Birthday gifts

What to give a child for 1 year?

What to give a child for 1 year?

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  1. Features
  2. What kind of toys can I give?
  3. Best Practical Gifts
  4. Symbolic gifts
  5. Gifts for twins

The first year of a baby’s life flies by. This is not the silly kid, who a year ago was happy with any new subject. Now this is a thoughtful, quick-witted child, it is not so easy to interest him. Therefore, the choice of a gift for the first birthday of the baby should be approached with all the responsibility.


There are some rules that will help make a good gift choice. First of all, try to avoid surprises, it is better to discuss the gift with the parents of the baby in advance. For example, a guest wants to present something bulky to a child, but will such a gift please his mom and dad? Perhaps the family lives in a small apartment, and such gifts are inappropriate here. Besides, who, if not the mother, knows better what her child will like.

Keep in mind that at this age it is not recommended to give presents with small details, as a curious baby will surely unscrew the dangerous element, try it on a tooth or try to put it in the nose. If the toy is made of plastic, then evaluate its quality. This should be shockproof material.

If the mechanism works on batteries, then make sure that the protective cover is well screwed on several screws and cannot be opened without a tool.

Do not take soft toys. They are uninteresting to a rolling one-year-old baby, at this age children are energetic, so a soft toy is not the best option. The young boy will remain equally indifferent to rattle - this toy is attractive for babies under six months. Do not buy a designer, as it contains small items, and also avoid toys without a quality certificate.

Do not take gifts intended for older age, and also consider the sex of the child. Everyone knows that the ideal option for a one year old boy - a machine. For example, no man, even such a small one, will refuse a big bright truck. A model that can be rolled on a string will seem especially interesting.

Another great success will be to use a truck with a spacious body in which you can transport children's toys.

Another suitable option is a machine in which the child fits himself and can ride around the apartment or yard, pushing with his feet. This is not just an interesting gift for the baby, but also useful. Children's gurneys develop dexterity, strengthen the muscles of the legs, teach the coordination of movements. It is better to abandon expensive models on batteries, since at this age it is more useful for a child to move independently.

For the girl, the most pleasant gift will be doll. It is better to choose a doll that you can wear and shoe. To do this, do not forget to buy an extra wardrobe for toys.

Choose a doll from durable material. Her size should be comfortable for a young hostess and her little fingers. Another version of the gift, which may be of interest to one year old baby, - children's house.

Practice shows that toy hut girls value more than boys. There, the little mistress leads her farm, arranges life to her liking, uses the house to play hide and seek. Unusual gift for the one-year-old lady - matryoshka. No need to think that this is an outdated surprise option.

Matryoshka very well develops the attention and logical thinking of the girl and attracts the child with bright colors.

What kind of toys can I give?

Choosing even the most obvious gifts like the above machines or dolls, do not take the first copies. For example, make sure that the tolokar has a back that will not allow the baby to fall. In addition, this additional element can be used as a pusher. A little birthday boy will be even more fun if his vehicle has an opening trunk where you can put your favorite toys.. Some models have a rotating steering wheel with a music button.

If the child already has a similar copy, then you can choose a more interesting alternative, for example, a gurney in the form of a duck, a helicopter, a butterfly.

The advantages of such a gift are the unequivocal interest of the child and the affordable price. However, beware of wheelchairs made of fabric materials. At this age, the child is not yet accustomed to the pot and may stain the toy.

As for the doll, here the donor’s fantasy can be limitless. Naturally, this should be a princess with a beautiful face, but if the little birthday girl already has a whole collection of dolls, then you can choose accessories for them. For example, each girl will be delighted with a doll carriage. It is better to choose a stroller from metal rather than plastic, since the plastic frame can not stand if the baby is leaning on it.

The same goes for doll bed. It is best to ask your parents in advance what kind of doll their daughter loves the most and to choose a cot or stroller for the size of a particular toy.

Another option for the girl is children's kitchen. Now in the assortment of children's departments there is a wide variety of children's dishes, tables and chairs from different price categories. You can even find a kitchen that has a tap with real water. If you plan to order a children's gift through the Internet, then beware of Chinese sites. Most of the Chinese products are made of poor-quality materials that are dangerous for children.

A great gift that will be welcome to both boys and girls - inflatable pool with balls. Usually the balls in it are of such size that children cannot put them in their mouths, so the gift is quite safe. But it is important to discuss in advance the need for such a purchase with parents. Another option is suspended swing. The stores offer models that are mounted in the doorway, as well as specimens with support.

In the first case, the installation will have a little damage to the doorway, and the second option takes up a lot of space, so you need to consult with the mom and dad of the birthday boy again.

A special place in the assortment of gifts occupy developing gifts. These include, for example, pyramids, cubes, labyrinths, the designer of large parts. Now in the toy department you can find floor mats puzzles. The child collects them in the correct order, and then can play on the rug - it is soft and warm.

Orthopedic floor mats in the form of rubber grass, soft or hard cones, and other variations are also sold. This gift trains the muscles of the foot, is an excellent prevention of flatfoot.

At one year old, children love to draw, so they will be happy toy easel with crayons or felt-tip pens. At first, the child will depict only “kalyaki-malaki”, but over time the easel will turn into a board for playing school. There are models that have parts on magnets, for example, numbers, letters, geometric shapes and other developmental elements. Another gift option for young artists - Finger paint.

Children love to draw in a similar technique, in addition, paints will help your child learn to recognize colors.

To art can teach and children's music complex. It may be a book with music buttons, a telephone receiver, a miniature piano. WITHIt should be noted that the parents themselves are usually not particularly happy with this gift, as an enthusiastic child will constantly make noise with a new musical toy.Developmental toys include items used in the Montessori method. This is a very useful gift, but is expensive.

You can give designer with large details. For kids, all the elements are usually painted in bright bright colors. An inquisitive child will make images known only to him for several hours, combine details, study shades, and learn forms.

A great option - toys for swimming. They will distract the baby while swimming. Do not be afraid to give books. Of course, it is too early to read, but the child will be happy to look at bright pictures and listen to funny children's poems.

By the way, already at this age, the poetic form is very well perceived by children, it develops speech and memory.

Best Practical Gifts

This category includes gifts that will welcome not only small children, but also their parents. If the birthday was born on the eve of winter, then a useful gift for the first anniversary is a sled. Many options: sledges on wheels, simple models, copies with a handle-pusher and others.

If there are no restrictions in finance, then it is better to buy sleds with wheels, they make it easy to overcome thawed asphalt roads or drive into a shopping center, although they are heavy in weight.

Summer alternative can serve tricycle with holder for mom. When the baby adapts to operate the pedals, the handle can be removed. This gift is not only convenient and practical, but also useful: the child trains the leg muscles, learns to go around objects. But there are also disadvantages in this gift: it is heavy and does not allow the baby to sleep during a walk.

Parents will be happy if their baby is presented certificate for a photo session. It will be a great gift that the kid, at his age, cannot yet appreciate, but his mom and dad will be delighted. Usually, parents do not want to spend money on memorable pictures, so they will gladly accept the certificate as a gift. Impressions will last a lifetime, in the future an older child will be interested in looking at photos. If you want the baby to definitely appreciate your surprise right now, then hand the certificate to his mother, and give the birthday man some inexpensive set of sweets.

By the way, it is also important to discuss a sweet gift with parents; perhaps the child suffers from diathesis or allergies.

Practical gifts include car seat. Just most of the models made to change a year. If such a gift is too expensive, then you can consult with other guests and fold with one of them. A useful subject for the family will be baby beddingBut first you need to make sure that the house has a shortage of new bedding. Now even such banal things are expensive, especially for a young family with a child, so parents will be happy for such a gift. To make the gift more original, you can order individual embroidery on the duvet cover, for example, embroider the name of the child.

Dentists are advised to teach your child to brush teeth from 12 months of age, for these purposes, you can give them hygienic mouth cleansing kit. It consists of several soft-bristled toothbrushes and a special safe paste. At this age, many children suffer from the discomfort that erupt teeth deliver, and therefore a special teether can be included in the set.

Another practical gift idea - subscription for developmental courses. Many mothers dream of special activities for the child, which will help prepare the baby for kindergarten. Usually parents do not want to spend money on courses. Sometimes, mothers simply do not reach into buying a subscription, so she will be happy to receive this opportunity.

Before buying, be sure to consult with your parents, perhaps they are supporters of the home development of children.

Symbolic gifts

At 1 year old, the child will not be interested in a symbolic gift, but with age he will appreciate such a gift in its true worth and understand its essence. List of the most popular symbolic gifts.

  • Vintage wine. Of course, this gift is given to parents, but with the condition that the bottle will be open on the day of majority of the child after 17 years, it is the birthday boy who will take the first sip. You can even offer to bury the bottle in the ground, just do not forget to mark the place where the gift will be buried. After 17 years, the already grown up child will surely remember the guest with a kind word.
  • Tree sapling. It would be good to plant an escape in the presence of the birthday boy and take pictures so that in the future the grown-up child would know that this tree was planted in his honor. Over time, the baby will start caring for the seedling, which will accustom him to responsibility, kindness and love for nature, and will always remind him of the donor.
  • Height meter. Now the baby can stand, he is growing rapidly, and parents will be interested in making notes. Gradually, the child himself will every time be interested in how many centimeters he has added in height. Many for this purpose use the door jamb, but not every family wants to spoil the interior.
  • Stash under the curl. Parents of one-year-old babies have a tradition of cutting the first curl of a girl and keeping it for life. You can give them a beautiful box as a present. It is even better if the little chest is made using the scrapbooking technique or is beautifully decorated with your own hands. This same category also includes a casting kit, which will help parents capture the first cast of a child’s pen or foot.

Gifts for twins

Each guest is tormented by the question: what to give the twins on their birthday? Need to pick the same gift or different? Many are touched by twins, who walk in the same overalls and with the same toys, however, according to psychologists, parents who are trying to buy their children all the same, deprive them of their individuality.

Therefore, it is recommended to give two birthday gifts of the same type, but with different subjects.

If it is a typewriter, then Let one of the twins be the “police”, and the second - the fire truck. If the dolls, then they should be brunette and blonde. It is inexpedient to give absolutely identical toys, it will be more interesting for children to exchange presents.

Even if you donate two designers for different themes, then in the end all the details will be in the same box.

Radically different gifts are also better not to give. Do not buy one gift for two, otherwise it will become a "bone of contention." If you still want to make a general gift for twins, then let it be something large-scale, for example, children's tent, cabin, pool with balls, wall bars and other things with which twins can play at the same time.

Parents of twins and especially triplets know how financially difficult it is to raise even-aged children at the same time. Each item is bought in a double or even in a triple copy. Therefore, a wonderful gift for a large family is a money envelope. For mom and dad, such a surprise will definitely not be superfluous. And in order not to offend children, you can buy each for an inexpensive toy, for example, a helicopter and a plane.

The fact that give a child for 1 year, see the following video.

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Information provided for reference purposes.Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


