Hair lightening

How to make a wash for hair at home?

How to make a wash for hair at home?

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  1. Features
  2. Kinds
  3. Performance technique
  4. Nuances of washing different hair colors
  5. Recommendations

When dyeing hair in women, a situation often arises when the desired shade of color turned out to be different from the one that was dreamed of. In order not to injure the newly dyed hair with a chemical remover, you can adjust the color of the strands using folk remedies, and this is quite realistic at home.

Of course, you need to understand that radical changes in this way are unlikely to be achieved, but to soften the intensity of the color is a quite doable task.


Hair remover do in order to return the original color after unsuccessful hair dyeing, change the tone of tone or remove the accumulation of color pigment on the hair with frequent dyeing in the same color.

For washing used chemicals or folk remedies. The result will largely depend on the structural structure of the hair, the color of the coloring, the quality of the dye, the color of its natural strands and, of course, the washing technique. If you want to wash off the dye of light shades, then you can do with a surface wash, and if you have to make a brighter dark gamut of dyes, you will have to use professional preparations.

Experts in the field of coloring recommend starting to wash off a failed shade of paint using natural remedies postponing the use of aggressive professional drugs for later. Treatments with natural ingredients can be performed without harm to the hair as often as is required to achieve the desired result.

    It is possible that after carrying out several procedures you will be satisfied with the resulting effect and stop there.

    If you use drugs at home chemical wash, then the hair may suffer.

    • Chemical components: hydrogen peroxide, ammonia, or acidic substances that can touch the scalp and cause epidermis burns, which will cause dandruff on the head.
    • Chemical components with long-term contact with the hair follicles of the hair shaft can destroy them, and over time you will notice that your strands have noticeably thinned due to the fact that your hair began to fall out actively.
    • Under the influence of preparations for washing the strands often become overdried and brittle. This is due to the fact that the structure of the hair shaft is disturbed. Unfortunately, this side effect when washing is always an inevitable and natural phenomenon.

    The harm from the washing procedure can be minimized if you consider the type of your hair, and with this in mind, select the appropriate products.. For example, for oily hair, you can use any kind of products - from chemical to natural, as the sebum reliably protects the hair structure and scalp from aggressive effects.

    If you have thin, porous and naturally weak hair, it is better not to use chemical preparations as a wash, but to replace them with natural products. After washing, hair of any type and structure requires very thorough restorative care, which will consist in applying masks, moisturizing agents, nourishing oils.


    The essence of decapsing, that is, washing the dye with the strands, is that coloring pigments are removed from the porous structure of the hair shaft. The main task in this case is the maximum possible return to the hair color, which was before the moment of their coloring.

    The wash can be superficial, deep and natural, the difference between them is as follows.

    Surface decapsing

    Coloring pigments are removed only from the surface layers of the hair shaft, while its inner layers are not affected. This gentle wash will help to change the shade of the strands to a lighter one, but only by 1-2 tones. The active ingredients are only acidic components, without the use of ammonia and hydrogen peroxide.


    This is a professional paint remover for any color using chemical preparations containing ammonia or hydrogen peroxide. These components penetrate deep into the hair shaft and radically remove dye pigments. Deep decoupling consists in the fact that under the action of the drug the coloring pigment molecule is compressed to very small sizes or is completely destroyed, which facilitates its leaching from the scales of the hair.

    This procedure must be performed professional master as with the wrong use of chemicals you can very dry out and injure your hair. Immediately after staining, the washing cannot be done, you will have to wait at least two weeks, and only then proceed to the procedure.

    But often it is also not recommended to do decapsing with chemical preparations because of the danger of ruining the hair, and even losing it.


    It can be performed using folk remedies, independently at home. Natural wash - harmless, you can use it quite often, and literally the next day, after dyeing the hair. Radical effect, as from the use of chemicals, natural remover does not, the hair will be lighter than 1-2 tones, nothing more.

    Means for decapitation are used when washing permanent paints, it should be noted that it is not recommended to use them after dyeing hair with basma or henna, as the result can be unpredictable.

    Performance technique

    If you are going to wash your hair yourself at home, then no matter what ingredients you will use for this procedure, The execution technique will look like this.

    1. Before you apply the composition to the hair, you need to do an allergy test, for this, one drop of the product is applied to the wrist area and the skin’s response is monitored for an hour. If redness and skin rash does not appear, it means that the tool can be used.
    2. Means for washing should be applied to dry strands, while before the procedure, washing the head is not required.
    3. During the procedure it is best to use filtered or softened boiling water.
    4. Liquid mixtures are recommended to be applied to the hair with a sponge, and thick - with a brush.
    5. To make the mixture work more efficiently, after applying the composition, you need to put on a polyethylene cap, and wrap the head on top with a towel.
    6. After the procedure, the hair is best allowed to dry naturally without the use of a hot blow dryer.
    7. Washing with natural ingredients can be done no more than twice within 7 days.
    8. Red and black dyes are washed away the longest, so the procedure will have to be repeated several times.
    9. Rinse the hair after the procedure is best shampoo deep cleansing to clean water, and after the procedure, the hair should be applied moisturizer.

    If you decide to choose a detergent from natural ingredients, but at the same time your hair is weakened and overdried, then try to avoid using products such as lemon juice, hydrogen peroxide, baking soda, mustard. These funds can be replaced with kefir, oils, honey.

    Using professional cleaners, remember that their use is possible only 2 weeks after staining. To keep the drug on the hair longer than indicated in the instructions, it is impractical - the effect will not increase, and you cause significant damage to hair. If one washing session was not enough, then the repeated procedure can be performed only after 2 or even 3 months.

    Nuances of washing different hair colors

    In the process of decapitation, pigments of different colors are washed out in different ways. Black and red shades are considered the most difficult to wash, as the composition of paints contains combinations of red, green and yellow pigments. The darker and richer the color, the harder it is to get out of it in a lighter tone..

    Practically all universal permanent colors are designed so that they can be used by people with gray hair, and, therefore, their composition will contain a very large amount of pigments. Professional dyes are more selective - they are divided into ordinary dyes and dyes for gray hair.

    Wash off universal paint and paint for gray hair will be more difficult than a professional dye for ordinary hair.

    Let's take a closer look at the nuances and ways of washing the paint of the most complex shades.


    To remove black hair from the hair strands, you will need to perform a bleaching procedure using preparations based on ammonia or hydrogen peroxide. After that, an orange pigment will remain on the hair, which will also require further radical measures of washing.

    Reviews of colorists show that you are unlikely to succeed in achieving full-rate decamping at home - better than chemicals, nothing else can cope with this task.

    A little to soften the black tone can be using the washes with baking soda or ascorbic acid.

    • Recipe with baking soda. In 1 cup of warm boiled water you need to dissolve 100 grams of baking soda. Soak dry hair strands from the root zone to the tips with the resulting solution. To maintain the composition on the head for 20-30 minutes, then rinse the head thoroughly with deep cleaning shampoo and apply a moisturizer. You can repeat the procedure the required number of times, but you need to monitor the condition of the scalp - soda can overdry the epidermis.

    Therefore, at the first sign of dandruff, procedures should be stopped. When the fat balance of the skin is restored, the wash procedure can be repeated.

    • Recipe with ascorbic acid. For 300 milliliters of warm water, you need to take 20 tablets of ascorbic acid and dissolve them in water. The resulting liquid should be moistened with dry hair strands along the entire length. After 3-5 minutes, the hair should be washed with water and shampoo. Such washes will need to be done at least 3 times. Ascorbic acid can be replaced with acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin), the method of preparation and use of the tool will be the same.
    • Coca-Cola Remover. The procedure is performed only on clean and dry hair. You will need to buy 1.5-2 liters of drink, with which you will wet your hair along the entire length, pouring small portions on it from the bucket, and making at the same time massaging movements. The exposure time is 10-15 minutes, after which the head is washed with shampoo and moisturizing preparations are applied. This type of wash can be done 2-3 days in a row, but before the procedure, be sure to take an allergy test.
    • Washing with vegetable oils. Any vegetable oil will be suitable for the procedure: olive, sunflower, burdock, almond, coconut, flaxseed, you can also use castor oil. To a glass of warm oil add a tablespoon of brandy, mix everything thoroughly and apply it on strands from crown to tip. Then the hair is covered with plastic wrap and wrapped with a towel. The mixture is kept on the head for at least 1-2 hours, and then washed off with deep cleaning shampoo.

    It is believed that the oil on the strands can hold any amount of time, and the longer it is - the better will be the result not only of the wash itself, but also of the caring effect on the hair structure. It is best to leave the oil on the strands all night and only in the morning to wash it off.


    A reddish or coppery tint on the hair may appear as a result of an improperly selected dye tone, or after washing the dyes of dark tones: black, chocolate, dark chestnut and others like them. You can remove a bright reddish hair by using simple folk recipes.

    • Kefir remover. This fermented milk product can be applied to the strands as an independent means or follow the recipe: Mix 1 liter of kefir with half a cup of any vegetable oil, and then apply the composition to the hair and cover them first with polyethylene and then with a towel. After 30-40 minutes, rinse hair with deep cleaning shampoo and dry naturally. This mask can be done almost every day. The wash is able to lighten at one time for half a tone or even for 1 tone.
    • Laundry soap. This means is very thickly washed with strands, covered with polyethylene, and after 30-40 minutes thoroughly washed hair. After the procedure, you will need to apply a nourishing mask on the hair. Make washing with household soap can be no more than three times a week, so as not to overdry the scalp.
    • White clay remover. White clay is brewed with warm water to the consistency of thick cream, then vegetable oil and honey are added in volumes equal to the volume of clay, and then the yolk of 1 egg is injected into the resulting mass. The whole composition is well mixed and applied to dry hair strands. Mask hold on the hair for 40-50 minutes and wash off with slightly warm water.
    • Recipe with mayonnaise. To wash, choose mayonnaise with 72% fat, to enhance the effect you can add lemon juice to it. The composition can be applied even to contaminated hair without prior washing. The exposure time should be at least two hours, but this mask gave the best results when it was left on the head all night and in the morning washed with strands of deep cleaning shampoo. After this shampoo, it is necessary to apply nourishing or moisturizing products to the hair.


    In order to achieve pure shades of blond, you must remove the yellow pigment from the hair shaft. This can be done not only by tinting tint means, but also with the help of natural techniques.

    • Recipe with lemon. For a glass of warm boiled water, you need to squeeze the juice of one large lemon and moisten the hair along its entire length with this liquid. The composition can be kept on the hair up to 1 hour, and then the head should be washed with water. Such a wash returns hair natural, light brown shades.
    • Mask with lemon and honey. If you mix in equal proportions the juice of fresh lemon and honey, and then apply the resulting composition to your hair, then, in addition to lightening the strands, you will improve their overall condition - the curls will become soft and supple. The composition is kept on the head under plastic wrap for an hour, then rinsed with water.
    • Chamomile decoction. Per liter of boiling water, take 100 grams of dry chamomile and infuse for an hour, filter the ready broth, add 2 teaspoons of the usual 3% hydrogen peroxide and rinse the hair after washing. Regular use of this rinse gives excellent results - the hair has a golden hue, soft to the touch, crumbly.

    The use of natural ingredients allows you to treat your hair sparingly, however, to achieve the visible effect of the procedure will have to be repeated many times.


    In order to properly do decaping at home, it is necessary to follow the instructions clearly, if it is a chemical or acid remover, and observe the exposure time of the compositions on the hair if you use natural ingredients.In the process of preparing working compositions do not use metal utensils, and also do not use metal combs - the metal enters into a chemical reaction with the components of the wash, and the results may be unexpected.

    It is necessary to understand that restoring your natural hair color after lasting dyeing is a difficult and difficult task. A whole series of washing procedures will be required, especially in the case when it is necessary to remove the pigments of dark and red dyes.

    It is possible to use products containing aggressive acids, alkali, ammonia, hydrogen peroxide, no more than once every two months. All these components dry out not only the hair, but also the scalp, so after such washes it is necessary to make nourishing masks with oils and moisturizing ingredients so that your hair does not dull and does not break off.

    Deep decoupling is best done by an experienced master who can accurately measure the necessary ingredients and evenly apply them to your hair. If you begin to make such a wash yourself, then there is a large share of the likelihood that the straightening will be spotted, and it will be very difficult to correct this situation in the future.

    The process of decoupling is always stress for the hair, especially if they are weakened and damaged. Removing the pigment from the hair shaft makes it empty and fragile, and this void needs to be filled with something. In addition, in the process of using the wash, especially the professional one, your natural shade also becomes discolored, therefore, after the procedure, the hair will have to be tinted or subjected to staining with permanent dyes.

    Before dyeing, you need to wait 2-4 weeks, this time will be enough for the hair and scalp to restore its water-fat balance. Experienced colorists in the process of dyeing hair weakened by repeated washes add special oils to the paint that prevent the hair shaft from drying out and additionally nourish it.

    How to make a wash for hair at home, see the following video.

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    Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


