Birthday gifts

What to give a test for a birthday?

What to give a test for a birthday?

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  1. Practical gifts
  2. Gifts for the hobby
  3. Original Presents
  4. Do I give flowers?
  5. What can you do with your own hands?

Family holidays require special attention, and sometimes wit in the choice of gifts. You want to please those close to you, it is pleasant to surprise and to please not only "for show". What gift can you give to your wife's father? Of course, there are universal options, and there are original ones - each worthy of consideration.

Practical gifts

The best gift is the one that will definitely come in handy for the birthday man. If you notice that the toolkit of the test has not looked like a new one for a long time, something has been lost, something has lost its ideal working condition, you can upgrade the kit. If the father-in-law is a lover of tinkering, it is quite possible to please him:

  • cordless screwdriver;
  • convenient tool box;
  • a drill;
  • electric screwdriver;
  • a tape measure equipped with additional functions;
  • a set of tools that resemble diary.

Of course, "intelligence" does not hurt: well, if you know exactly what the test in the workshop is missing. If there is no such confidence, give the certificate to the tool shop. Surely the birthday boy will rejoice at the opportunity to choose a practical gift for himself.

But you should not reduce everything to the idea of ​​a workshop. Even lovers of spending time there sometimes are not averse to taking a break from business, and taking a rest with health benefits.

Today there are a lot of really useful massagers recommended by doctors, which improve blood circulation and the general condition of the body. Check with the health care provider, knowing about the health features of the father-in-law, you can find really useful tools for him. Often people of age spare money for this, cannot part with a serious sum, but this does not mean that they would not like to have a useful medical gadget at home.

Gifts for the hobby

Give the test for his birthday that relates to his hobbies, the most obvious option. For example, if your relative is an avid fisherman, perhaps he is not averse to replenishing his collection of spinning, fishing tackle. If you are sure that you will choose a good gift in the assortment of thematic goods, purchase! There is no such confidence, again, refer to the certificates - this is convenient, there certainly will not be lost.

Hobbies can be very different: collecting, wood carving, sports, mountaineering. If you know, for example, that the father-in-law is an ardent fan of football, on special sites you can order him things with the symbols of your favorite club. As an option - to find any significant ball or pennant, there are whole forums dedicated to the sale of such things.

If the father-in has a hobby in which he only tries himself, the undertaking needs help. People with age often try to draw. Look at the shop for products for creativity - there is a wide range of tools that will help the beginning artist.

Original Presents

It happens like this: a relative has an anniversary, and what to donate is completely incomprehensible (it seems that the father-in-law has everything). It is necessary in such cases to turn to rare gifts. They can hardly be called practical, but they can impress and delight.

  • Wine glasses in the form of chess pieces. Connoisseur will be happy with such a present - yes, for the most part, they are not drunk, they serve as decor. But what pleases our eye also deserves a place in our life.
  • Photo on canvas. Today, such gifts can not be called a rarity, but still they can be attributed to the original.All you need is to find a photo of the test (in high-quality resolution), give it to the masters, and in a few days you will receive a photo of any size on a real canvas. This is a modern analogue of the portrait, it looks impressive in the interior. On the anniversary - a great gift!
  • Rocking chair. This gift is original to those, in spite of all their stereotype, they don’t buy it very often. There is a stable association: a mature man with a book (a glass, a pipe) in a rocking chair - the head of the family, the sybarite. Do you think your birthday boy will refuse such a status item? Most likely no. In a rocking chair, it is convenient to rest after a hard day’s work, think about your own, relax. And if the father-in-law lives in a private house, and the possibility of using the chair in the open air is there, the gift is doubly interesting.
  • Engraved cigarette case. Such a gift, of course, is addressed to those who smoke. Thing status, not the most practical. But if the birthday man really has everything, you can please him with a cleverly made name thing.

Finally, there is another, almost win-win option. For its implementation you need to know what a childhood dream of the test remained unfulfilled. Perhaps this is not a secret, and family members know about it.

For example, the birthday boy dreamed of a personal camera in his childhood: you can work hard and find exactly the same camera of the same model (preferably in working condition). But you can offer and modern professional or semi-professional device.

Or another option - the father-in-law dreamed of a guitar in his childhood, but he never got a personal one. Think it's too late? It's never too late to learn! And attention, care, respect for the interests of a loved one are never forgotten.

Do I give flowers?

Often the question arises, do they give flowers to men, is it normal? Surely at official receptions you saw bouquets being presented to men as well. They are given to artists, athletes, moderators, etc. On the anniversary, giving a man flowers is quite normal, there is no pathos in this. Especially since florists can make a strict composition in a masculine style. Male bouquet requires restraint, conciseness, it is a priori not sentimental, although we are talking about flowers.

If you are going to congratulate a relative in the presence of colleagues or subordinates, flowers are needed without fail.

What can you do with your own hands?

If you know that the birthday man is a person who appreciates manual labor, creativity, an unconventional approach, you should think about self-made presents. Those who are not bad knit, you can tie a fashionable sweater or vest to a birthday man - this is a classic gift, and if it is made of high quality, it will not become obsolete.

If your relative dreams of a country house or cottage (or he is already in the process of construction), using a special program, you can make a paper model of the house. In the smallest details, with a decor and scaling - such things are appreciated by many men. Other homemade gifts include:

  • furniture for the street (in the country, in a country house) or a gazebo;
  • picture of the birthday;
  • ceramic dishes, made by hand using a special technology;
  • pictures on a wooden cut on a free subject.

        Creative greeting is not a material, but a spiritual gift. If you yourself, the whole family write a congratulatory verse, this, of course, will touch the hero of the day. You can come up with new words for your favorite birthday song and at the right moment to sing a song together at a family holiday.

        You can edit the video with children's (and not only) photographs of the test, the film can be accompanied by music or it will be the author's speech. It's great if for the film you will find friends of the youth and childhood in-law on the Internet, ask them to video a couple of welcome words and paste it all into the film. Such things always touch, a relative will certainly appreciate the work done.

        Finally, a frequent gift today is money.And if you have agreed that you will give them exactly, accompany the money gift with something creative, not so banal.

        You can come to the holiday with balls with interesting inscriptions (best grandfather, you are our superman, etc.). The more surprises, fun, lack of rigor in your congratulations, the fewer reminders of the birthday of his age. Most people don’t want to remember that the time for reckless, fun, loud congratulations has passed. Prove that it is not so that being a young soul is the most important thing!

        You can learn about other variants of gifts for the test from the following video.

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        Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


