Gifts for the New Year

New Year Gift Ideas for girls 11 years

New Year Gift Ideas for girls 11 years

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  1. What to consider when choosing a gift?
  2. Top useful things
  3. Original gift ideas
  4. What is not worth giving?

New Year is the favorite holiday of all children. At this time, the most cherished childhood dreams come true. On New Year's Eve, I really want to surprise the child with a special gift so that the holiday will be remembered for a long time.

What to consider when choosing a gift?

So, consider The main criteria for the selection of the presentation.

  • Interests of the child. If an 11-year-old girl likes swimming and her parents give her videos, the gift impression will worsen. You should always give what the child really wants, otherwise it is not a gift, but an ordinary purchase.
  • A letter to Santa Claus - the key to the perfect gift. It is enough to ask the daughter to write the cherished desires of a bearded grandfather who rides a sleigh - and the list of gifts that her daughter will definitely appreciate is in her pocket.
  • Bright packaging - half the success of the gift. The holiday is an impression and emotion, so you need to think in advance about the packaging in which the gift will be presented. It is necessary to pick up New Year's craft paper or a festive box.
  • You do not need to give a gift in advance. It spoils all the magic of New Year's Eve. It is better to distract the child for a short time after twelve o'clock at night and put the gifts under the Christmas tree. This will strengthen the children's faith in Santa Claus and surprise the child.
  • Gift - for a child, not for parents. Practical things that parents will use are good, but on New Year's Eve you need to give the girl what only she will use.

You should not give too much time, effort and money to the choice of a gift. New Year is a family holiday and it is important to be a family on this day. The price of a gift does not matter if it is given in a loving family.

The best gift for the New Year, which does not require cash investments at all, - attention of parents. December 31, you can escape from the hustle and bustle and preparation for the holiday, set aside free time and go for a walk with your daughter. You can feed the ducks near the water or look at the tree in the city center - not the route is important, but the purpose of the walk.

Top useful things

Below are the most popular gifts for girls 11 years old.

  • Sewing kit. To create a hobby and captivate a girl with any interesting activity, you can donate a miniature sewing machine for the New Year. Such devices allow you to make simple seams and create dresses for Barbies, for example. If you like the gift, in the future you can sew at a professional level.
  • Dolls. Eleven-year-old girls still continue to play with dolls or to build a house for them, so donating a few dolls on New Year's Eve will be a win-win option.

You can choose sets in which small houses or rooms come in (kitchen, living room or changing room).

  • Book. Literature is a great gift for any holiday. If the girl is seriously interested in reading, you can buy an e-book as a gift. In comparison with printed books, this book has a lot of advantages. Buying an e-book will create a huge library in a small tablet, and it saves time, money and space in the apartment.
  • Diary or personal diary with a lock. All girls love to keep secrets or organize their lives in one way or another. A personal diary in which you can record your own experiences and hide them from prying eyes is a great gift for the New Year. The child will be able to record important upcoming events in the diary so as not to miss them.
  • Cosmetic bag. 11 years - the age when girls start thinking about their own beauty. A few simple cosmetics, hygienic lipstick, a mirror - nothing more needs to be added to the cosmetic bag. Beautician for the New Year just please the girl who reaches for adult cosmetics.
  • Paints, easel and album for drawing. Giving drawing supplies in the New Year is a great way to attract a girl to a new hobby.
  • Fitness bracelet. The accessory on hand not only performs a decorative function, but also has a number of positive features: the bracelet can serve as an alarm clock, read heart rate, receive incoming calls, analyze sleep.

Such a “smart” gadget will surely delight the child.

  • Moneybox for money. Piggy bank assumes the first savings for a child, so its acquisition is extremely necessary. The girl will be able to throw there a trifle, from which a large amount will come out over time. There are options for Christmas money boxes, as well as piggy banks in the form of animals.
  • Case for smartphone. The case is a very useful accessory, because it saves the phone from cracks and scratches on the screen. Under the style of the New Year you can buy New Year's cover designs - winter landscapes, snowmen and fireworks.
  • Chest or safe. A small box for storing important things will serve your child as a personal box for keeping secrets.
  • MP3 player. If a child enjoys listening to music, a good player for playing songs will be a good gift. You should choose a model with a large amount of memory to suffice for the entire music library.
  • Sled. In winter, children often spend time riding downhill. Safe sledges will delight lovers of this active holiday.
  • "Cheesecake" or tubing. The gift has common characteristics with sleds, however, differs in design. Tubing - tire covered with a rag sheath outside. On the "cheesecakes" you can safely accelerate to high speed, while sleds are associated with the risk of hitting or falling.
  • Constructor. For girls, there are a huge number of designers on the topic of women's cafes and dressing rooms. Apart from the fact that designers with fine details are well developed imagination and fine motor skills, they are very warmly perceived as New Year's gifts.

You can buy several small sets or one large one for the New Year theme.

  • Doll house. Many girls at the age of 11 dream of a real house in miniature: rooms, walls and a roof. Young girls want to equip each room and plan who will live in this or that room. On New Year's Day, you can fulfill the girl's dream if you buy a big house for Barbie.

Original gift ideas

The list of unusual gifts is as follows.

  • Movie ticket, water park or museum. Such a gift can also be presented not only to daughters, but also to any other girl: the price of a ticket is small, however, a ticket to the event will give a lot of impressions. Closer to the New Year is better to choose tickets for Christmas movies in the cinema.
  • Slippers. For the New Year as a gift you can buy soft big sneakers in the shape of an animal. Hares, walruses or lions - cute fluffy sneakers will appeal to anyone.
  • Personalized pen with New Year's design. A friend or sister can be handed a pen with her name: the gift's individuality will delight any girl, and the pen itself will be useful in school.
  • New Year's passport cover. Beautiful covers for documents - an original and useful gift. In the New Year, you can choose colorful winter options.
  • Set of artificial snow. On New Year's Eve you can give your daughter a set of "magic snow". It is a dry substance from which artificial snow can be made in a simple way. The snow will interest the child and give a lot of pleasant impressions.
  • Big soft toy. A snowman, Father Frost or Snow Maiden - it does not matter, the main thing is that the toy be of impressive size and related to the New Year.The big plush toy makes the corresponding impression and is one of the best gifts for the New Year.
  • New Year's night light. There are many options for nightlights for sleeping, which are equipped with a system of different colors: blue, pink, purple. Such a New Year's gift will surprise the girl and give her a peaceful sleep in warm colors.

What is not worth giving?

There are a number of things that the eleven-year-old girl is not worth giving into the New Year. Consider them in more detail.

  • Money in envelope. At an early age, any amount of money can not cause delight. For children, money is not such an important attribute as for adults. Therefore, if there are no ideas for a gift, it is better to buy a sweet gift.
  • Towel, socks and other accessories. Christmas sneakers in the form of little animals are an acceptable gift, but a towel with a New Year's print for a child will seem like a boring and dreary gift. Socks also belong to things worth buying outside of any holiday. The “household” gifts also include handkerchiefs, hairbrushes, bed linen.
  • Pet. Getting a new resident in the New Year is not the best event. Animals can not be given, because it is a serious step: you need to take care of a living being every day. The exception to the rule: if the parents of the child deliberately purchased a hamster or a dog as a gift, since the daughter had long dreamed of a little friend.
  • Footwear. Perhaps the worst gift for the New Year is a new pair of shoes. If a child needs new shoes, it is advisable to purchase it not during the holiday. No child will be delighted with the new shoes at the end of the year.
  • Bracelets, rings and earrings. A smart bracelet is not a costume jewelry, but various accessories for wearing are. At such an early age, the child is eager to get a surprise for the New Year, and not a small box with earrings.
  • Cake. On New Year's cake as a gift will look inappropriate. Yes, the delicacy is delicious, but as a gift from Santa Claus the cake does not fit. If you can not wait to feed the girl with sweets, it is better to stop at the New Year's sweet gift with bright packaging.
  • School notebooks, pencil case, form. All items related to the school should be excluded from possible gifts. On holiday, the child wants to escape from school and get the magic, not notebooks.

A few more gift ideas for children of this age are presented in the video below.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


