Gifts for the New Year

The best gifts to a boy of 3 years for the New Year

The best gifts to a boy of 3 years for the New Year

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  1. Selection features
  2. Physical development
  3. Intellectual development
  4. Stuffed toys and favorite characters
  5. Games and Kits

In the New Year, absolutely everyone is waiting for gifts, especially children. But many adults are happy not only to receive gifts, but also to give them. At the same time, it is very important to present the child with the very desired gift in order to fulfill the child’s dream. To do this, he must share with you intimate dreams. Well, if you don’t know anything about it, you can always choose something in today's variety of toys. The best gifts for a boy of 3 years for the New Year can be different, It all depends on the hobbies and preferences of the child.

Selection features

At the age of 3 years, children actively explore the world, everything is interesting for them, the new one pleases and fascinates them. It would seem that choosing a gift is a snap. The only question is how to decide on this diversity and choose exactly what the child will like. Three-year son to make a New Year's gift is easier in the sense that parents know what the child is interested. But what to give the boy for the New Year, which is to be visited, the question is already more difficult. We'll have to learn about his preferences from the parents, so that the child would like a surprise.

The list of gifts for a three year old baby can be huge. The boy will be interested robots, cars, airplanes, all kinds of designers. With pleasure he tinkers with sets that allow you to learn some skills: construction tools and the like. Colored bright books, coloring books, felt-tip pens and pencils also be sure to come in handy. And someone will bring joy replenishment in a furry zoo toy. Will be in demand and sport equipment, whether it be a ball or rollers, a scooter or a bicycle. Each direction should be studied in more detail and decide on the choice.

Physical development

Every parent wants to see his baby healthy and strong, in the future he will only say “thank you” for such efforts. Therefore, the love of sport should be instilled from the earliest years. And in families where people think about it, it will be appropriate to give gifts of sports orientation - from budget to more expensive, it depends on the possibilities. Of course, one of the attractive gifts can become a bike, a scooter, a car on which a boy can ride.

Skiing, skating, roller skating is a good option, but here adults will also have to participate in sports races and devote a lot of time to these activities.

If space permits, you can donate useful and enjoyable items. It may be trampoline or mini-poolif there is an opportunity to place it in the yard. Children's sports equipment will also be appropriate, but only those that guarantee complete security.

Perhaps the baby will please dry pool, which is welcomed by many children. Such a gift will definitely be in demand by the child. Various outdoor games will allow you to spend time in the fresh air, fit: badminton, towns, tennis, football and basketball.

Another great thing loved by many children is swing. They can be both stationary on a solid basis (they are better placed in the courtyard, if possible), and suspended, which are easily mounted in the apartment in the doorway.

Intellectual development

The child constantly learns the world around us, each day discovering something new. He needs help with this. And these discoveries are better and more interesting to do with bright beautiful and useful toys and things.

  • Books To teach the child to read from childhood.This will help books that parents read, and those that the baby scrolls himself, studying pictures, letters and numbers. You can give good New Year fairy tales, poems and stories, colorfully decorated. Bright learning instances with letters and numbers are also suitable.
  • Coloring pages. These books have a special place on the shelf for each child. Especially those with harvested patterns that you can navigate and learn to draw. Children are interested in stickers that are often attached to such colorings. For boys, cars, ships, heroes of favorite cartoons, and animals are usually chosen. A good addition to this gift would be pencils or felt-tip pens, paints or wax crayons.
  • Educational toys. Cubes and various designers will also be well received by a three-year-old boy. Bright colored cubes for the construction of houses, bridges and entire cities for a long time carry the child. Toys are sound, luminous, where you need to think, give an answer, and as a reward there will be various light and sound effects that also delight the baby. Such games can be very diverse: the study of letters, numbers, animals, plants. You should not give too complex games, to which the child will not get soon. The gift should be interested immediately. Bright mosaics with great details, large puzzles, puzzles can take a child, but not for long. Therefore, the details should be a little, and most importantly, they should be large and bright.
  • Creator's Kit. The stores on the shelves a large selection of kits for creativity, and not only for girls, but also for boys. Any kid will be interested in something to sculpt with his own hands from colored bright clay or from colorless plaster, and then paint it.
  • Children's tablets and computers can also contribute to learning. You can study letters and numbers, type words, play simple games.
  • Magnetic boards are very popular with kids. It is very easy to draw on them, developing creative abilities, and also it is easy to delete a drawing. Ordinary boards on which to draw with chalk are also a good option for a gift. And the larger the board, the more room for fantasy.

Stuffed toys and favorite characters

Children as young as 3 years old enjoy playing with soft toys, everyone has a favorite one. On sale a lot of options, and an unlimited number - from pets to all kinds of exotic animals. Another category of toys - favorite cartoon characters, they can be from different materials - soft and plastic, as well as clockwork, performing different actions.

By the way, soft interactive toys will be a good gift. After all, a dog or a cat that moves, jumps, barks or meows is much more interesting than the usual soft specimens.

Another option of soft toys - relaxation with a special filler. They are bright and funny, their choice is also big. In addition, they can be used as a pillow for rest.

Games and Kits

    Three years of age - this is the time when kids begin to imitate adults and enjoy playing different games.

    • The boy may need a set of tools for repair: hammers, pliers, wrenches, and the like.
    • Most likely, the child will enjoy the game in the hospital, and stethoscopes, syringes, vials and other medical supplies will carry him away, and at the same time the whole family will be involved in the game.
    • It is necessary to take into account the interests of the child, and although it is believed that kitchen stoves, microwaves, sets of dishes made to give the girls, the boy may also be interested in "kitchen work", especially if you need to cook something unusual.
    • The most successful games for boys will be the railway or road. The build process and the game are also fascinating. You can have around the whole city, arrange the little men there.
    • A separate niche is occupied by Lego designers, which are designed for different age and gender.For boys, you can choose different cars, airplanes, ships, rockets, robots.
    • A three-year-old boy can be given sets of machines, soldiers, robots, airplanes, pistols. Each of them will be the way.
    • Various sets of large and bright cubes will allow you to build colorful houses, towers and castles. This occupation can permanently captivate the young builder.
    • As for board games, there are also a lot of them in stores. And the boy would prefer to play football, hockey or basketball together with dad. But there are other board games designed for a three-year age, where you can throw a bright cube, move chips, and at the same time get new knowledge. But all games must be accessible to the understanding of the baby, otherwise he will lose interest in such a pastime.
    • Musical instruments and sets of them - a great way to take the baby, though very loud. Drums, pipes, accordions, guitars, synthesizers, maracas - he will try all this with pleasure. Interesting musical toys include a microphone or a rug, for fun it is better not to find attributes.

      Choosing a surprise for the New Year for a boy is an easy task. The stores have everything that the soul desires, for every taste and wallet, most importantly, to learn about the preferences of the child.

      A few more interesting gift ideas for boys in 3 years for the New Year and other holidays, see the video below.

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      Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


