Birthday gifts

What to give to a friend for the 50th anniversary?

What to give to a friend for the 50th anniversary?

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  1. DIY gifts
  2. Gifts-emotions
  3. Kitchenware
  4. Comic gifts

It would seem that now it’s not a problem to find a friend for a 50-year anniversary a good gift - there are quite a few shops with good goods. But in reality it is not so easy. After all, the fiftieth anniversary is a serious age with its own view of the surrounding world and established, entrenched moral convictions, when basically all life achievements have been made, and children are adults and live with their families. Therefore, this anniversary should certainly be noted cheerful and noisy company at a rich table.

And that the gifts were original and memorable, for which you need to show imagination. However, the usual gift can be presented in an original and humorous manner.

DIY gifts

You will not be difficult to purchase any consumables for the manufacture and design of a gift that you do yourself. Everything can be bought in special shops for handicraft, there you can also take a master class in the chosen direction. Well, if nearby there are no such stores, then all this can be ordered and done via the Internet.

One of the most memorable gifts will be the picture you have drawn. In addition, it will be possible to decorate the interior. If you have a talent of the artist, show it to the maximum. You can draw a girlfriend surrounded by flowers. Draw flower fields or a vase of flowers. But even if you can't draw, it's not a problem at all. Now it is very fashionable to draw pictures by numbers. On canvas paper thin lines already applied future drawing. It is divided into zones with numbers that correspond to the numbers of paints in the enclosed set. You will only have to color the drawing and the picture will be ready.

In any case, turn the masterpiece of fine art into the framing workshop and ask to frame it beautifully.

There are still many original gift ideas that you can do with your own hands.

  • Decorations, made in the technique of beadwork, will definitely be original things that no one else will have.
  • Casket for storage of various trifles and decorations, which you can do with your own hands using the decoupage or scrapbooking technique, will also surely please you with your anniversary. It will be a beautiful and useful gift.
  • Order or make a wall calendar for your friendwhere instead of pictures there will be her most memorable photos. As an option, you can include photos of your girlfriend’s family and her close friends. Or to develop such an idea in a slightly different direction, and in which one - fantasize at your leisure.
  • Tie your own hands a plaid of bright threads or with a beautiful pattern and ornament. Or sew it from the shreds of different fabrics - such a gift will warm your girlfriend in winter evenings. In addition, this plaid will often remind her of your friendship.


If you want the gift not only to be remembered, but also useful for the birthday girl, then there is a wide choice. You can give any material and functional things, for example, for the kitchen. Also now it is very fashionable to give so-called emotional gifts, for which we, unfortunately, do not always have money or time. Here fit:

  • picnic in nature;
  • horseback riding;
  • walking on the water, a little trip;
  • tickets to the theater, to the concert, to the evening of humor;
  • Spa access.

If a friend has a big family in which she tries to pay attention to everyone, sometimes forgetting about herself, then give her minutes of joy and tranquility. The emotional gift that she wonders will be pleasant to her and she will remember it for a long time.


The kitchen is the face of the hostess of the house, a place for which she watches with special attention and diligence. As a birthday gift, she will be pleased to receive not only a beautiful, but also a functional item. And here the choice of gifts is big - from simple kitchen utensils and dishes to household appliances. If your girlfriend likes to cook and spends a lot of time in the kitchen, then she will like such a gift.

There are many options: a set of kitchen aprons and tacks, a beautiful set of pots, clay pots for roasting, containers for cereals and bulk products, beautiful painted trays, dishes with Gzhel and Khokhloma designs.

If a girlfriend likes to pamper her family, friends and guests with fresh pastries and cakes, then silicone molds, jewelry sets, knives, dishes and other necessary trifles are suitable for a gift.

A good gift for any hostess will be cookbook with new interesting recipes and step by step drawings or photographs. Or give her a beautiful thematic diary, where you can not only write recipes, but also make your own notes.

Appliances in the kitchen will always be necessary and reliable assistants in the household. But here you can take a non-standard approach, instead of a food processor, you can give a yoghurt maker, and instead of a conventional mixer, you can blender or a juicer.

Comic gifts

But if they could not come up with an original idea, or you have absolutely no inclination for creativity, then Any gift can be beat in a comic form. Even in the case when you give just money in the envelope. Ask the tamada to help you with this or in advance use the services of mass-organizers. Give a gift with a song or dance number.

If you have been friends with the whole company not for the first year, involve all your friends. You can put a mini-performance with an excursion into your past, perhaps in the years of your youth.

Chastushkami and poems tell me what a friend your clever, beautiful and wonderful hostess. Invite musicians together to sing at the table songs that are dear to you and dance to beautiful music.

Whatever you decide to give, for the holiday you need to prepare in advance. You should have enough time to choose a gift, make it yourself or order it.

If you are still undecided, be sure to watch the following video about the touching and original versions of presents for the anniversary.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


