Usually they are fastened to their native strands, and this procedure lasts only a short time, and you can get rid of donor hair on your own without going to a hairdressing salon.

To learn how to make a build-up with pressure, see the following video.

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