Gifts for the New Year

The best gifts for a child of 9-10 years for the New Year

The best gifts for a child of 9-10 years for the New Year

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  1. Age feature
  2. Recommendations for choosing a gift
  3. What can you give to girls?
  4. Gift Ideas for Boys

The New Year is a fabulous time, because many gifts are presented to you, and magic reigns around. Especially happy are children who believe in a miracle. And adults wonder how 9- and 10-year-old children can be surprised by an unusual gift. Consider the useful ideas of gifts to children 9 and 10 years on the New Year.

Age feature

Vocabulary is growing every day in a 9-year-old schoolboy. He remembers school material well and becomes responsible for his actions. He likes to learn something new, unexplored.

At this age, the child has a best friend, with whom he spends a lot of time. A nine-year-old is very vulnerable and depends on the opinions of others. Parents should not miss such a moment. They should support the student, no matter what happens.

In addition to games, children have different responsibilities, such as cleaning the house, washing dishes behind them. Parents should approach this issue in advance, gradually teaching their children to these duties at a younger age.

Children may have problems with peers at school or misunderstandings with their parents. You need to talk with children, find points of contact with him.

In 10 years, the child turns from a baby to a teenager. The end of childhood comes. This age of children has its own characteristics that parents sometimes do not understand or sometimes do not want to understand. There may be difficulties in communicating with a teenager.

In no case do not scold the student or express dissatisfaction with his behavior, otherwise you will only make it worse for yourself and for the teenager.. At this stage it is necessary to understand and accept it for what it is. The schoolboy is looking for adult support.

It is advisable to spend with children as much time as possible. Talk with children, walk, go to the theater, to football and so on. You must be their reliable support.

The child changes his mind about himself. At school, he learned a lot, began to understand a lot. For us, he still remains small in the shower. He distinguishes among adults those people who enjoy authority among the rest. He likes to be encouraged and praised by adults.

He is already able to answer for their actions. He has plans, and every year they grow more and more. A teenager must be educated, otherwise time may be lost. The child often changes mood. You need to understand that these are particular features of the age of a 10-year-old.

Recommendations for choosing a gift

All parents want to please their children a pleasant gift for the New Year. There are a lot of all kinds of toys in the stores, and the eyes of a man run up at the sight of it all. Here are some great options that will suit both nine and ten teenagers.

  • Points of virtual reality. In the shops there are many types of gadgets, you will definitely choose what you like. Focus on the average price of points. Too cheap is better not to buy in order to avoid problems, for example, with the launch of the application. Points with an average price create a real immersion into reality.
  • Graphics tablet creative artist who likes to draw is suitable for drawing. The tablet attracts children by the fact that you can play games on it, make computer animation. Such a tablet is especially good because if the child doesn’t like the drawing, or if he wants to correct it, he can easily change it to his liking.
  • Home planetarium. Choose it in the middle price category, but if you buy a cheap planetarium, it will also cope with all the functions. Before you buy it, make sure that you have white ceilings in the apartment. The quality of the projection depends on it.

See that it has additional settings with which you can change the angle of the starry sky and so on.

  • LED backlit sneakers. When choosing, look at the fact that the teenager was comfortable to wear sneakers. Pay attention to the material from which they are made.
  • Airfootball - It is a flying disk with a rubberized surface. Now football can be played not only on the street, but also in the apartment. The surface of the disk does not spoil the flooring, moves very gently and smoothly, and also has a backlight.
  • New gadget is a practical gift for the New Year, with which you can please your ten year old child. This may be a new tablet or smartphone.
  • If you want to buy a creative gift, then choose 3D puzzles. They need to pick up the child on age. Puzzles for this age should not be too easy. The optimal number of parts is 500 pieces. Puzzles develop logical thinking, concentration of attention.
  • A delightful gift will be the steering wheel and pedals for racing games. Choose a wheel with a wireless connection. Thus, the child does not get tangled in the wires and does not break them. For a child fit model with the presence of the gas and brake pedals. The pedals should be non-slip and elastic.
  • The game console will become a fine gift for the child. Buy it for a child's age. The advantage of game consoles is that they are small and fit in a pocket. So, they can be carried everywhere with them. In addition, the cost of them is low, which plays an important role.
  • You can arrange an unforgettable New Year's holiday. Organize a party, call all his friends in a cafe. Ride them on the rides.

If you do not have much money to buy an expensive gift, then show your imagination. Here are some tips.

  • Regular gift pack in beautiful paper. The main thing is to show creativity and imagination.
  • Present the book in accordance with the hobbies of the child.
  • If you do not have money for a smartphone, you can simply donate accessories to it, for example, a phone case. Pay for communication services to the student in the year ahead.
  • Do not forget about sweets. Present a long-awaited New Year's holiday to your child in a large package of sweets. The new year is still associated in children with sweets and tasty presents.
  • Do not forget about the New Year's gift in the classroom. Talk to the parent committee about choosing a gift.

Offer a purchase option for stationery, chocolates and sweets. You can buy an interesting book.

What can you give to girls?

To choose a gift for a 9- and 10-year-old girl, you need to take into account her character, temperament, hobbies. You can choose an inexpensive gift, as long as the girl gets what she wants.

At this age, pick a gift is already problematic. Because the girl enters the path of maturation, and it seems to her that she is already quite mature. If you have a fashionista growing, she will like a beautiful umbrella. Especially will please her wristwatches. Here are a few gifts that will appeal to your young princess.

  • Present a Monster High doll or a doll with which you can dye your hair, for example, Moxie.
  • Present her a soft toy, for example, a pig, as a symbol of the year. She will especially like it if the toy is in the form of a key fob on the bag, or a stylish backpack in the form of a teddy hare or a bear.
  • At this age, the girl has her own secrets. Give her a diary for girls, but that he was sure to lock. When your young lady grows up, she will gladly reread her romantic diary entries.
  • If the young lady enjoys creativity, then give her a creative set. For example, a set for embroidery or experiments.
  • If the young lady has many friends, then buy her a board game.Children will have fun playing it.
  • Give her a beautiful watch. You can choose electronic or with this mechanism.
  • Present your daughter a beautiful wallet with which she will go to the store.
  • Buy jewelry on hair or just bijouterie, for example, a bracelet and earrings. But do not choose large accessories. They will look ridiculous on it. Better to give preference to small elegant earrings. A good option would be a pendant with her zodiac sign.
  • At this age, the girl likes to care for herself. Buy her baby cosmetics or perfumes. She will be delighted with such a gift.
  • Present her with an original bag or sports backpack.
  • Buy her a ticket to a concert of her favorite band, or organize an unforgettable trip to another city.
  • Arrange her to attend a cooking class, handicrafts.

Gift Ideas for Boys

It is worthwhile to approach the choice of a present carefully, because boys at this age already consider themselves quite adult. They are interested in various designers, different robots. Here are several versions of the gifts for a boy of 9-10 years.

  • If your son is keen to gain knowledge, present an interesting book.
  • If the boy likes to play sports, then give him table football, badminton, punching bag, bike, roller skates or figure skates. Buy a soccer ball.
  • If your son's hobby is fishing, then give him a fishing rod or a set of hooks.
  • Buy him a magnetic designer, board game or puzzle.
  • If he is inquisitive, buy him a telescope, a telescope or a microscope, as well as other devices to comprehend science, for example, a set for experiments.
  • He will love the craft kit. A popular hobby is wood burning.
  • If the son is engaged in creative work, present him a set for painting on canvas, a set of candles, magnets. If he likes to draw, give him a picture that he could paint.
  • If a child understands technology, buy him a camera, a printer or a disk with an exciting game, helicopters and radio control planes.
  • If the child is engaged in music, donate a musical instrument.
  • Take him on a tour.
  • Present to him a set of tools for children, which will be a grinding machine, a drill and a hammer.

In the next video, see about the best gifts for a child of 9-10 years for the New Year.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


