How many years Caucasian Shepherd Dogs live and what does it depend on?

The life span of the Caucasian Shepherd Dog mostly depends on the conditions of the animal. How exactly the owner cares for his pet affects his character and state of health. Consider this issue in more detail in our article.
How many years live?
The lifetime of the Caucasian Shepherd Dog is due to many factors. This indicator is influenced in the first place by the conditions of detention. Also very important are the diseases that the animal suffered at a young age, and hereditary pathologies.
Caucasian Shepherd Dogs live on average up to 11 years. With good care and other factors, this figure may increase to 15 years.
The life of boys and girls
The average life expectancy of Caucasians is from 9 to 12 years. Gender of the animal in this case does not play a significant role. However, some girls over time, there are violations of the reproductive system, which has a negative impact on their health.
Dogs can also have problems with the genitourinary system, which also reduces the life expectancy of the dog.
At home
If you decide to keep a Caucasian Shepherd at home, you need to think about this project, its advantages and disadvantages. When the apartment is too hot, a large animal with a long coat will feel uncomfortable. In addition, it requires a fairly large area. If conditions allow, it is better to settle the dog in a room with a lower temperature. Also required active walking
It is best to keep Caucasians owners of private estates with their own territory.
The best option is to have a free exit to the site. In this case, the dog is able to live quite a long time - 11-13 years.
On the street
The hair of the Caucasian Shepherd Dog is quite thick and dense. This allows you to keep them outside. If you prepare an open-air cage in which a warm room for sleeping will be installed, the animal will feel very good. However, the option is suitable for those pets that are young, strong and have good health. Sick dog requires more serious care, respectively, the ingress of dirt and moisture in the home should be excluded as much as possible.
It must be borne in mind that Older dogs need more benign conditions; they may need medical attention, as there is a risk of age-related diseases. At the same time, the street climate can be quite severe, and will adversely affect life expectancy. In such conditions, Caucasians live on average up to 11 years.
On the chain
Experts recommend to take into account that the content on the chain - not the best option for the owners of Caucasian Shepherd Dogs. The animal is very clever, but such conditions produce aggression, which in combination with impressive dimensions can be a problem. However, the dog becomes defenseless, and protection of the territory is impossible.
Such content has a negative impact on the quality of life. Accordingly, its duration is reduced. Moreover, significantly reduced, on average, Caucasian Shepherd Dogs, constantly on the chain, can stretch up to 7 years.
How to determine the age?
To determine the approximate age of the Caucasian Shepherd is not so difficult. For this you need to evaluate her teeth, eyes and coat color. Consider this point in more detail.
At the age of 2.5 years, the Caucasian's teeth turn a little yellow, and the middle incisors at the bottom start to wear off. By 3 years, the upper hooks are erased, and at the age of four - the middle incisors on the upper jaw. In 5 years the fangs become dull, in 6 the formation of tartar is accelerated, the teeth themselves turn yellow more actively. In old age, teeth may fall out.
As for wool, over time, it coarsens and shines less. Gray hair appears, starting with the muzzle, at the age of 6-7 years, gradually becoming more extensive. A seven-year-old dog has visually more deep-set eyes, which may become slightly cloudy. Pupils are slightly dilated.
In the event of such changes, you should start to more closely observe the pet, to take care of the most appropriate diet. In some cases, it is necessary to provide sparing conditions of detention.
The main causes of premature death
Among the main causes of premature death, you can specify factors such as heredity, past diseases, injuries. Hereditary pathology can significantly reduce the life of the pet. As for infections, they have a detrimental effect on the body, even if they were transferred at an early age. For example, hepatitis is quite easily tolerated by a dog in his youth, however, in old age, the affected liver will make itself felt.
Chronic illnesses are also dangerous. And at a young age, they flow much easier. The body of an elderly animal more difficult to cope with the aggravated ailment. Accidents most often occur through fault or oversight of dog owners. For example, a Caucasian can run outside the territory of a plot and get hit by a car or get poisoned by stale food. There is only one solution to the problem - more closely monitor your pet and prevent its penetration into potentially dangerous places.
How to extend the existence?
Extending the life of a dog entirely depends on the owner. Caucasian Shepherd needs a properly chosen diet, timely vaccination, an active lifestyle. We must not forget about the education and training, it can significantly reduce the number of problems associated with the dog in adolescence and adulthood.
Do not ignore the issues of breeding. If it is not planned, do not allow the animal to mating. You should also not knit the bough too often, as pregnancy and childbirth deplete the dog's body. The boys do not need this process because after the first mating, it will feel uncomfortable during the heat of the girls, may run away from home and break the chain.
Regular visit to the veterinary clinic is required when the Caucasian reaches the age of 6 years. This will help prevent the development of serious diseases, recognize pathologies in time and monitor the general health of the animal.
Proper nutrition
The correct diet has a significant effect on the life of the dog. Dogs are quite large, so nutrition affects the condition of their bones and muscles, problems with which lead to arthritis and arthrosis with age.
For the Caucasian Shepherd Dog developed special food for large dogs. You can cook food yourself. From meat products should be abandoned light, udder and kidney. Porridge on water or lean broth is excellent for the gastrointestinal tract. Besides, the dog will need greens, vegetables and dairy products.
If allergies occur, you should give preference to diet foods.
Quality content and care
Experts strongly do not recommend keeping Caucasians on a chain. Most comfortable they will be in the aviary or on the territory of a private plot. It is necessary to take care of the booth, which will save both from the cold and the sweltering heat. Twice a week Caucasian Shepherd need to comb. During the molting procedure is required daily.
Animals that participate in exhibitions will need grooming.
Wash dogs of this breed should be 2-3 times a year. It is best to use special detergents. Twice a month, the animal needs to brush its teeth. Eyes and ears are rubbed as needed. You will also need to trim the claws if the dog does not erase them on hard surfaces.
More information about Caucasian Shepherd Dogs is waiting for you in the video below.