Gifts for children

What to give a newborn boy?

What to give a newborn boy?

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  1. Selection features
  2. Original Presents
  3. Useful gifts
  4. What can you do with your own hands?

When a boy is born, relatives or friends, relatives cannot afford to leave this event unnoticed. I want to give something useful and at the same time original, something sweet and touching, but definitely necessary. How to make a choice whether there is now a fashion for gifts for newborns? What is appropriate and what is not quite? Let's try to figure it out.

Selection features

Today, more and more young parents are voicing what kind of gifts it would be nice to receive on the occasion of their heir's birth. And it is normal if they are members of your family or very close friends. If the gift is collective, for example, intended for a colleague, the request is also appropriate. But often young parents have already prepared all the dowry and do not voice specific requests. Then there is a danger that the guests will repeat in their gifts.

In this case, you must either negotiate with the guests, distributing who and what gives, or choose a gift to the child, as they say, at your own risk and peril. Neutral gifts are unlikely to fit.

But if you present a whole basket of diapers, even if it is not the only one in the list of gifts, young parents will not be upset.

Criteria for choosing a gift.

  • Cost It is no secret that even the closest ones have to make presents they cannot afford for fear of losing their faces, looking worse than others. This is a prejudice, you should not report to anyone about your income, because the gift should be within your means. If the newborn is your relative or the child of people very close to you, you are unlikely to present yourself a trinket. But if you decide to congratulate just a colleague and present, for example, an electronic swing, you put the parent in an uncomfortable position - a gift is too expensive for relationships of such status.
  • Relevance. Should I give a newborn bike? The baby, of course, will not appreciate such a gift. And he did not appreciate his next few years. And during this time, and fashion can change, and the place of residence of a young family (she will have to carry a bicycle everywhere behind her). Save this idea for a couple of years, and now present something more relevant - the same highchair will be needed much earlier.
  • Knowledge of the preferences of parents. For example, you decided to donate to young parents and their boy a whole box of various care products - milk for delicate skin, oil, powder, cream for diapers, and so on. But you need to be sure that in the family use all of this. If we consider that pediatricians deny the need for children's cosmetics, in principle, insisting only on powder (on occasion) and children's soap, it is possible that the parents of a newborn boy can also be against children's cosmetics.

Your efforts can not appreciate, and there is nothing to be offended.

Alternatively, you can give a newborn boy money. Today a round amount in an envelope is the most popular gift in principle. It is difficult to answer unequivocally, is this tradition good, but if in the family where the heir was born, they say about it, is it worth it to argue? If you are a close relative, you can open an account for the child under a special program, making the first amount yourself.

Original Presents

It also happens that in the family where the baby was born, there really is everything. The parents are wealthy, and maybe this is not their first child, and the baby inherited all the main things. In this case, unusual gifts are used.

  • Memorable spoon. A silver device with a stretch can be called an original gift, but to say that this tradition is so alive, as before, is also impossible. The spoon was often given "at first tooth", but now this binding has disappeared and you can give it just for birth. It must be in a beautiful case, possibly engraved, so it will be a royal gift for the baby.
  • Camera. We took him to a series of unusual gifts, and here's why. Some time ago, boys of 8 and older were happy to get a real camera for their birthday, in Soviet times it really was a luxury. Today, a rare teenager is interesting, because you can take a photo and shoot a video on your phone. But by giving the newborn a modern camera, you continue a certain beautiful tradition, and if you talk about the real benefits of the gift, you are generously presenting young parents.

Now they will not be able to get out of the high-quality fixation of all significant moments of maturation of the baby.

  • Personalized photo frame. Several photo frames decorated with the name of the newborn may be appropriate in the decor of the baby's room. Inexpensive, but cute gift.
  • Amber children's beads. Amber is a stone known for its healing properties. It is soft, completely organic, positively affects the human energy. Doctors managed to prove that the secreted succinic acid has a pronounced analgesic effect, relieves pain during teething. For the manufacture of amber beads selected small spherical pebbles with a thorough polishing.

If the length of the thread is chosen correctly, the beads will not fall into the baby’s mouth, they do not interfere with it, they do not restrict movement. In this case, the product is removed for the night, leaving the boy alone in the beads is also not worth it. The experience of wearing them is great. After knowing the reaction of young parents, you can serve them with such a gift.

Any handicraft that you can boast of can become the basis of the future original gift: do not forget to use your strengths.

Useful gifts

If you know for sure that young parents all value the usefulness and the possibility of practical application, focus on it. Decorative side, as well as sentimental, go into the background.

List of useful gifts to the newborn boy.

  • Humidifier. This is a small device where water is poured, then sprayed and moistened air to the desired level. Almost all modern humidifiers have a hygrometer, which determines whether the humidity in the room is sufficient, whether the device should be operational. Moisturizers work quietly, because the child’s sleep will not be disturbed.

Due to too dry air in the room, the baby can be uncomfortable, often the reason for crying.

  • Sleeping bag. These devices have become popular relatively recently, but they are really comfortable. Newborns feel themselves in it as if in the mother’s tummy. A sleeping bag replaces not so comfortable diapers, it is conveniently unbuttoned and does not constrain the baby at all.
  • Chaise lounge So call a convenient portable chair in which the boy will be firmly fixed with seat belts. Parents can change the angle of the backrest. If the lounger has handles, it becomes a portable tool. There are models with a removable table, so that the chaise can be used as a highchair.
  • Baby monitor / baby monitor. Radio baby call a walkie-talkie, which allows you to hear a baby at a distance of about 100 m indoors. The video nurse is the device allowing not only to hear, but also to see the baby.
  • Developing a rug. This is quite a useful device made of bright material. Many kids are ready to lie on it for hours, studying pendants, rustling, looking in the mirror, etc.
  • Ergoryukzak, sling. Practically indispensable things for a walk, and at home such a structure is useful. Mom will have free hands, it will not be necessary even to bring the stroller to the nearest store.
  • Avtolyolyulka. If the family has not yet acquired a car carrier, such a gift will not be superfluous, even if the parents have no car. The child will still have to be transported, and according to the safety rules, this can only be done in a special car carrier.
  • Multivarka. Not the worst thing, for a very busy young mother, she can become a magic wand. Because it is quite appropriate gift for the birth of a child.

The list of practical gifts can be replenished with other gadgets, devices, as well as children's furniture. But still it makes sense to negotiate large purchases with the parents of the baby.

What can you do with your own hands?

The most frequent and popular homemade gift is knitted things. If you own the technique of such crafts, you can knit something for your baby: booties, hat, suit, blanket in the crib. Clothing fits usually for growth. The children's plaid is a hit among gifts. It is appropriate and in order to arrange the bed, and for walking in the fresh air.

You can tie the kid a toy. Moreover, the best gift in this sense is an aroma toy. If you fill the abdomen, for example, a knitted bunny with a canvas bag with fragrant herbs, it will emit a fragrance. Moreover, this aroma has a calming effect on the child.

You can arrange for the newborn boy a box called "Mother's treasures." It will be a beautiful box in which parents will save the first clipped curls, the first fallen tooth, tags from the hospital, etc. You can decorate the box-box in a variety of styles, the main thing is to convey the message itself and match the idea that its content belongs to the boy.

There is also a category of gifts that are given not so rarely, although you cannot call these gifts successful. It is not necessary to present huge teddy bears - and children do not particularly love (and newborns, of course, are indifferent), and it is not for nothing that such toys are popularly called dust collectors. Do not give designers with small details, if the boy is not yet 3 years old.

By the way, a cake made of diapers cannot be called a good idea - the packing of diapers is appropriate, since the products are sterile there, which is not true of the cake.

Baby food also can not be called a good gift, because parents must be confident in the quality of products, and there may be doubts. It is very early to give purees and juices, in principle, before the introduction of complementary foods for a few more months. And with the mixture, you can not guess, and not the fact that the child uses it at all.

Order a photo session with a specialist who is shooting newborns - it can be a good idea, because rare parents do not want that the first months and even the days of the baby’s life were not properly captured.

If you have the opportunity, find out what gift the young parents are dreaming of: reinventing the wheel is no good, make your loved ones happy with the gift you really need.

About what toys to give a newborn, see the video below.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


