Birthday gifts

What to give a female colleague birthday?

What to give a female colleague birthday?

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  1. Original gifts
  2. Edible gift ideas
  3. Budget options
  4. Themed souvenirs

A birthday is a favorite holiday of many. On this day, waiting for nice gifts and warm greetings. With a special thrill of their birthday, women are waiting, because women are more emotional and sensitive. In this regard, do not ignore the solemn date of your colleagues. It is necessary to congratulate her and present a gift, even a symbolic one.

Original gifts

You can present a colleague with a birthday not only a classic and versatile, but also a more original and unusual gift. In particular, such a gift would be appropriate if you and your colleague are on close friendship and are aware of its tastes and preferences.

  • Gift certificate to the store. If you know that your colleague loves cosmetics or is a frequent customer of various boutiques, buys a large amount of clothing, or disappears from bookstores on weekends, then a certificate to her favorite store will be an excellent gift option. Having presented such a gift, you will not only make the girl nice, but also save yourself from the difficulties of choice. With the help of the certificate, a woman will be able to purchase everything she wants, and for a long time she will be grateful for such a useful and practical gift.
  • Unlimited pass to the museum or library. In the event that your colleague prefers to develop spiritually and devotes a large amount of attention to self-improvement, then such a subscription will appeal to her. It will not be limited and will be able to enjoy the fruits of science or art at any time.
  • Subscription to the master class. Those girls who are fond of applied arts will like a subscription to a training or master class. Depending on your specific hobby, you can purchase a subscription to a drawing lesson, cooking class or training.
  • Active entertainment. Women who are fond of sports and prefer active recreation will be delighted with the certificate for parachute jump, horse riding or sea. You can also donate a subscription to the gym or swimming pool.
  • PHOTOSESSION. Lovers of social networks will appreciate the gift certificate for a photo session. To arrange a similar gift, arrange with her favorite photographer.
  • Certificate in the spa. If your colleague belongs to the group of workaholics, then she will not interfere with a day of relaxation and relaxation. Make sure that the list of services provided in the certificate includes the largest possible amount of massage, relaxing baths, masks, etc.
  • Portrait. The image of your colleague, transferred to the canvas by a professional artist, will be an excellent gift for her birthday. However, there is a slight difficulty in choosing such a gift, because artists usually ask for a photo of a person. You can find a photograph of a colleague on social networks or ask your relatives, but you should notify your employee’s relatives in advance that a surprise is being prepared so that they will not inadvertently betray your intentions.

Edible gift ideas

An ideal gift for a girl who is your colleague will be an edible gift. The woman will accept such a gift with joy and will not be upset at all. Depending on your budget, you can complete your gift in different ways.

So, if you are willing to spend a larger amount, then pay attention to the food boxes or baskets. Such gifts today can be purchased in many stores, ordered in special services or made with your own hands. The traditional composition of this set are such items as coffee, tea, chocolate, candy.

If you want to create a more individual and personal gift, then you will have to make a small amount of effort and imagination. First, prepare a suitable container - a basket or box. The basket should be purchased, and the holiday box can be made independently using wrapping paper or foil.

Fill the selected container with gifts according to your desire: these can be both classic sweets and more non-standard options. For example, baskets with exotic fruits are very popular.

If your colleague is keen on cooking, then present her with a set of unusual spices or a set of ingredients for an exotic dish. On the other hand, if a girl does not eat sweets and looks after her figure, then products for proper nutrition will be a good choice. Another good option - a set of unusual drinks.

If you have a more limited budget and you want to present a purely symbolic gift, then you can give a chocolate or a box of chocolates. Many girls will also appreciate a bottle of quality alcohol with a small supplement, such as a combination of wine and cheese.

Budget options

If your colleague is not a close friend to you, and also if you are in a difficult financial situation, but still want to congratulate her, then you should show a little imagination and creativity. There are many options for budget surprises that do not hit your wallet, but definitely will please the birthday girl. We offer you a list of budget gifts.

Flowers are a win-win option for any girl. However, if cut bouquets of roses, tulips and lilies quickly deteriorate and then end up in a garbage can, indoor plants growing in pots will delight the birthday girl for months and years. In addition, the price for them is much lower than for elegant bouquets.

Choose a room flower should be based on the preferences of colleagues. If you are not aware of its tastes, and there is no pertinent situation for such a question, then rely on traditional and classical options. So, for example, today orchids are considered trendy indoor plants, but the cost of such flowers can reach several hundred or even thousands of rubles.

To fit into the budget, choose simpler plants. Violet or geranium will do. However, try to give preference to those cultures that have the ability to bloom. Typically, these flowers are very popular among the fair sex.

Among other options worth highlighting.

  • Diary. This is a classic gift that is always appropriate. Virtually every business woman loves to plan, write lists to do and build her schedule. Therefore, a new notebook never hurts. Depending on the level of your intimacy with your colleague, as well as on the basis of her character, select an unusual diary cover: it can be a natural landscape, a still life, images of animals, etc. A stylish pen or a small calendar can become an addition to the diary.
  • Business card holder This gift will be particularly relevant for a businesswoman. With the help of a business card holder, she can carefully store her business cards, bank cards or other cards. In addition, in addition to the card holder, you can also give a key holder.
  • Cup. If you work in an office, then it is appropriate to give the girl a mug. Everyone knows that the working day of office staff is not complete without a cup of tea or coffee.Obviously, your colleague already has his own mug, but dishes, like any other things, tend to lose their appearance with time, so a new cup or mug is a great option for a budget presentation. You can supplement it with a pack of fragrant tea.
  • Statuette. Such a souvenir can be an ornament to the desktop of the girl. Try to pick up a small statuette that will be associated with the image of the girl, her field of activity or hobby.
  • Case for phone. In the modern world it is impossible to do without a smartphone. Therefore, everyone has such a useful and necessary gadget. In order to protect your device, many users purchase special covers. Such an accessory can be a budget and useful gift for your colleague. Before buying a case, check the employee’s phone model. So you just can not go wrong with the choice.
  • Picture. If your colleague is a happy owner of her own office, then you can present her a picture that will decorate the room. Choose images that match the woman’s personality: natural or seascapes, portraits or famous reproductions. In the event that your colleague accepts clients in his office, then a picture should be selected that will correspond to the field of activity.
7 a photo

Themed souvenirs

It would be appropriate to give the employee a birthday various themed souvenirs. They must necessarily be associated with her work or hobby, and depending on the nature of the girl may have a humorous overtones.

  • Office worker. Organizers, mouse pads, pen holders and similar stationery and computer accessories will appeal to those who work in the office.

In order to give such a gift more individuality, you can order personalized engraving. For example, in the office may be an inscription with the position, surname and patronymic of your employee.

  • Lawyer. Those who are in any way connected with jurisprudence can be given a huge amount of themed gifts. From the wardrobe items, a lawyer can be presented with a tie, bow tie, cufflinks or a new briefcase. The judge as a souvenir can present a figurine of the goddess of justice Themis.
  • To the doctor. Medical workers can be presented with a new personalized dressing gown with embroidery. Those doctors who are in constant development, it is useful to give a new edition of a medical directory or a subscription to a thematic Internet resource.
  • Creative person. Depending on the specific field of activity, a person of a creative profession can be presented to a wide range of thematic souvenirs. For example, a conductor can buy a new baton, a ballerina can buy souvenir pointe shoes, and a musician can pick a guitar pick or a book about the historical development of musical art.

In this way, Birthday gifts to a female colleague do not have to be boring.

If you make a small amount of effort, as well as show imagination, you can choose a non-standard souvenir that will correspond to the field of activity, hobbies or personality of your employee.

You will find more ideas on what to present as a gift to a female colleague in the video below.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


