Gifts for the New Year

What to give a pregnant woman for the New Year?

What to give a pregnant woman for the New Year?

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  1. What to consider when choosing?
  2. "Pregnant" gifts
  3. Classic Gifts

Christmas gifts are always chosen with special scruples, because you want to please a loved one. A pregnant woman, be it a friend, sister or daughter-in-law, wants to give double pleasure. A woman who has already gone through this period, it is easier to choose a gift, because she understands the desire of the ladies who are in an interesting position. For the rest, our article will be the magic wand, in which we will consider what you can give a pregnant wife, girlfriend or daughter for the New Year.

What to consider when choosing?

First of all, it is necessary to decide on the presentation style: it should correspond to the holiday and the situation in which the woman is located. On New Year's Day, it is better to give something cozy, warm and festive, so gifts such as summer sundresses or sandals will have to be postponed for another season.

It is important to remember that the gift will be presented to the fair sex, who is waiting for the baby. Try to give something that she can use immediately and not wait for the delivery. Gifts in the form of tickets to a concert or theater are hardly useful, especially for a period of five months, since during this period the baby begins to kick actively, and the future mom will not be able to physically sit in one place.

When buying a gift, it should be remembered that it is purchased for the mother, and not for the baby. Do not give a pregnant girlfriend clothes, toys, cosmetics and accessories for the child. Firstly, every woman wants to get something for herself, and secondly, some pregnant women become very superstitious and do not accept children's things before childbirth. It is recommended to give such products after the birth of the baby, in order not to put the relative in an uncomfortable position.

Moreover, as a rule, future parents want to independently acquire the necessary things for a daughter or son.

It is not recommended to give ladies in the position of perfume or cosmetics, even if she loved this fragrance very much. Unfortunately, pregnancy is not only the most beautiful period in a woman’s life, but sometimes also the strangest, because at this time tastes and preferences change dramatically. The gentle and summer smell of perfume can cause discomfort, and sometimes even the urge to vomit.

As for cosmetics, then the reaction of the body sometimes changes dramatically. Even the most expensive cream, which was often used before pregnancy, can cause a severe allergic reaction or rash. Be very careful with similar gifts in case your daughter-in-law or daughter has just given birth.

Some have to change the entire skin care after childbirth, as the body's reactions in nine months have changed significantly.

Not the most successful gift will be a certificate in a spa or beauty salon. Firstly, not all women in the waiting period of the child paint or cut their hair. Of course, many people want to pamper themselves with a relaxing massage or body wrap, but such procedures are strictly prohibited during this period. Secondly, many certificates have an expiration date, so it may turn out that using the services will not work at all.

"Pregnant" gifts

Consider a list of gifts that will appeal to any pregnant woman and will delight her in such a wonderful waiting period for each, when a little miracle will soon be born.

Cozy pajamas for pregnant and lactating

Despite the desire to always look beautiful, from about the fifth month, when the stomach starts to bulge, women especially appreciate comfort and coziness. Therefore, as a New Year's gift, soft and warm pajamas that will warm in winter evenings are perfect. Pay attention to the presence of gum on the pants, so that with the growth of the abdomen pajamas remain all the same comfortable to wear. Remember that during this period, many women gain weight, try to guess the size.

Model for nursing mothers will be useful after childbirth.

Diary of a future mother

Universal gift that will be very useful during the first pregnancy. A small notebook where you can record your feelings on certain dates, paste in photos and prints with ultrasound. Many of these diaries have useful tips for each week of pregnancy and a small information block. The notebook will become a real treasure, because in a couple of years a lot will already be forgotten, and inside there will be mom's notes that will remind you of such a magical period.

Certificate in maternity store

Universal gift to which everyone will be happy. Having received such a gift for the New Year, the future mom will be able to independently choose the things she needs in the store. If the gift will be addressed to a colleague, you can throw off the entire department, so that the nominal certificate was more.

Pillow for pregnant women

Another useful gift that will please a woman already for a long time, since it is very uncomfortable to sleep with a stomach, and in the morning often back pain is disturbed. So that a pregnant woman does not feel discomfort at night, she can be presented with a special pillow designed with consideration of the peculiarities of the figure.

These pillows can be of different colors and change the shape at the request of the owner. Comfortable sleep is very important while waiting for the baby, so a friend or sister will surely say thank you for such a useful gift.

By the way, the pillow can be useful even after giving birth - during feeding a newborn is placed on it for greater convenience.


Many pregnant women want to capture a magical period. A great gift will be the services of a photographer who specializes in exactly “pregnant” topics. A professional will surely offer interesting ideas for both paired photos and separately for the future mother. New Year's studios, beautiful dresses and delicate makeup will be at the disposal of the customer. Having made such a gift, you will give the expectant mother an opportunity to permanently capture the memories of the beautiful period.

Certificate for training future parents

These can be classes for preparing for childbirth or courses for expectant mothers who will be told how to swaddle, feed and care for the baby in the first months of his life. At such events, a woman will be able to meet other pregnant women for a similar period, share her observations and get useful tips.

An important component of any course is the counseling psychologist, which will help prepare yourself morally for the birth process.

There are also pair courses for which the husband and wife go together. Favorite will be very happy if the spouse will accompany her.

Steamer and sterilizer

Very useful gifts that will be useful not only for nine months, but also after the birth of a baby. Proper nutrition is a guarantee of health, and sterile dishes are necessary for both the expectant mother and the newborn. Steamed dishes are tasty and, most importantly, easily absorbed by the body.

Many units are equipped with an automatic shutdown function, so if a pregnant woman decided to take a nap, she can not worry about the fact that food will burn.

Fruit basket

Any woman will appreciate the beautifully decorated basket with useful content. It can be filled with bright fruits, jars of honey or caviar, which is a must-have delicacy on the New Year's table.You can put inside tea sets.

Try to fill the basket with fruits and berries that are hard to find in winter.

The future mother will be happy to enjoy strawberries, raspberries, mango and other products that are either unavailable in winter or are too expensive.

Classic Gifts

Of course, it is not necessary to give a gift for the New Year with an emphasis on pregnancy. You can teach and something classic that will please a woman in the position.

Rest for two

Any woman will be glad to such a gift from a loving husband. Make a surprise to your wife and buy a trip to the holiday home for the winter holidays, secretly from her. First make sure that there are no medical contraindications for the trip. Fresh air, lack of household chores such as cleaning and cooking, daily walks and classes in the pool will have a beneficial effect on the condition of the ladies in the situation.

Modern holiday homes and motels offer complete recreation, the price of which varies depending on the level of the institution. Since the rest is planned for a pregnant woman, it is important to follow some rules when choosing a hotel:

  • it should be a maximum of a couple of hours drive from the city;
  • All the necessary amenities are required. such as a shower, toilet, heating and proper nutrition, a first-aid post on the territory of the hotel, which operates 24 hours, as well as a nearby pharmacy and grocery store.


Another fashionable gift for your beloved can be a fashionable phone, if you can, get the latest model.

Such gadgets are equipped with a good camera and will be able to capture the best moments of life together.

DIY candle

Some gifts do not necessarily buy in the store, you can make them yourself. Beautiful, decorative candle will be a wonderful gift for your sister or girlfriend, waiting for the birth of a child. Complement a decorative candle with a selection of relaxing music and you can be sure that you give a moment of enjoyment to a loved one.

To make a decorative candle with your own hands, you need to prepare two wax candles, a couple of small boxes and coffee beans. You can learn in advance the preferred smell and buy candles with the scent of lavender, mint or lemon. In a water bath, you should melt the candles, put a small box in a large one and pour coffee in the gap between the walls, then pour them with wax.

When the grains stick to the walls, the box can be taken out and pour the wax inwards by placing a candle in the middle.

A box of confessions "100 reasons to love you"

A romantic gift will be very nice to receive from a loved one. Take a box, better in the shape of a heart, and fill it with sweets and notes, each of which must contain the reason you love your woman.

About what to give a pregnant woman for the New Year, see the following video:

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


