Birthday gifts

What to give a girl a birthday?

What to give a girl a birthday?

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  1. What to consider when choosing?
  2. Choosing useful things
  3. List of original gifts
  4. What can you do with your own hands?
  5. Budget options

Anyone is waiting for his birthday precisely because he expects interesting gifts, but most of all it concerns little girls. The baby still believes in a miracle, she knows perfectly well that at least for mom and dad she is a princess, and therefore it is impossible to disappoint a child. In this case, it is not always easy to understand what to give the girl so that she is satisfied. In fact, there may be a million possible options and ideas - we will only briefly go over the main popular options.

What to consider when choosing?

The topic of our article concerns a certain abstract girl, about which nothing is said, but it is obvious that different children need to give completely different gifts. But how not to make a mistake with the choice?

First, you need to give something that matches the age of the baby. There is no doubt that the preschool girl will be glad to have another doll, but the girl, who is preparing for the transition to adolescence, may not be interested in such a gift. And vice versa: some cosmetics, without which practically no teenage female thinks herself, will not interest the child, unless the little girl is an avid fashionistas and does not want to copy her mother in everything.

Secondly, each child is individual and has his own hobbies, which may well differ from the interests of most other children. Theoretically, parents can try to mold from the girl who she really is not, but at least on her birthday she doesn’t need to push it - it is better to contribute to the hobbies of the hero of the occasion and support her.

So, an active child will probably be much more happy with the bike than even the most interesting book about princesses with vivid pictures. The same thing happens with calm girls: if it seems to you that the little one devotes too little time to active pastime, the present rope will not turn it into a fidget.

You can try to interest the girl in gifts that she hasn’t been interested in before, but at least some of them should correspond to what she already likes, otherwise the presents in her eyes will be a bunch of unnecessary things.

Finally, if there are a lot of guests and gifts, it would be nice to coordinate actions so that it does not happen that everyone gives the same. Imagine that a girl wants children's cosmetics and traditional dolls, and all those invited, having learned that the child is interested in cosmetics, decided to realize their childhood dream and at the same time not be commonplace. It turns out to be a twofold situation, when both the birthday girl’s wish came true and many gifts were presented, but without a single doll, which was also needed, the holiday would no longer be a holiday.

Choosing useful things

Anyway, a birthday present can and should be useful even for a child. For this reason, we will not consider classic toys in this section.

If you talk about the usefulness of understanding an adult, then It would be most appropriate to donate some school supplies - say, the same backpack. This option is really possible, but here we have to observe a fine line, because children usually “love” the school in about the same way as adults do their work, and on the day of birth you don’t want to spend gift options on something that causes only sadness and aggression.Another thing is if the child as a whole has a normal attitude towards learning, and the donors have guessed that accessories must match the tastes of the birthday girl and just be “cool”.

Beat the hobby of the baby somehow, and then even banal notebooks, but with the image of your favorite characters, musicians or actors will be perceived favorably.

By the same analogy, the child is given clothes - parents should clearly understand which style and print will make the girl an idol in their company, and which design will cause only a hail of ridicule from the same age. Here, of course, it is necessary either to understand the children's and youth culture, or to be guided by the wishes of the hero of the occasion, or not at all to climb into this steppe, buying ordinary casual clothes not as a gift.

The situation will be a little simpler if the girl loves to dress up and look beautiful very much - then any good dress should please.

Any popular gadget can also be not just entertainment, but a very practical and useful thing. For example, the phone allows the child to always stay in touch with parents, and modern smartphones with the ability to fully connect to the Internet provide tremendous opportunities for finding information, new acquaintances and communication. We can not say that the Internet is a very useful and correct thing, however, with a responsible approach, the girl can find a lot of useful information there.

The situation with the tablet or laptop is even clearer: these devices have long been used for more productive learning, they will be useful not only during school years, but also as students.

In addition, even if the gadget is used primarily for entertainment, it is also ambiguously bad: if their number is moderate, then why not, because everyone has the right to rest.

Finally, we must not forget about the overall development of the child. This category includes the absolute majority of the typical "children's" gifts: these are sports items, various books, and goods for creativity, and board games. Movement is health, because the same bike or rollers will strengthen the children's body, the baby will be less likely to get sick, not to mention the good physical condition.

Fiction broadens the horizons of the child and allows him to look at the world more broadly, and various encyclopedias with illustrations will make it possible to raise erudition in various fields of useful knowledge. In our days, creativity can become a fully lucrative profession in adult life, but even in childhood, at the amateur level, it allows you to develop assiduity and imagination, as well as fine hand motor skills and imagination. And board games will improve any of the above skills.

List of original gifts

Children are very prone to bright emotions, and in fact it is a holiday - an ideal occasion to give joy. On this day various unusual surprises are especially in demand.

For a start, do not get attached to the material - sometimes bright positive emotions can be simply because of the way you spend your time. Here, of course, you should focus on the girl's hobbies, as well as on what she has already tried in her life, but on the whole, new impressions are a good present. To show an example, consider how previous experience affects the choice of a gift for a girl who adores animals.

If a child lives in a relatively small town, where there is no zoo, or just have not had time to visit it, then going there can be a great solution - few of the children would not be delighted with what they saw.

However, it may be that the usual zoo for a birthday girl is no longer a wonder, then you need to find a contact zoo, where animals are much smaller, but you can iron them and pick them up. An alternative solution may be a dolphinarium.

Teen acquaintance with animals has long passed, because here it's better to give tickets to the concert of your favorite artist. As an option - you can send the birthday girl to the cinema for the expected film, but since such a gift seems rather modest and alone is not very interesting, the girl and her entire company are usually sent to the cinema. The same applies to quest rooms, but here we must remember that Not all of them offer programs for minors.

Another unusual, and, moreover, intangible gift is some kind of master class. Small children are far from always interested in this, and especially for children, such classes are not so frequent, but adolescents who are able to attend “adult” master classes can get a lot of valuable information about their favorite activity.

Thanks to this, any hobby (like the same modeling) can grow from amateur level to professional.

Of the material, but relatively unusual, let's call the first a set of children's cosmetics - they write and talk about such things a lot, but not every parent decides to buy. At the same time, such a gift easily solves the problem of the fact that the little girl, without asking, takes her mother's lipstick and shadow. In addition, special children's kits are made taking into account the typical habits of children, all pulling in the mouth, because such special cosmetics are not only non-toxic, but also easily washed off from any soiled surfaces.

Whatever one may say, the little girl will sooner or later have to start learning the basics of makeup, and instead of prohibiting a child from a potentially useful activity, you can encourage him without harm to anyone.

A rather unusual gift is also a pet. The great advantage of such a present is that it brings up the basic human qualities: a sense of responsibility and an understanding of the need to care for your neighbor. Another thing that you need to clearly understand who you are handing such a gift. A child may want his own living creatures, but over time he may change his mind, and in fact it is impossible to throw away a living gift. In this situation, all the worries about the pet can lie on the shoulders of the parents, which means that you can buy presents of this kind only after agreeing with them.

What can you do with your own hands?

To be honest, the modern world with its developed industry greatly reduces the value of homemade gifts, especially for children who do not yet understand the meaning of handicraft. So far, the most interesting presentation options for them are those that are sold in the store, except that some of the close relatives have the skills of cutting and sewing and will give the young woman of fashion a chic dress of her own making.

However, this does not mean that creative gifts are completely excluded - they are just always used only as additional.

It's no secret that little girls love everything bright and beautiful. At this age, they are less practical than boys, - sometimes the atmosphere of the holiday itself is valued no less than, actually, gifts. This is what the emphasis should be on in pursuing the goal of delivering a homemade gift. For example, a wall newspaper dedicated to celebrating the birthday of a baby will make the birthday woman feel pride and feel that she is loved.

A popular holiday solution is the creation of various shapes from all sorts of objects. Most often such things are created from balloons - there are even special shops selling similar inflatable figures. Of course, such a decoration will not stand for years, but then a birthday is not every day.

Even less will stand a toy made of candy. Once sweets even by themselves were a great gift for a child, but modern children did not find those sad times, because sweets as such are no longer associated with a holiday for them. It’s another thing to design a teddy bear figure out of them, especially for a little girl, is both beautiful, festive, and very tasty!

Fashionable modern solution is also scrapbooking. If you make an album with photos of the baby and the best wishes, such a unique edition can for many years be the best gift for a girl.

Somehow it happened that grandmothers are most inclined to make gifts on their own - it is they who have the most options that you can give homemade for your granddaughter's birthday. You can start with the simplest - a favorite cake or cake, which on the occasion of the holiday will be especially decorated. Traditional knitting is allowed - the item of clothing presented may be a sweater, scarf, hat or even warm socks.

It should be noted that such gifts are usually more valued by those children who have already reached a certain age, when you begin to appreciate care.

Budget options

Contrary to popular belief, it is not necessary to give only the most expensive things in order to please the modern child. In fact, some children's wishes are realized without great expense - you just need to carefully listen and show a bit of fantasy.

If you are looking for a cheap gift option that your child will be delighted with, pay special attention to the creative goods segment. Of course, the serious creative skills and aspirations of the little ones involve the delivery of high-quality supplies, but in childhood most attempts in art are purely amateur in nature, and here the main thing for the child is to try yourself in a new occupation. Of course, the simplest things (like an album and a set of pencils, paints or brushes) probably already have a birthday girl, but you can always go a little more original way.

So, in the drawing for the smallest solution may be finger paints. They do not need any brushes at all - they paint them directly with their hands, since the composition is harmless and is easily washed off from any surfaces. Even more simple and yet very popular gift will be an ordinary coloring based on your favorite cartoons. In modeling, you can focus not on a banal clay, but on some ball or even kinetic sand.

One of the most budget options was and remains a book. Please note that illustrated editions usually require good paper for high-quality images, and therefore they are much more expensive than those books where there are no pictures or few of them. It turns out that an inexpensive book has a chance to hook the child except with the plot, but for a little girl up to ten years it is bright colors that are more important. It means that A relatively serious book without an abundance of illustrations will be interesting only to teenagers.

A good board game will also not necessarily cost a lot of money, but it can be both informative and interesting, especially if the girl has someone to play with. As other players, not only friends and girlfriends will approach, but also parents or any other relatives, because spending time together helps to establish an excellent atmosphere of mutual understanding and to come up with close friends with an exciting activity.

About what to give a girl for her birthday, see the next video.

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