Gifts for February 23

What to give to the teacher on February 23?

What to give to the teacher on February 23?

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  1. Features
  2. Universal Gift Ideas
  3. Themed Presents
  4. Homemade souvenirs

February 23 is not celebrated on the same scale as March 8, but at the same time this day is perceived as the main men's holiday in Russia. Accordingly, it would be impolite to completely ignore him, even if you know for sure that a particular man has never acted as a defender of the Fatherland. In schools, where staff often consists of almost only women, rare representatives of the stronger sex are especially valued, because a gift to a male teacher on such a day is simply necessary.


Choosing what to give to the teacher for February 23 should be guided by logic and common sense. First of all, such a gift should not be too expensive - even though it is usually dumped on it by the whole class or teaching staff, he should not be like a bribe in the first case and should not frighten a person by the scale of his debt before the upcoming women's holiday in the second. As is the case with most other holidays, loved ones give gifts to loved ones, whereas at work a gift usually has a souvenir or a purely symbolic character, allowing the gifted to feel that he is appreciated.

Although the holiday is called Defender of the Fatherland Day, one should not strongly push military subjects. The exceptions are cases where you know for sure that the teacher is really interested in this topic, and he will like the gift. It is possible that a person, for whatever reason, did not serve in the army at all, and by his attempt to make him a brave military man you can put a person in an awkward position.

In addition, people who actually participated in hostilities are often not proud of it, but, on the contrary, would gladly forget about it.. For this reason, not knowing the bestowal close enough, it’s better to take such a day as a mirror reflection of the women's day - like the day of all men, and choose a gift with the same thought.

Finally, it is not always worth confining to another meaningless souvenir - over the years of work at school, a man may have already collected a huge amount of them, and therefore they no longer evoke any response from him, and they also take up nothing in vain.

Instead, you can give something inexpensive, but at the same time practical - here and a sign of attention, and the benefits in one bottle.

To increase the likelihood of guessing with a holiday gift, you can ask, for example, female teachers who have long worked in the same school with this teacher. Perhaps they know a little more about his hobbies or needs, and then even an inexpensive, but well-chosen thing can cause a man a pleasant surprise.

As in the case of other holidays and other gifts, there is a list of recommended gifts, and there is their stop list, which includes things that donate undesirable. So, alcohol, and even in the workplace, is an unethical gift for the teacher, although in most other situations it might be appropriate.

Clothes (the same socks), bedding or perfumery are considered, on the one hand, too personal, on the other - not very “masculine” gifts. Money and jewelry are not presented, because it is expensive and may resemble a bribe.

You can’t even give pets to a biology teacher, because you don’t know how households will react to this, and whether there are any allergies among them, and you can’t hide them in a box or just throw them away.

Universal Gift Ideas

If no unique ideas are born in your head, but you definitely need to congratulate a man, you can always get rid of some kind of universal solution that would suit any person on such a day. This, of course, is not the best way out; it will be noticeable that the donor didn’t try very hard with a choice, but still it’s a more polite option than not donating anything at all.

In groups, it is symbolic gifts that were and remain the most common phenomenon.

Often a good gift is one that can be eaten. Not the cheapest tea or coffee - these are goods that will be useful in any home, and at the same time, and manifestation of attention. Sweets in the form of a box of chocolates or a cake would be more appreciated by women, but real sweets are also found among men, and the teacher may have children of his own at home.

Mugs and cups are another version of the gift, which, apparently, will never be a thing of the past, because such a thing is also very useful. For a teacher, even an ordinary notebook can be a good solution, especially if it does not apply to the avid users of modern technology.

Finally, you can try to make a contribution to improving the interior of both the school office and the home environment in which the man lives.

It can be any beautiful figurine or figurine, as well as more practical things like a wall clock or electronic photo frames.

The last category of gifts for teachers on February 23 includes some men's accessories, such as a trouser belt, an umbrella, a leather folder, or cufflinks. In doing so, one should not cross the line and give the man clothes, as this may be misunderstood.

Themed Presents

Universal presents are usually finished in one of two cases: either you have no idea what this person is and what he is interested in, or simply decided not to bother with the choice of a gift. If a male teacher deserves a gift not just out of politeness, but for certain merits, you should show a little more attention. You may not even know what interests him, but at least show that the gift was chosen specifically for him.

Various goods connected with the object he leads can help in this.

Physical education teacher, if he does not make the impression of a person who accidentally occupies his position, is the most reasonable thing to give sports goods - from a ball to a set of a favorite sportsman's form for a man. Also typical attributes of a fizruk will fit, for example, a whistle or a stopwatch. Sometimes you can even give a fitness bracelet, but only if you are sure of the feasibility of a present. From items that are not directly related to the sport, you can give the same watch in the form of a ball.

With a biology teacher, everything is somewhat more complicated. The most thoughtful option would be a souvenir figure (or even a scarecrow) of a bird or animal, only with the obligatory condition of a high degree of plausibility. Flower topiary is not yet in great demand as a gift, but it definitely has a bearing on biology. Finally, you can, again, look for souvenir watches, where instead of the usual numbers there would be images of a gradually evolving person.

A teacher of labor in many people is associated with a real man, because, ideally, he should be a master of all trades, which means that he will certainly use his skills in life. If this is true, you can give him a set of tools or you can enter from the back side, giving the same stool designed by his wards - it will become not only a practical thing, but also a source of pride for its students.

If a person teaches literature and language, the best thematic gift for him will be a good book in the language that he teaches children.Tickets to a cultural event associated with literature, such as a theater production, seem to be a good choice. As an option “cheap and angry”, you can even donate a hand-drawn compilation of quotes from any famous author.

The teacher OBZH - another person to whom to choose a thematic gift is quite difficult.

A good option is a selection of documentaries showing various real disasters, as well as the consequences and ways to overcome them. Of the souvenirs, one can come up with products except those with images of a gas mask or a symbol of biological hazard.

But with the geographer, the situation is much simpler, because for him there are a lot of obvious gifts, first of all - updated large world maps or globes. Theoretically, this teacher can be presented with such a tourist-oriented subject as a compass, because it has a direct bearing on geography. A small model of a sailing vessel will look great as a souvenir.

The historian is another teacher for whom the book may turn out to be a worthwhile themed gift. As an alternative, even a portrait of some famous historical figure will fit if only he would find a slightly more response in the man’s soul than the lines that automatically appear in the memory of the official program.

The person who teaches drawing, surely loves art, so a good reproduction of a famous painting in a frame would be a good solution. A hike to a cultural event related to professional activities can also be met with enthusiasm here, so tickets for the painting exhibition will come in handy. If you know for sure that a man and outside the school are happy to draw, you can give him various drawing supplies, just keep in mind that they should not be quite an amateur level.

Among all these experts, there is no one to whom the gift would be as easy to choose as computer science. Such a person has a professional field of activity connected with computers, and today every person faces them every day, and the computer science teacher probably has his own PC at home.

Accordingly, thematic gifts for this person as a whole could be given to anyone - this is a flash drive, a mouse, a rug for it, a keyboard, and even a special mini-vacuum cleaner.

Homemade souvenirs

A teacher on the Day of Defender of the Fatherland is unlikely to expect expensive and practical gifts from students, for him the main thing is their attention, which can be pleasant. Accordingly, it is possible not to buy a present, but to make it yourself. Consider some good ideas.

If the school has at least a few male teachers, you can make one common, but a great gift. The easiest option is the impressive size of a wall newspaper, where there are congratulations and wishes for each of them; the issue is mounted on the board of honor, and absolutely everyone sees it. An alternative solution could be a school amateur concert, if students are creative and have achieved some success in this.

Some kind of wall newspaper can be made for one male teacher - in this case, a small poster is obtained from the photos of the teacher in various situations. Similar material can be beaten in the form of a specially ordered appointment desk calendar. A curious idea is a poem in honor of the teacher, but you have to admit that you cannot do this with the whole class - this is usually someone’s individual creativity.. Children's verse is unlikely to become a classic of literature, but when you are so dedicated, it is always nice.

Somewhat unusual, but sometimes practiced, is the gift of home baking.

See a selection of gift ideas for February 23 in the next video.

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