Gifts for children

What to give to the christening girl?

What to give to the christening girl?

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  1. Selection features
  2. Main gift list
  3. What icon to give?
  4. What can you do with your own hands?

One of the most important questions that confront relatives and guests on the eve of the rite of baptism is that it is best to present the newborn baby to the christening, since such presents will play the role of powerful amulets for the little princess.

Selection features

To organize the baptism of a little man, and to christen a baby is best up to a year, his parents should pick up the godfather and mother.

This is a great honor and responsibility, as these people are considered spiritual guides of children along their life path. Together with the parents of the baby, the godparents should help educate her in full compliance with certain religious rules from a very early age, help her in everything, in certain cases - even financially support her godchild. In other words, this is one of the closest people for a girl after mom and dad.

On the day of the baptismal ceremony of the baby, the godparents traditionally present various surprises, which can have both religious themes and can be completely ordinary.

In addition to the most important people on this day, gifts to the newly-minted Christian woman are given by other relatives, first of all, by grandparents as representatives of the most experienced generation.

It is worth giving something really useful for the baptized baby, at the same time, it is better to know in advance from relatives what children’s things they need today. Thus, you can avoid the possibility of presenting the same type of gifts purchased by different guests.

The main gift presented by the godfather is a crossbecause he will personify faith and be a talisman for any believer. If you buy a cross for an infant baby, make sure that it is completely safe - the product should not be too large, it is better that it does not have sharp edges, so choose a thing with rounded edges that will not scratch the delicate skin of the child.

Children's cross is best to sanctify first. This thing can be gold or gilded, silver, and even can be made of copper or wood, it is hung on the neck of a baby on a short chain or on a strong beautiful cord.

From her godmother, the baby often receives a kryzhma as a gift, and with it also beautiful clothes for baptism. This kind of kits can be found in church shops, and in ordinary departments for children. Kryzhma is used only once - immediately after the implementation of the rite of baptism. Together with the beautiful clothes for the baby, you can buy a beautiful diaper that will be decorated with religious symbols, the godmother can take the baby from her father’s hands after bathing in the bath.

Guests can present their presents to a newly baptized girl. Let us see what can be bestowed on a baby up to a year on her own christening. It will directly depend on who exactly presents a gift.

Traditionally, the most respectable members of the family - grandmothers and grandfathers - are the first granddaughter to congratulate, their surprises may be the most original, especially those created with their own hands will be interesting:

  • beautiful casket or basket made of wood or bark, where you can prudently put tasty candy;
  • souvenir figurines made of plaster in the form of different angels;
  • home-made furniture - a neat children's chair, a beautiful shelf for books;
  • clothes for girls or unusual cross-stitch or satin stitch pattern in a stylized frame.

And also memorable things for the baby can become and small souvenirs having a pronounced Orthodox theme - statues from various materials that depict saints, small-sized icons or medallions with the faces of the Virgin or Lord, unusual church candles and the like.

On the christening of a newborn from parents can get as a gift An interesting set of children's silver or nickel-silver tableware: spoon, fork, calyx, saucer. Many believe that these 2 metals have the ability to attract goodness and well-being to a home, and are able to protect a baby from evil eye or damage. In addition, we all know that silver has bactericidal properties - it is preferable to use such cutlery at such an early age.

You can leave on this item the beautifully engraved name of the baby and the date of her baptism - for a long memory.

A very valuable gift can be small in size. precious metal earrings. They will be the very first decoration in the life of a newly baptized baby, so she will remember them for a long time.

However, it is not necessary to buy something directly related to the past baptismal rite. The aunt and uncle can purchase beautiful lingerie for the baby’s crib, the cot itself or a fashionable stroller, a colorfully decorated playpen, a soft toy. Parents of the girl will obviously be happy about the elegant dress or suit for the future fashionista.

If material opportunities allow, you can choose as a gift items of children's furniture, a house for dolls or a bicycle.

Friends of the family and ordinary guests can present a silver bell, an original rattle, which can be kept in the family for many years as a relic, or will be able to please the baby and her relatives with such practical gifts as:

  • holiday cake or cake;
  • family professional photo session;
  • a set of stylized photo frames;
  • various toys safe for babies;
  • set of quality towels.

In this case, gifts should be chosen from the heart and presented to the baby with sincere love!

Main gift list

There are no specific strict rules for the selection of gifts for children's baptisms. The main thing is that when you choose a surprise for a small child on an important day for his baptism, you should put all your lightest feelings into this gift. The gift itself should be both memorable and possibly useful.

Here are some surprises for newly baptized children:

  • fit any toys for the baby - children's books from safe materials, soft large cubes, bright musical mobil for the crib, mats for development;
  • children's vehicles - wheelchairs or rocking chairs;
  • comfortable undershirts, slidersfestive clothing sets;
  • bath for bathing, changing table or dresser;
  • playpen, which develops in the form of a bed or a screen;
  • mattress for the bed;
  • stroller for walkinghaving a rain coat and an insect net.

But there may be creative gifts. Consider some of them.


From such a little thing a child clearly can not refuse, even being at the age of a teenager. Teenagers are interested in various mysterious objects. And in this respect, amulet is perfect as a charm, because it is a small bag, which is often decorated with a picture of an icon, or a cross is painted on it. This bag is usually worn around the neck.

It is here that put a small piece of incense. But a teenager can wear other precious things for himself in this bag. Since an amulet is considered a body object that is usually not shown on display, you can wear those things that are especially dear to the heart. And if a teenager is a true believer, then he will find a suitable use for this bag.

Silver spoon

A spoon made of silver is often presented “at the first tooth”, but there is an exception, such as an unusual surprise for the baby's christening.Such a subject has a special role - it is needed for the participle. And although in the temple, the little girl will give Cahors not with a separate spoon, yet such an item will be useful at home. Baby can be given to drink with such a spoon consecrated water, as well as take medicine.

Album for memorable photos

This kind of gift is very useful. In this album, mom and dad can start collecting the first photos of their baby, then to look at them and remember the most important years of her life.

Ideas for other gifts.

  • You can always choose a gift that will be extremely useful in everyday life. You can buy a small yogurt maker, a special device for sterilizing bottles or small household appliances.
  • A wonderful children's bible will be a wonderful gift for a little girl. The child will gradually learn the basics of such a teaching as Christianity, familiar with the 10 commandments. This is the very first and main guide babe in matters of faith.
  • Friends often give clothes and children's shoes. To give a thing in size, you should only buy this kind of objects for growth. Small children grow up very quickly, and therefore new items of clothing and beautiful shoes are always useful in the family. To make an unusual gift, you can decorate it with beautiful embroidery.
  • The baby will enjoy high-quality underwear for the crib, especially if it has prints from famous cartoons, a princess from a fairy tale or funny drawings with funny animals. With such clothes the baby will have the most peaceful dreams.
  • You can easily buy a small but comfortable pillow and a warm blanket for christening; crosses are often embroidered on them, or items with ready-made embroidery are purchased. Such items will remind the child of the significant event of baptism.
  • If a girl already has 3-4 years old, then she can choose baby cosmetics as a gift. It is necessary to buy children's cosmetics kits only in proven markets, so as not to doubt her quality and to be completely sure that she will not harm the girl.
  • Toys, if properly chosen, will also delight any child. You can choose a beautiful big doll or another big toy. Nowadays in children's stores a large assortment of various educational games.

What icon to give?

Giving icons is one of the oldest Christian traditions. Icons are considered a good talisman against evil forces, help to restore health, guarantee longevity, give peace and tranquility. At the same time you can find a fairly large number of varieties of icons as gifts from guests and relatives for christening. The most valuable surprise can be called individual icons.

On this kind of holiday, personalized icons are most often presented, especially if they depict the face of the saint whose name was given to the newborn. And also you can present images with the face of Christ or the protectors of the girls - the Virgin Mary. Most often, in the temple where the rite of child baptism takes place, there is its main icon. The baby should be bestowed with an icon depicting the face of saints, on it available - in memory of this temple.

Many small children give icons of sv. Panteleimon, after all, it is believed that his image will protect the child from all sorts of diseases. Baby, if she has health problems, it is appropriate to give this particular amulet.

If you dream of the most responsible attitude to the selection of the shrine for the most memorable gift to the girl, then be sure to contact the priest, and he will help you find the right option. From it you can also learn a lot of useful things about this icon, about its true purpose. Then, by transmitting this gift, you can tell the girls in detail what this item will mean for their children.

And also worth choosing as a gift dimensional icon. About this charm obviously do not know everything that is not strange.After all, before measuring icons were made only for children of royal persons, they were most often written for the birth of a particular child - the future heir. Today you can find workshops where you will be asked to write a dimensional icon to order.

It is necessary to select the dimensional icon to the name of the baby that they are going to baptize. If they decided to call her Martha, then the image should be chosen. St. Martha Church names will significantly differ from the worldly. Therefore, you should first learn from the father, what kind of icon you can choose for a girl.

In addition to the dimensional icon, the godmother can pass on to her goddaughter icon of her guardian angel. This icon is placed at the head of the baby’s bed to protect it from diseases and all sorts of troubles.

What can you do with your own hands?

Warm knitted plaid for a baby is just a great option to protect her on street walks from the draft. And in the winter it can be a nice addition to a small children's blanket, if the house is cold. This kind of pladik can cover a girl’s bed when she is awake and moves in walkers.

A stunning gift for christening is a gentle duvet that will be sewn from natural materials in today's popular patchwork technique.

A cake made from different sized diapers is a rather creative gift, and a good help for young mothers and fathers, since nowadays diapers are not cheap, therefore such presents will be considered quite appropriate.

A beautiful image and a prayer that is embroidered with a cross for a baby is both an interesting gift and a special talisman that will be a protection for your baby for the rest of her life.

Going for the first time to visit a newborn girl after her christening, she definitely needs to bring something sweet as a gift so that the child’s life is long and sweet.

A sweet large bouquet of different candies will suit the most appropriate way, because it is stylish, and not quite usual, and very tasty.

About what to give to the christening girl, see below.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


