Hair extension

Is hair extension harmful?

Is hair extension harmful?

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  1. Features of the procedure
  2. Possible harm
  3. Is it possible to increase hair often?
  4. Tips and tricks

With the help of modern methods, you can change the length of hair in a matter of hours. However, the extension procedure has not only advantages, but also disadvantages. We will talk about whether hair extension is harmful.

Features of the procedure

Before performing any procedure, it is recommended to evaluate its potential health benefits and harm. Of course, by building you can quickly lengthen the hair. However, this procedure is not absolutely safe. Some women from her should be completely abandoned.

Lengthening of hairs occurs through the use of pre-selected beams and adhesive backing or special fastening structures. One of the methods is that the hair bundles are attached to the "native" by means of special capsules containing in its composition resin. This method of building specialists is often called thermal or capsular. In order for the “sticking” of the harvested bundles of hair to its own, the use of special equipment is required. This is necessary so that the resin-based adhesive becomes sticky.

Capsule method
Tape method

Capsules are heated with special forceps. In order to activate the substance contained in the capsules, a very high temperature is required - approximately 200-210 degrees. Of course, such an effect on the hair does not bring them any benefit. Moreover, the risk of thermal damage to hair shafts increases significantly.

There are alternative methods of building. They are also called "cold." Their use does not use a thermal method. At the same time attached hairs are attached to their own using special designs. Many women note that they like this method less, because the hair doesn’t look as beautiful and natural as when it is made using capsules. However, this procedure harms the hair significantly less.

Possible harm

Unfortunately, quite often after hair extensions undesirable consequences appear. An unsuccessful procedure may in some cases even cause excessive hair loss. And they can fall out for many months. Some women note that they only managed to restore their hair after a failed procedure in a few years.

Trichologists note that Any build-up (even carried out by a sparing technology) is a kind of stress. The hairs that are used for attachment have a certain mass. Attaching such hairs to one’s hair contributes to the fact that the hair follicles begin to “experience” a large load.

If a woman has pathological changes in the functioning of the hair follicles, then the buildup can cause severe hair loss.

Another negative consequence of hair extensions may be the appearance of split ends. Of course, the ends of the hair can be cut even in healthy people, however, after building the section becomes pathological. With this problem, the hair begins to look untidy. The frequent hairstyle of the excised tips contributes, as a rule, to the fact that it becomes rather difficult to grow long hair afterwards.

For hair extensions require special care. Careless attitude to the hair can lead to the fact that the hair will look careless.It can also contribute to the adverse effects such as excessive dryness of the scalp. Improper brushing can damage the hair shafts. This, in turn, leads to the appearance of a strong section of the tips of the hair, as well as active loss.

The origin of the hair used for extension may be different. Natural hairs are most often used for lengthening. Such biological material, although it is subjected to special treatment, can still cause the development of allergy. This should be remembered for women suffering from allergies. For the extension can be used not only natural hair, but also synthetic material. It is worth noting that its use can also lead to allergies.

Hair used for extension, "pass" a special treatment with chemical components. The use of low-quality products in the future may cause the appearance of allergic pathologies. At the same time, adverse allergy symptoms may appear after a couple of days of “wearing” such “donor material”. It should be noted that if after building up allergic manifestations appear, the hair should be removed immediately. The use of antiallergic drugs without removing such extended curls is not effective.

It should be noted that not all women have an allergy to hair extensions. The quality of the raw materials used is very important. It is no coincidence that specialists in carrying out this procedure do not recommend their customers to buy too cheap hair.

Masters say that before buying you should definitely find out about the origin of hair. If possible, you should also find out what chemicals they have been treated with.

Women suffering from allergic pathologies, before carrying out building should still consult with an allergist. The doctor will help determine whether it is possible without harm to health to resort to such a procedure. Extension is a procedure that must be carried out by a qualified specialist. You need to choose a master quite responsibly. Hair extension from an unqualified specialist can lead to the fact that after the procedure there will be many negative consequences.

Trusting reviews online is reckless. Specialists in the care of curls note that A real feedback from a friend or colleague is better than an anonymous one on the web. Before resorting to this procedure, you should be sure to familiarize yourself with the contraindications to its implementation. Some unscrupulous masters of hair extensions lengthen hair, even with such restrictions. It is important to remember that holding a build-up in a woman who has contraindications to it can cause adverse symptoms. In some cases, this procedure can even harm health.

Doctors do not recommend building up during the acute period of infectious diseases. At this time, the body actively fights against the pathogenic microbes that have fallen into it. Building - a kind of stress for the body. During infectious pathologies in order to recover faster, you should avoid any stressful effects. It is better to postpone this procedure until after recovery. Also, do not lengthen the hair when:

  • taking antibiotics;
  • chemotherapy;
  • recent cancellation of hormonal drugs;
  • exacerbation of skin diseases of the scalp.

Is it possible to increase hair often?

Hair extension is a procedure that certainly does not benefit the body. It does not hold for hair care. Moreover, after building up (especially frequent) often adverse effects occur.Scalp care specialists do not recommend resorting to this procedure too often. In order for the hairs to recover after the build-up, they need several months. At this time, more careful care is required for the scalp.

During recovery, it is recommended to use special reducing agents. They will help to significantly accelerate the regeneration.

Tips and tricks

Hair extensions require special care. If we ignore the recommendations for their care, it is possible to significantly reduce the period of wearing such hairs. Experts recommend combing them before washing your hair. All tangled areas must be unraveled. This will further help to avoid problems with excessive hair loss. Comb for the care of the scalp should be special. It is better that its tips are rounded. You should avoid combing with sharp edges, as they can harm not only extended, but also their hairs.

For washing hair extensions is better to use. sparing means. Flush hair should be Caution. Special care should be taken when washing the hairs with the capsule method. It is important to remember that nourishing and moisturizing masks should be used in a special way. These products must not be applied directly onto the capsules themselves.

Thermal tools should also be used with caution. So, when treating hair with a “flat iron” or electric pliers, the capsule zone should be avoided. This will avoid data corruption “fasteners”. When pulling hair, it is better to retreat from the zone of attachment of hairs extended more than a couple of centimeters.

In the next video, the master will talk about capsular hair extensions.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


