Gifts for the New Year

Gift ideas for the New Year girl 5-6 years

Gift ideas for the New Year girl 5-6 years

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  1. A gift for all time
  2. Future mistress
  3. Young needlewomen
  4. For outdoor activities and sports
  5. Professions
  6. World of beauty
  7. Modern gadgets

New Year is a time of miracles and magic. We are all waiting for some kind of fairy tale and we certainly believe that our desires will be fulfilled. But as adults, we realize that Santa Claus himself will not cope, and therefore we have to deal with the preparation of New Year's surprises.

Special attention should be given to gifts for children, because it is in this beautiful and carefree time of life that one believes in miracles more than ever and waiting for a surprise is every time so joyful and long-awaited.

Of course, any mother knows well the interests and preferences of her child, but if you go to visit friends or friends who have a girl of 5-6 years old or you just have a fancy for gifts, then in this article you will find some interesting ideas.

A gift for all time

Children of this age have different hobbies and preferences, but still, there are common interests that unite many girls. And of course, these are toys.


In children's stores, the most frequent and simple solution is a doll. Among the variety of species you need to choose the one that will suit your daughter or younger sister. Perhaps it will be the heroine of her favorite animated series:

  • Barbie;
  • Winx;
  • Masha;
  • Bratz;
  • Princesses disney

And let the choice of the doll take a considerable amount of time until you determine exactly, but the joy of the recipient will be a pleasant bonus for you and will make it clear that your efforts have been justified.

Stuffed Toys

Plush products also occupy one of the first places in the list of favorite children's hobbies. On the shelves of their large set:

  • classical (in the form of animals or people);
  • developing (rugs, suspended roundabouts);
  • cubes, balls;
  • musical;
  • interactive.

Or it can be heroes of favorite fairy tales and animated series:

  • Puppy patrol;
  • Masha and the Bear;
  • My Little Pony.

Being lost in conjectures, what can be presented to a daughter or granddaughter, it may be worthwhile to dwell on this variant. And no particular kind or size is so important, be it a big teddy bear, a tiny red dog or a pink hare. The main thing is that a cute and fluffy animal should be a good friend for a child who would like to play with, take care of him and put him on the bed with him.

As a rule, it is difficult to make a mistake with such a present, since such surprises are loved not only by five-year-olds, but even by adults.

Future mistress

Watching the behavior of her mother every day, the young princess also wants to meet the standards of femininity, comfort and warmth. From an early age, she begins to gently care for her dolls, swaddling them, preparing them dinner and stuff. In this case, it will be useful to support the baby in her desire to care for others. Such a future mistress will suit various options for toy household items:

  • kitchen;
  • Washer;
  • iron;
  • dishes;
  • plate;
  • a vacuum cleaner.

Having such items in her basket of toys, it will be easier for the little housewife to master the peculiarities of home life, and she will also be happy to help her mother with housework.

If your baby is more attracted to the game of daughter-mothers, then it is worthwhile to stop at the following purchases:

  • stroller;
  • baby dolls;
  • cot;
  • bottles.

In any case, no matter what you give, the main thing is to take into account the preferences of the little man to whom you present it.

And guessing is quite simple, you only have to take a better look at what your child most often plays with - and it's done.


When the house is full of dolls and you do not know where to put them, but a great solution can serve as a house for dolls, in which you can equip them with the same conditions as in an ordinary house.

It is necessary to distinguish the house into different zones:

  • bedroom;
  • kitchen;
  • children’s
  • bathroom;
  • living room.

And further, depending on the type of room, to equip it in its own way. You can cut the curtains from the waste fabric into the kitchen by yourself or put a small shred instead of a carpet in the living room. In general, here turn on your fantasy completely and listen to the opinion of your daughter, sister. In great confidence, it can be assumed that such an activity will not only bring her great joy, but also provide an opportunity to become more independent, making decisions about home improvement, even if for a puppet.

Young needlewomen

Female representatives aged 5-6 already consider themselves adults and independent, have their favorite activities and interests. If your child likes to do something with their own hands, sculpt, draw - in a word, to create, then it is worth thinking about what will satisfy his usual hobby or awaken the desire for something new. It all depends on preferences and hobbies. We offer you a list of useful gifts that develop creativity:

  • clay, clay for modeling;
  • easel with paints;
  • beadwork;
  • knitting;
  • puzzles;
  • patchwork;
  • origami;
  • markers;
  • drawing album;
  • paints, pencils;
  • set to create candles.

Remember that in any kind of needlework requires special attention and perseverance, so show patience and care, help your daughter first, and let her not immediately succeed, but it will be much more interesting and easier to make the first steps together.

For outdoor activities and sports

If your daughter doesn’t particularly like to sit and just play with dolls or draw at the table, but prefers to run around on the street, ride a bike or go to some sports section, then she will most likely be pleased to receive a gift related to her favorite hobby.

For active young ladies a bold decision will be:

  • videos;
  • skates;
  • bicycle;
  • scooter;
  • skateboard.

If your beauty has found herself in a dance class, then you can offer the following options:

  • the dress;
  • ball shoes;
  • beautiful hairpins;
  • decorations.

Whatever your child does, the main thing is to please his taste and then the child will be happy, and your efforts will not be in vain.


The six-year-old age for a child is transitional - he will soon go to the first grade. At this stage, for the first time, the baby begins to think about what awaits him further, what he would like to become. Surely, playing with your daughter, you noticed what profession in the game she likes.

  • For the seller in the store requires a cash register, toy money. Additional attributes will be carts, racks, products: plastic fruits, vegetables.
  • In the arsenal of the young doctor should be an ambulance casein which there will be a thermometer, injections and everything that is needed for the proper treatment of their wards animals.
  • If your little one wants to open her beauty salon, a hairdresser’s set will suit you. with interesting combs, scissors, hair dryers.

There are so many professions in the world, and the choice of gift sets associated with them is just as varied. What to prefer, you decide, starting from the attachments of your child.

World of beauty

It's no secret that every young lady wants to look good, dress beautifully and look like her mother, which is an example for her. Sometimes, imitating adults, the baby suddenly wants to get into the makeup bag and make up on shadows or lipstick. But since it is still too early to use such means for children's skin, and even to keep their parents' wallet from unplanned waste, It will be better to give your beauty what is intended specifically for the care of delicate skin:

  1. lip balm;
  2. shampoo, bath foam;
  3. washable nail polish;
  4. water-based perfume;
  5. lip gloss;
  6. eyeshadow;
  7. manicure and pedicure kits;
  8. baby cream.

In this case, the main thing is to look not only at the beautiful packaging, but also at the quality of the products and safety for children's skin, so that in pursuit of beauty there are no disastrous consequences.

Little fashionistas, accustomed to beautiful clothes and bright accessories, will most likely like:

  • rim on the head;
  • handbag or backpack;
  • bracelets, rings;
  • miniature catkins;
  • thin chain;
  • fashionable trouser belt;
  • any clothes (skirt, blouse, dress).

In general, tastes, as they say, do not argue, and everyone has their own ideas about beauty. And despite the fact that your daughter or little sister is not so great yet, she also wants to be beautiful, and especially in the New Year. Therefore, you can give exactly what the young fashionista dreamed about. A lot of positive emotions are provided to you and her.

Modern gadgets

At the moment, six-year-old children are already in full use of smartphones, music players, tablets and other technological advances. They can be not only entertainment, where you can play or watch cartoons, but also benefit.

For example, when your child goes to first grade, it can be an excellent way to communicate with parents. But naturally, before buying such an expensive thing, it is worth weighing the pros and cons, take into account its necessity.

    Summing up, it is important to note that if you are faced with the choice of a gift for the New Year for a girl of 5-6 years old, you do not need to get lost. Just listen to her inner world, feel that she is close, remember what you dreamed at that age, and the answer will not take long to wait.

    The most important thing is to have a gift from the heart, because children feel it very subtly.

    More gift ideas see the next video.

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    Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


