Birthday gifts

What to give for the birth of a child?

What to give for the birth of a child?

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  1. Selection features
  2. What to give if a boy was born?
  3. Gifts for the birth of a girl
  4. Other options
  5. How to make a gift with your own hands?

When the firstborn appears in the family, it is a big and very important event for everyone. Happy parents try to share their joy with close relatives, as well as colleagues. They have a logical question: what to give for the birth of a child?

Selection features

Making a choice is not easy - it is necessary that the present be original and like newly minted parents. In some families, there is a tradition when the girl herself, in anticipation of the firstborn, thinks about making presents, and this is great, because the relatives will not have to “puzzle over” the acquisition of things for the baby.

Surprises should not be intended for children older than 6 months, otherwise your gift will be deferred for use "in the closet."

Let's determine the choice of a gift for the baby from relatives and staff.


You will not regret if you choose blankets (for the summer and winter), bedding, canopies and sides. Be sure to consider the fact that things related to the child’s sleep should be cotton and linen.


Such a gift as a bed can be presented by colleagues. The child should sleep on a children's orthopedic mattress, in a comfortable bed, and this is very important for the health of the infant, and it is also a good financial support for the mother and father of the child. Take a closer look at the beds that “grow” with the baby, to the structures with lockers and fixtures for the canopy.

Baby clothes

When choosing elegant things for the baby, pay attention to the following:

  • do not buy clothes for the future, especially seasonal ones: so that the winter jacket does not fit the child only in summer;
  • clothing for an infant should consist only of natural materials;
  • choose cute simple models - so you can easily put on and take off;
  • avoid buying clothes with items that can be accidentally swallowed (buttons, beads).


If the family has not acquired this device, or the washing machine is old and often deteriorates, such a joint gift from relatives or colleagues will become very useful. Many modern washing machines are equipped with special modes of delicate washing of children's clothes - the equipment operating manual should contain this information.


Often, with the birth of their first child, young parents lead an album of moments of the life of their baby and, after many years, all together revise and reread wonderful moments. Children's albums, Diaries for Mom, photo frames can be a wonderful souvenir that will last for many years.

It is very interesting and touching to open a children's album or “Mother's diary” with the child and recall moments from the “golden childhood”.

Pampers Cake

A cake made from pampers is original, cute, but you should not forget that a diaper is a subject of personal hygiene, for example, like a toothbrush. Therefore, it would be wrong to use it if it lay without a protective box.

If you nevertheless decided to give such a souvenir, then let such a gift be purely symbolic, in addition to it, buy a whole package of diapers.

Mobiles and carousels

Carousels are children's toys that are hung above a baby’s crib: it can be a circle of moving animals or little people. The mobile phone runs on batteries, and the carousel is started manually.Mobile carousel is often complemented by the function of playing musical melodies with the help of moving toys, mini-projectors, demonstrating an intricate representation of shadow theater on a wall or ceiling.

Cosmetics for baby

For the child should choose only high-quality certified products, without the "chemistry" and flavors. Baby shampoos, bath foams, powders, creams should be neutral and have a natural composition.

Chaise lounge for babies

A chaise lounge - a portable seat for the child on which there are seat belts. Some models are equipped with a carrying handle and a removable table for feeding, which allows it to be used for travels of the child in nature.

Developing rug

A rug, a warm blanket or a thin mattress of dense fabric, decorated with bright children's drawings, will be of interest to the baby. The arches with a foam coating - “bridges”, which are installed on the rug in order to hang toys-rattles, are included in the kit.

Baby toys

Young mothers themselves rarely buy toys for the future baby before birth, so they will be useful. A big request for sisters, brothers and girlfriends who purchase games for a child is not to conduct experiments, but to provide this to a professional consultant in the children's goods department., he will tell you what children need in the first months of life.

Electronic swing

A young mother will surely experience the delight of an electronic swing. They mildly mimic the swaying on the mother’s arms, the child calms down and falls asleep. Of course, children are all different and not everyone can behave in the same way, some people like swaying, but others do not, but as practice shows, this thing is irreplaceable. The market provides different models, and prices vary. It is better to choose a swing with several modes of motion sickness and with a music panel, where you can hear the sounds of nature, classical music or the heartbeat of mom.

Changing table

It may happen that young parents did not have time to get a changing table before delivery, try to help and buy it as a gift. It is better to purchase a special folding table, but some parents buy chests for changing, which is less practical, since the baby behaves more actively after 5-6 months, and it will be problematic to swaddle him on the dresser. On the table is much more convenient to wear a child, of course, table should fold out.

When the table “works out” its own, it can be hidden in the closet or given to relatives “by inheritance”.

What to give if a boy was born?

If you had a boy, all your relatives and friends were waiting for all these 9 months. He was born, and everyone is hardly waiting for a meeting with the baby and young parents. So, what should you give to a newly born boy so that a surprise may be necessary? A great gift for a child is clothes. When choosing it, it always takes a lot of time. Since boys grow very quickly, you should not choose suits “just right”, because the thing will quickly become small. Pick up outfits need a little more, given the upcoming season.

It is preferable to don a wool overalls. This off-season clothes are well in demand. As a gift, you can tie your own original booties, a beautiful blue suit or sew a linen hat. On the product for a boy, you can embroider a name or an invented emblem, and your creative gift can be your favorite clothes for the baby. You need to know that for work you should definitely take natural material.

Can be a fun surprise cake or bouquet of clothes. You still have to wash clothes before using them, so you should not worry too much about the hygiene of things. Beautiful roses from socks should cheer up young parents. The gift will definitely remain in the history of photos and will be a happy memory in the future. Also a good terry towel with a hood and a beautiful applique will be a good gift.A great gift, because the baby takes a bath every day.

Original, if the gift of the birth will be silver. It can be a beautiful silver spoon. After some time, she will need to feed the baby. There is no better material like silver for a baby spoon.

When choosing silver, it is not at all necessary to consult with the parents of the infant, since silver in the house is always welcome.

Gifts for the birth of a girl

Since walks are one of the important parts in the life of a baby, it is not always convenient to walk with a stroller. Of course, if young parents do not have a lift in the house, or a young mom needs to go to the store, a gift can be an unusual idea for using on a walk. “Scarf - for moms” and “mom - beads”. “Scarf for moms” is a wide dense fabric fabric, which is attached to the waist of mummy, and “mom - beads” is a useful and necessary souvenir made of high-quality food-grade silicone or treated wood, fastened with nylon thread.

When wearing a mother’s neck instead of beads, “mother beads” play the role of toys and perfectly facilitate the baby's teething time, as well as develop fine motor skills and are very helpful in learning colors and shapes. You can also donate an individual holder for the pacifier. It can be made of the same materials as the "mother - beads".

And to walk in the fresh air were more colorful and brighter, you can give a stretch on the stroller (if the mother walks with the stroller for long distances), also made of materials safe for the baby, from certain wood species: juniper, beech, hornbeam. These breeds are pleasant to the touch and smell.

Other options

You can enumerate a lot of different gift options that are equally necessary and useful for your baby and newly-made parents.

  • The humidifier not only maintains the necessary humidity in the room, but also cleans the air.
  • Large pillow for feeding in the form of an arc. It comes in different colors, it is very convenient to rest on it.
  • Thermometer in the form of a pacifier, which measures the temperature of the baby.
  • Photo frames that will decorate and make happy happy moments.
Pillow for feeding
Photo Frames

Also an inexpensive and original gift is personalized beads-cubes for teething.. They look like small silicone cubes (or beads) where on each object is written according to the letter of the child's name. This indispensable item will help your baby’s teeth to appear more painless without any problems.

How to make a gift with your own hands?

The best gift as a gift is, of course, hand-made things. Warm knitwear made of pure wool, such as hats, socks, overalls and plaids, are generally welcome. And if the baby was born in autumn or winter, it will be a very necessary and pleasant gift, made with love and from the heart.

The list for the presentation of the baby is huge. Whatever you choose, no matter whether the gift is purchased in the store or made with your own hands, it must be filled with individuality. You can pack it in bright, colorful paper, you can tie a beautiful blue or pink bow. Do not forget the important rule: to save on things for the baby can not be.

If you go to visit where there is a baby, you need to take care that the gift was safe, bright, individual.

About what to give for the birth of a child, see below.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


