Gifts for man

How to make a gift for a guy with your own hands?

How to make a gift for a guy with your own hands?

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  1. Romantic Presents
  2. Original ideas
  3. Edible Gifts
  4. Practical options
  5. Simple crafts

Sometimes in order to make a good gift, you do not need to spend a lot of money. The main thing is to devote your personal time to its creation and invest a piece of soul in it. A festive surprise in the style of hand-made is always unusual and fun. After all, a personalized gift made by hand, exists in a single copy. In addition, it gives the chance to the presenter to show her rich imagination and sense of humor, which the guys value so much in their chosen ones.

It's okay if the gift will be made by hand not completely, but only partially. The main thing is for the guy to see that you tried to please him - you found an interesting idea, personally decorated the packaging, and so on. We suggest you to get acquainted with some bright ideas on creating unusual gifts for guys with your own hands.

Romantic Presents

Such surprises always talk about feelings. They are especially relevant on Valentine's Day or on the dates of the relationship. Hearts are made from papier-mâché, salt dough, clay, or various other cardboard-based materials.

  • A box with declarations of love. Cut out 100 strips of colored paper, write a compliment to the guy and twist it. Put all the bundles in one box and tie a beautiful ribbon. Sign it in some romantic way, for example, “100 reasons for my love for you.”
  • Checkbook with desires. Take a small rectangular notepad that is similar in size to a checkbook. Write on all the pages of desire that may be your boyfriend. There may be such inscriptions as “a bowling trip with friends”, “a dance for a loved one”, “a trip to football”, “a bottle of beer”. Periodically, the lover will tear off one by one check with the desire that will be fulfilled.
  • Dance as a gift. Someone easier to convey their feelings to his beloved in striptease or twerking, and someone in belly dancing. The latter will look incredibly fascinating, if you light candles and an aroma lamp in the room, create a mysterious atmosphere and include captivating music.
  • Cardboard photo album. Make it easier than a regular photo album. To do this, you just need to get a long narrow sheet of cardboard, fold it with an accordion and stick photos on it. Turn the first and last sheet into a cover - you can stick them to leatherette or other thick decorative material. And also take care of the strings so that the accordion does not open until you want to open it.
    • Love letter. It is very pleasant to receive a message of love confessions from a dear girl. Tell us what exactly you like, write down its virtues - it is always pleasant for men to hear praise. Let this letter be a surprise, which he will keep and re-read with pleasure.

    Original ideas

    Consider also interesting options for a custom gift for a guy.

    • Puzzle with a photo. You can make such an interesting toy with your own hands, and the result will be no worse than in a printing house. Take the usual Rubik's Cube and 6 square photos in different-colored filters: blue, red, yellow and so on. All pictures need to be cut into nine identical squares and stick on the cube.
    • Crossword. If in your childhood you tried to invent crosswords, then the guy would not be so hard for you to make such a surprise. But also a Japanese crossword puzzle will do.Print out the questions, create the crossword itself and highlight the cells on it in which the main message will be encrypted. This may be the name of the gift, the name of the beloved and so on.
    • Thematic box. Knowing your friend's hobby, it will be easier for you to choose a good idea for your box. The theme of the gift can be a computer game, favorite music group, sports nutrition. So, in the box of a football fan you can put a scarf of your favorite team, made with your own hands, a selection of your favorite goals on the disc and more.
    • The film is about him. With the help of simple computer programs make a small film about your lover. Take as a basis the cutting from the clips that have accumulated on the phone, old photos from the children's album, footage of what he dreams of. On the substrate, use romantic or groovy music, depending on the nature of your chosen one.
    • Pictures If nature has endowed you with artistic talent, why not use it when creating a gift. At the same time, the style of the drawing can be both naturalistic and fantastic - portray the beloved in the image of a noble knight or actor on the carpet. Knowing his character, it will be easier to determine the idea of ​​the picture.
    • Money Tree Framed. If your elect from an early age seeks to achieve a lot in material terms, give him a money tree as a talisman in financial matters. To do this, you will have to get a frame, although it can also be made with your own hands from scrap materials. Take a thick cardboard for the base and stick the paper on it, which will become the background. Draw a tree and, instead of leaves, stick a lot of small coins.
    • Bunch of balls. Give your young man a lot of balloons, in each of which there will be a little note waiting for him with a declaration of love, a desire that you would like to embody along with him and so on. During the holiday, let him gradually burst them one by one.

    Edible Gifts

    Almost all men love to eat, so this gift will be perceived with a bang.

    • Tasty strawberry hearts. This is not just a sweet berry, but a symbol of temptation and passion. Having laid out a heart of sliced ​​strawberries, you eloquently hint the guy that they would like to get close to him and you will not mind if he takes the initiative.
    • Chocolate egg. Many guys in the soul remain children, and if your chosen one is also not averse to sometimes plunge into childhood, then try to surprise him with a kinder surprise. Of course, the filling of the sweet will not be an ordinary toy, but your own made or selected gift. Gently unfold the foil, sever the chocolate halves and place your small gift inside.

    After that, try to return the testicle to its original form.

    • A notebook of sweets. If your young man is a sweet tooth, then buy a box of chocolates that he loves and decorate them in the form of a gadget. To do this, glue the lid to the box at a right angle, paste it around the perimeter to make a screen, and in the box itself, place dense rows of candies. To make the idea even clearer, print a desktop image or a search engine page on a color printer and paste it into the candy edging of the screen.
    • Hot drinks. Sometimes love is intoxicating no less than alcohol. Tell your loved one about this and present him a beautiful box of alcohol. So that the gift does not look ordinary, decorate it with heart messages, glue hearts or put inside the chocolate of this shape. You will cheer up your young man by putting inside the instructions for use written with humor.

    Practical options

    You can surprise your young man not only with a pleasant, but also with a useful gift. Ideas for this set, it remains to choose to your taste.

    • Pillow. Any girl will cope with the manufacture of a simple dumochka on the padding polyester.It is enough to cut out two pieces of fabric, sew them and fill the finished product. As a filler, you can use the flaps of unnecessary things. No less romantic will be the pillow in the shape of the month. On the one hand, it is associated with walks of lovers under the moon, and on the other, it is very convenient to take it with you on long trips to take a nap in a bus or car.
    • Knitten things. What better way to show your love and care than a gift tied by your hands? Simple things like a fashionable hat or scarf will warm your body and soul in cold weather. For the skilled workers in their own business, they are able to knit more complicated clothes like a sweater or waistcoat.

    Such things are out of time and fashion will always find use in the winter, the main thing is that the yarn is pleasant to the body and not pricked.

    • Bracelet. Weave him a cool bracelet of thin strips of leather. It will look more brutal than a product made from colored threads. Decorate it with a metal insert: a buckle with the symbols of your favorite group, a beautiful coin from another country, and so on. Leave the strings, so that it can be fixed on the hand, or glue the clasp from the shop of haberdashery goods.
    • Embroidery. Ancient and still not lost relevance view of gifts - a handkerchief with the initials of the beloved. Those who honor customs and adhere to traditional views on relationships will certainly appreciate such a gift.
    • Case for glasses. It can be made from improvised means, for example, from an unnecessary father's tie. To do this, you will need scissors to cut off the excess, and thread with a needle. With such a creative accessory, your young man will be able to feel more mature, and he will definitely appreciate the originality of the idea.
    • Dishes. Not every girl owns the art of pottery. Of course, with a lot of desire, you can purchase a set for making dishes on a potter's wheel at home, but we will consider a simpler option, namely the creation of tableware decor. So, you can paste a mug of coffee over the coffee beans, or make a beautiful stucco in the form of flowers, hearts or even a car from mastic.

    Simple crafts

    It is not necessary to give something complicated, you can surprise with a simple hand-made article made from the heart.

    • Collage. A self-made poster on a drawing paper with photos of your boyfriend or joint pictures may well decorate his room. It can be done both in a simple graphic editor, and personally, pasting the most successful frames on paper.

    Do not forget to make beautiful signatures and write nice words of wishes.

    • Mini photo album. Take the usual album for drawing and cut it across into two parts. Take the one with the spine, and paste your favorite photos on the sheets. Or glue to the sheets the corners that will hold the pictures in place. Let each frame be accompanied by inscriptions and cute drawings that make your author’s photo album truly individual.
    • Postcards. Today in the shops for creativity there is a huge amount of materials that allow you to create unique piece cards. Various design elements, dry flowers, origami figures, magazine clippings, string, or pieces of fruit are glued to the paper surface. Products in the scrapbooking technique are very popular.

    Making such an unusual and funny card, you will not only create a small masterpiece for your beloved, but also get a lot of pleasure from the process of its production.

    Not every girl can give her beloved dear surprise in the form of an expensive smartphone, a radio tape recorder in a car or a TV of his dreams. Especially if the relationship with this young man does not last very long, for example, for several months - six months. Then fantasy and creativity come into play. It can be as a decoration of a usual gift, or exclusive packaging. So, the choice of a gift in the style of handmade depends on the nature of your young man and his hobbies.

    Among the above ideas there are excellent options for young romantics, computer scientists, athletes, creative and practical guys. Do not forget to think over your speech, or write sincere spiritual wishes on the gift itself - without your warm words, the surprise will be incomplete.

    Making a gift for your loved one on the occasion of the birthday, February 23, New Year, wires to the army or even for no reason, you create a unique thing in a single copy. The guy he is meant for will be flattered and will certainly highlight this gift among others. Connect the imagination and make genuine masterpieces of scrap materials.

    About the gifts for the guy do-it-yourselfers, see below.

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