Hair extension

Features and technology tressovogo hair extensions

Features and technology tressovogo hair extensions

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  1. Characteristic
  2. Kinds
  3. Care rules
  4. Advantages and disadvantages

Beautiful and thick hair cause admiration. And many girls want to have just such. This is not always possible for various reasons. But you can fulfill your desire to have long, smooth and well-groomed strands. This is where modern technology comes to the rescue. In recent years, popular hair extension on tresses. Features and technology tressovyh hair extensions well-known masters of their craft. But the client is also useful to know what the procedure is before deciding on it.


Tress extension is used when a certain length is needed or you want to thicken the hair. Hair extensions on tresses can be carried out using natural or artificial material. The width of the strands varies depending on where they will be fixed. The narrower fasten at the sides, wide at the back of the head. You can increase the hair for a short and long time. In the first case, use such a method as fastening strands on hairpins. In the second case - with sewing polymer tape to natural hair.

When choosing the extension procedure, it is better to use natural material, these strands look more natural and harmonious against the background of your own hair, making it easier to care for.

Hair vary in type. The so-called European and Asian are considered harsh and more careful care is recommended for them, but Slavic soft and light ones are suitable for many and are in high demand. Accordingly, their cost is higher than other types.

Artificial curls will be much cheaper. Their length can be absolutely any, unlike natural ones, the same can be said about color, but they also need to be care less natural. This option is suitable, most likely, in those cases that do not involve long-term use. For example, for some festive evening or a responsible event.


Tress build-up can be removable and non-removable. Moreover, the first method can be implemented even at home without the help of a master. On the hairpins strands are easily attached to the hair and are also easily removed. Of course, it’s impossible to carry out the procedure yourself. An assistant is still needed, but he does not need to have any experience in this area.

When applying the second method without a professional can not do. It requires proper separation of the hair in order to accurately secure the tape. In those places where tress will be fixed, braids are woven. A strand is attached to each pigtail with a special thread. Due to a snug fit to the head, it is possible to achieve a close-knit hair volume. This method has received the name of the African American.

The French buildup on technique is reminiscent of what is done with the help of tresses. But the difference is that ordinary pigtails replace brades. So called very tight pigtails that fit snugly to the surface of the head. They can weave semicircles and diagonally. It all depends on the effect that needs to be achieved - to make the hair thicker, larger or longer. Brazilian performance is different in that the artificial strands are woven straight into your own hair.

This can only be done by the master, since he determines the amount of material that will be ideal for the strands to look natural and hold out for as long as possible.

Care rules

Ideally, with hair extensions, it would be good to go to a hairdresser, where they can provide complete care. But if there is no such possibility, it can be done independently. If artificial strands were used, dyeing them is not recommended.

Natural curls can be dyed and laid, use a hairdryer and ironing, but within reason. You can lead a normal life and do what you like, go to the pool, sauna, fitness club.

Long hair allows you to experiment and make different hairstyles. But treat your hair carefully, comb gently, do not pull, do not overdry. Even if it is carelessly tugging, nothing terrible will happen, it can only weaken the strand, but native hair will not suffer. As a last resort, if there is such a need, the tresses can be removed, you will, of course, have to work hard and use the assistant. It is necessary to care for hair, as well as for your own, to wash with good shampoos, use balms, masks, serums. If you have to go out when a strong wind blows, you should collect the hair in a bun or braid it so that it does not get too confused.

Advantages and disadvantages

The undoubted advantages of the procedure include the following factors.

  • Building on tresses is considered environmentally friendly. The fact is that the harmful effects on the scalp is absent. No chemical or heat treatment is applied. The cost of this procedure is lower than the same capsular capacity. In addition, time is spent much less. At most, the whole event will take about 2 hours, while other types of extensions can last up to 6 hours.
  • You can wear them for a long time, and the correction should not be done so often, it all depends on how fast the hair grows. When hair grows more than 2 centimeters, the pigtail becomes not so tight, and the tape does not hold so well. Therefore, you need to twist the braid and fasten the tape again.
  • No inconvenience strands do not deliver. Only on the first day can there be a feeling of slight tension, but it will quickly pass.
  • By doing this procedure, there is a chance to improve not only long hair, but also diversify short. You can dilute the hair with multi-colored locks or just another shade that is different from your own.

There are negative points, even though they are few. High hairstyles and the same tails will have to be avoided, since there is a risk that tress may be noticeable. Combing takes more time and should be more thorough and neat. It is necessary to comb each strand separately, and first its own, then accrued. Some are bothered by tight braided pigtails, but this is not for everyone, usually the discomfort disappears on the second or third day after the procedure.

Hair need to give rest, you can not always walk with the accumulated. During the breaks, your relatives should be heavily nourished, and reinforcing procedures should be carried out.

Not every girl can approach this type of procedure. If there are problems with the scalp, hypersensitivity, then, most likely, tressy will cause discomfort and only aggravate the situation.

    Too short hair is also not suitable, the length of the hair should reach at least shoulders. The longer your own curls, the better. As for medical contraindications, they include high blood pressure. In other cases, beautiful long hair will bring only positive emotions.

    How to make a Hollywood (tressovoe) hair extensions, see the video below.

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    Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


