Gifts for the New Year

Ideas of original and unusual gifts for the New Year

Ideas of original and unusual gifts for the New Year

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  1. How to choose a gift?
  2. List of creative souvenirs
  3. Original sweet gifts
  4. What can be unusual to do with your own hands?
  5. An overview of interesting gift sets

The New Year is a holiday that is associated with gifts almost more than a birthday. At least, relatives and friends must give something to give, but every year the question arises again about what to hand over. If the potential donor is not in the closest circle, it is somehow not accepted to spend large sums on a gift for him, while another stupid and banal souvenir is not only tasteless, but also stupid.

However, you don’t always give a practical thing - sometimes you just don’t know what a person needs, and some just have it all. If the fantasy does not tell you anything sensible, do not panic: we are in a hurry to help.

How to choose a gift?

In itself, originality is not at all a sign of a good gift for the New Year: for example, it would be very original to give a head of garlic to a person or give a live goat, but this decision is unlikely to be accepted in a positive way. Pursuing the goal to pick up an unusual gift, do not forget that it should be pleasant for a person. In order not to miss and make a consistent and logical choice, Ask yourself some simple questions and answer them.

  • Why is a gift being presented? Many consider something practical as the best gift, but a symbolic gift can have a positive effect, if it pleases, entertains or pleasantly surprises the person.
  • What is the potential recipient interested in? It is no secret that the tastes and preferences of all people are different, because the same thing can be a great solution in one case, and failure in the other. If you can - look for in a potential purchase at least some sort of binding to the person to whom you will hand it.
  • How much can you spend? When choosing a gift for a particular person, do not get carried away too much, for surely your list of loved ones is not limited to them, but there should be enough money for everyone. It is better to sketch in advance a rough budget plan and try not to go beyond it.
  • Material or emotion? Until now, under the gift for the New Year, people usually perceive something that can be touched, but this holiday is no worse than a birthday, to which many of our people are already getting used to giving impressions.

    Perhaps you don’t know about it, but there are special shops with various unusual souvenirs and gifts.

    Since such an outlet does not specialize in anything else, the range here is usually impressive. Many such sellers work on the Internet, and a unique gift can be ordered even by mail.

      Finally, do not forget that not only the gift itself is important, but also the process of its delivery - this is always very exciting and pleasant for both parties. Unlike other holidays for the New Year, the gift can be not handed over, but put under the Christmas tree, but in any case, it is worthwhile to understand in advance how the transfer will occur.

      You can even beat the procedure in the form of a contest from childhood, when a rhyme reward is required for a gift.

      There is also a definite list of potential gifts that should be forgotten once and for all. Of course, in certain situations even such a gift may be appropriate, but it happens very rarely.

      • Figures of animals whose year is coming. This is an example of terrible banality, which also has no practical purpose. In general, the symbolism of the next year’s animal doesn’t even claim to originality, but if it is at least applied to a practical thing, then it’s half the trouble. If the addressee does not have a craving for collecting figures and a special shelf for them, the gift will be gathering dust in a desk drawer for years.
      • Personal things. In the New Year, a person is waiting for a miracle, and if you guess to give socks or shaving foam, do not be surprised that in the eyes of the donee there is no expected delight. Unique packaging or unusual design does not make such things better. In addition, you should be careful and with more refined, but the same personal things, such as linen, perfume or makeup. In this case, the chosen thing as a whole may be very good, but it’s just not suitable for a person or does not correspond to his preferences.
      • Dear surprises. On the New Year, it is customary to give gifts to all more or less close people, respectively, you need to buy a lot of presents, because most people’s wallet is only enough for relatively inexpensive gifts. If a person is not among your next of kin and plans to give you a relatively cheap gift (or worse, he has nothing to cover), you simply put him in an uncomfortable position.
      • Repetitive gifts. The new year is a miracle and although everyone is waiting for him, no one can say for sure what it should be. Some people do not understand this and consider it quite normal to give the person the same thing every year. Do not become predictable - even a good gift will eventually become boring and will not be perceived with enthusiasm.

      List of creative souvenirs

      It can be concluded that Christmas souvenirs - a gift is too banal and inappropriate. In fact, of course, this is not quite true - it all depends on how much you chose a hackneyed souvenir.

      Modern globalization leads to the fact that around the world goods are about the same, and a good souvenir was and remains the thing that no one has ever seen before. Find something like this - you can safely give, this is a good option. And here are a few examples showing that the New Year theme in the design is not limited to the usual costumes.

      • Zavarnik in the form of Santa Claus. Not to be confused with the banal figures of the same character without any practical purpose.
      • A deck of playing cards, decorated with New Year prints.
      • Digital photo frame, imitating Christmas tree toy.
      • A bag, "Stitched" from Santa Claus's headdress.
      • Cases for bottles sparkling wine.
      • Candles in the form of snowmen melting in the process of burning.
      • Flash drives whose shape repeats the silhouette of a Christmas tree.

      All of the above shows that in principle Christmas symbol can be applied to anything - do not need platitudes with all these t-shirts, cups and kitchen aprons.

      Moreover, today every person has the opportunity to apply to a special atelier, where you can print any drawing literally on anything - this gift will definitely be unique and inimitable.

      Original sweet gifts

      When choosing a gift for the New Year for an adult for some reason, they completely forget that the present could very well turn out to be edible. Do not think that only children's gifts can consist of sweets - in fact, such a gift would be very useful for adult recipients as well, because among them too, there are often sweet tooths.

      Of course, we are not talking about any banal cardboard box, which is filled with relatively inexpensive candy and is sold in the nearest supermarket. Turn on the fantasy, and your gift will be remembered for many years.

      In regular stores, this is not for sale, but a curious variant of the presentation could be a personalized chocolate that can be found on the Internet.You must have seen similar bottles of Coca-Cola, but that is perceived too trite precisely because it is sold everywhere. It is quite another thing - chocolateAfter all, the name of the addressee can be inscribed in curly letters on her, not only on the label.

      Such a gift very well demonstrates your favorable attitude towards the person. It would seem that chocolate is sold everywhere, but you didn’t buy it at the nearest stall, but specifically looked for where to get the name tile for this person.

      An alternative and somewhat more complicated solution is chocolate card congratulating the addressee with the New Year. In a large city, it may be a little easier, because it is possible that some pastry shop has already released something similar with ready words of congratulations applied to the tile surface.

      In small towns, you will either have to resort to Internet help again, or look for a chocolate shop where you can make a sweet custom-made postcard. The last option is especially good because you decide what the finished product will look like and what exactly will be written on it.

      If all of this is very difficult for you, creative and pleasant You can make a sweet gift with your own hands from ordinary sweets. Although it is better still not one of any, but one of those that pleases the potential donated. Remember the experience of working with a designer, even if it was the last time in early childhood, arm yourself with scotch tape and try to assemble a creative figure, which you will hand over.

      The most obvious solution is characteristic spruce silhouette as a symbol of the upcoming holidayit is also no different to a complex configuration. If a gift is made for a girl, sweets can be arranged in the form of a bouquet - the lady is always pleased to receive flowers, but usually they are not presented for the New Year, and then suddenly such a surprise.

      Knowing the interests of the recipient of the gift and fascinated by the creative process, you can figure out something thematic, with reference to a specific person - hand him a candy car or a guitar.

      Something like this is sometimes sold in stores - there seems to be a traditional gift, in the form of a set of sweets, but packed in a creative box. Even a toy can act as such, for example, truck with opening body, which is filled to the top with sweets. Another similar solution is backpack in the form of animalswhich is also sold along with candy in it.

      Finally, you can not reinvent the wheel: if culinary art is not alien to you, and confectionery does not belong to the weak sides, you can give personally made sweets. It can be anything - gingerbread, cookies, muffins and so on, if only you were one hundred percent sure that it turned out delicious, otherwise it will be embarrassing.

      Another important detail is that a gift of this type is usually given to several people from one general company at once - either one for all or one copy for each.

      If a woman gives such a gift to any one particular man, in this gift you can see many different implications.

      However, a cake or a pie can not be baked by yourself, emphasizing the creativity of its design. For some reason, such a confection is considered to be an attribute of a birthday, but in fact there are a lot of sweet teeth in the modern world, and the festive table probably involves some kind of dessert. In the pastry shop you can order a cake decorated with any figures at your discretion - these can be characters from the famous Prostokvashino, the movie Alone at Home or even the Soviet New Year's comedies.

      The main thing is that all those present are familiar and close to the design theme, then the atmosphere of the festive feast can come closer to the ideal.

      What can be unusual to do with your own hands?

      Whatever one may say, the absolute majority of modern stores sell consumer goods - with the current globalization you can easily meet a person from the other end of the planet who has an exact copy of this or that thing. In such conditions it is becoming more and more difficult to choose a truly original gift, therefore it’s no wonder that The best gift began to consider what is done with your own hands.

      The meaning here is not only and even not so much in absolute uniqueness, as in demonstrating attention to a person - you did not get off with the minimum amount for another knickknack, but spent a significant amount of your free time to create a creative present.

        Here, of course, those who, in principle, are friends with creativity and are able to present one of their regular masterpieces as a gift, feel especially free. However, if you undertook to read this section, you probably still know how to do something with your own hands - it remains consider the ideas of what it could be.

        • New Year's preservation - An option for those who are not strong in the arts, but is friendly with fantasy. In general, this is another variation of the delivery of sweets, about which much has already been said above, only here the candy essence of the gift does not immediately strike the eye.

        Just need to take a beautiful jar of any desired volume, fill it with small candies to the top and close the lid, like a real preservation. Only brilliant candy wrappers will be visible from a distance, and the recipient will not immediately understand what it is. Of course, the dishes should be additionally decorated - for this purpose, tinsel is glued to it with scotch tape.

        For greater clarity, the bank is also provided with a label in which they write the traditional New Year's greetings, the name of the addressee, and sometimes the contents.

        • Cup Sweater - seemingly useless, but at the same time very nice accessory, adding comfort, and at the same time allowing the hand not to burn, if the drink is hot inside. You can make such a gift in different ways - who knows how to weave or knit, he uses this method, but you can also sew a product made of felt or any other similar fabric.

        The size of the finished product is small, because for its production neither time, nor forces, nor materials will be spent much. In this case, the craftsmanship, manifested in the “plausible” design of such a “sweater”, will cause additional delight among a loved one.

        • Christmas sock for gifts - This is an accessory that today almost no one uses for its intended purpose. In most houses where it is, it is only available before the New Year, but you can beat its design by doing something more useful.

        If you make such a small product, it can serve as an excellent bag for storing headphones, allowing you to extend the life of this popular accessory. It is possible to sew such a sock out of fleece or felt, while performing a useful and practical function, it will create a new year mood for the owner.

        • Postcard casket It may seem a matter of dubious practicality, but such a decision cannot be exactly blamed for platitudes. Something like this you will not find in the store even theoretically - this is purely handmade, albeit not very complicated.

        The material for it, however, needs a peculiar one - for making it, you will need several New Year cards, and priority is given to old editions, which usually have a brighter color despite their faded colors. It is possible to connect separate walls of the future casket in any way convenient for you, if only it was beautiful.

        In the household, such a gift is suitable for storing various small things, in particular, the same candies, but for the sake of fairness, it is worth clarifying that this accessory does not shine with durability.

        • Soap of own production - the gift is creative and requires an understanding of certain laws of cosmetology, but otherwise uncomplicated to make.Instructions on how to make soap at home are on the Internet everywhere, this task is so simple that even appropriate children's kits for creativity are released. As a basis, take any odorless baby soap, and collect the fragrance yourself, focusing on the improvised means and tastes of the addressee, who is likely to be a woman.

        In this case, do not be lazy to pre-ask whether your ingredients are harmful to the skin and if not, boldly combine them. Certain problems may arise with the production of a neat bar, but the external form here is not as important as the content of your presentation.

        An overview of interesting gift sets

        Sometimes no option of a large and significant gift comes to mind, and giving something small seems ugly and unworthy. In this situation it would be reasonable to give a set of several simple but necessary things, each of which could please the addressee a little. As a rule, the set is handed over in a certain common box, which the donor could have collected himself, however, more recently, store versions of such solutions have also appeared.

        By the way it is not always logical to hand over similar presents - since in scale some of them resemble a classic package, sometimes it makes sense to mail it and send it in order to more actively beat the idea of ​​the New Year miracle.

        Most often, things from the set must be united by some general thought or theme. Consider vivid examples of such compositions.

        • Package for coffee lover. Everything is logical here - it’s somehow embarrassing for a loved one to give a cup or cup of coffee for the New Year, even if it is very expensive. Another thing is that you can put several exotic packages of coffee from distant countries at once. In general, the actual bundle of grains may be one, but then let the same cup, as well as other useful ingredients - cinnamon, black chocolate and cookies - make up the company.
        • Bath set. Here the situation is similar to that described above - a towel or bath foam looks like a bit small and does not inspire delight. Another thing, if you donate both of these things, and at the same time also scented candles, some salt and a sponge. Individually, these things seem cheap and commonplace, but together, and even packed, they allow you to take a bath with comfort anywhere.
        • Kit for baking. Something similar is usually given to women who love culinary exercises and have achieved significant success in them. Anything can go into such a set - from the actual baking tins to tablecloths and even kitchen utensils. Such a gift is good because it also demonstrates the recognition of a person’s talent - you kind of say that you like the recipient's pastries very much and ask him to continue in the same spirit.
        • Gift set for manicure. This option will be well received by so many women, because the care of their own nails is fundamentally important for the beautiful half of humanity. If a girl constantly deals with such issues on her own, she probably already has all these multi-colored varnishes, means for cuticles and removing old varnish coatings, hand creams and manicure sets.

        Another thing is that most of the things described, except perhaps the last, are consumables and end regularly, and here you are in one fell swoop to remove this problem for a long time.

        • Kit for crafts. Such things are usually given to a child who is not alien to creativity. For him, now professional products are not needed, he just tries himself in different arts - here and give him the opportunity to try himself in everything. Most often start with albums for drawing and various tools for the same occupation - markers, pencils, paints. Please note that for different devices need different paper, because one album is not limited.
        • Shipment from a distance. And this is a purely customized gift, which usually includes food in souvenir packaging - chocolate, tea and other similar trifles. Most often, these components must be original in terms of recipes and have a natural origin.

        Ideas original and unusual gifts for the New Year, see the video below.

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        Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


