Gifts for woman

Gifts mom do it yourself

Gifts mom do it yourself

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  1. Original crafts
  2. Practical gifts
  3. Knitwear
  4. Edible gift ideas
  5. How to make a gift in five minutes?
  6. Useful tips

Homemade gifts from the heart - the best tokens. With your own hands you can make a lot of different gifts - both simple and intricate. There is a great variety of different techniques that allow you to make beautiful and useful gifts that you are not ashamed to hand over to a friend or relative. Today we will find out what homemade gifts you can give your mother.

Original crafts

Classic gifts will not go out of fashion ever, but often they seem boring and monotonous. In this case, it is worth doing not ordinary, but original presents. They are made of various materials, for example, from beads, plasticine, plywood, cardboard and other raw materials. Below we will look at some interesting and non-trivial gifts that will surely please mom.

Very beautiful and original gift - panel depicting sakura. Make it easy and simple. Consider in stages how to act.

  • Take the pink and brown paint colors. Prepare a snow-white piece of heavy paper, as well as a plastic bottle.
  • Next you need to pour in small containers. (can take plates) pink and brown paint.
  • Now we need to take a brush. Draw her neat outlines of a sprig of sakura. Then take a plastic bottle and dip it in the bottom of a pink paint.
  • Next you need to get a bottle and make stamps on the surface of a sheet of paper on the edges of a drawn branch.
  • When the paint is completely dry, Sakura panel can be presented as a gift.

Such a product can decorate many interiors. You can give a similar homemade gift for a birthday or March 8.

Plywood can make an interesting gift for the mother. Chic wall or desk clock from a similar material can turn out very showy and rich in appearance. Such things are done easily and simply.

  • First you need to think about the design of future watch. Particularly interesting and original look volumetric models with a 3D effect.
  • Watch form You can choose any. Most often, of course, make round models.
  • To original homemade watches served not only as a decor, but also fulfilled their main function, it would be necessary to purchase an ordinary small alarm clock in the store and get all the necessary parts from it (arrows and back).
  • The arrows will need to be carefully unscrew and paste in front of the new homemade watches. To do this, you will need to pre-drill a hole there.
  • Need to fasten behind soul mate hours.
  • Now the gift can be packaged.

A good gift for your beloved mother - homemade pad. It can be made of burlap or other fabric that is more to your taste. First you need to prepare a couple of squares from the selected material. They are put inside out and ironed.

After that you will need to sew them together. Leave with a very small hole through which you can insert the gasket. Fill the pad with padding polyester and sew a hole. Tie a present with a gift ribbon and attach a bow.

Such a gift can be filled not only with padding polyester, but also with “fragrant stuffing”, in this case you will get a pleasant-smelling accessory.

Unusual and cute gift - a candle in the shell. Such gifts are made as follows.

  • It is necessary to take a small candle in the form of a tablet. Then you will need to get the paraffin from the aluminum shell. To this end, you will need to gently press on the sides with your fingers, and then lightly tap the bottom of the palm. Due to such manipulations, paraffin will slip out of the shell.
  • Now it is necessary to separate the wick from the paraffin. To do this, it will just need to gently pull out the bottom.
  • Then we insert the candle again. in aluminum base. Leave the billet to heat up on an electric oven. If this is not in the arsenal, then you can take a saucepan, pour water into it and put it on the stove.
  • As soon as the wax melts to the end, You will need to carefully take a pill candle and pour the paraffin into the shell prepared in advance.
  • Next, you need to act quickly: in the middle of the shell, directly into the wax, you need to load the wick extracted before.
  • The wax will stick in a few minutes. After this, a new candle can be carefully packed and handed to your mother as a gift.

Beloved mom will definitely be happy if you give her beautifully decorated sweet gift. For example, it can be sweets in the original homemade ball. Such a solution would be ideal if it is about the birthday of the mother. Consider what stages need to go through, making such a cute and unusual gift.

  • First you need to prepare a Christmas ball. Before starting work it will need to be washed and dried.
  • Next, take the funnel. and gently lower its nose closer to the bottom of the product. After that, as carefully as possible, without haste, it is necessary to pour hot chocolate powder into the inside of the ball.
  • Next you need to fill the bowl with sprinkles, and behind it - sweet beads or beads.
  • Now you can remove the funnel and put fingers into the bowl of small pieces of marmalade and marshmallow.
  • After that, you will need to wrap the neck ball cling film and cover the cap with light.
  • If you wish, you can hang a tag on your side with congratulations and wishes.

Interesting and popular gift - delicious flowers. Such a gift will definitely have mom taste. It can be done quickly and easily, but in the end a very beautiful and effective composition will come out.

  • First you need to cut Corrugated paper on the stripes. The average size of the strips should be 3-4 cm in width and 13-15 cm in length. Of course, these parameters are not the only true - it all depends on the size of the candy.
  • Each strip will need roll in the middle of the bow and fold in place twisting.
  • Neatly straightening corrugated paper, it is necessary to form a petal. For each of the flowers will need to prepare 5 petals.
  • Candy need to attach to the basis of homemade flowers - to the skewer. To do this, a wrapper with adhesive tape is attached to a skewer, and then each candy is wrapped separately in a petal.
  • Every petal It will be necessary to carefully attach to an improvised stalk, using adhesive tape or wire.
  • Using corrugated paper hide noticeable flaws and form a neat little stalk.
  • From prepared flowers collect a beautiful bouquet. To finalize it, you can use organza or crepe paper.

Such a creative bouquet in no way inferior to fragrant vibrant colors. The main thing is to carry out the laying of candies reliably enough so that the design does not begin to fall apart after the presentation of the gift.

Beautiful mural as a gift for mom it will be possible to create using crayons. This beautiful and original solution will be a great present. Let us examine in detail how to make it on their own.

  • First you need to stock up wax crayons and thick cardboard.
  • Next you need to cut the crayons into two halves and remove the wrapper from them.
  • Half crayons need to stick on the cardboard. At the same time sharpened parts should be directed outwards.
  • During the sticking of crayons use only liquid glue.
  • To make the picture look more creative and originally, it is permissible to glue the cut out template of a bright color heart and glue it over with crayons.
  • As soon as a beautiful image will be ready, you will need to turn on the hair dryer at maximum power. They will need to "dry" crayons from the inside.
  • Crayons under the influence of hot air will leave on the basis of very spectacular color traces.

Another nontrivial gift for your beloved mother - homemade chalk board. To make it, you will need to prepare the cut wood (you can find such a detail in the garden stores), matte paint in the container and a brush.

First you need to paint saw cut, while not going beyond the bark. Let the product dry. After that you can write your congratulations and wishes on it with chalk. Together with a board it is possible to hand mum and a piece of chalk. Such a gift is sure to please the mother, because with him you can write down various notes, and simply decorate the interior with original detail.

Such a gift is sure to please the mother, because it will be possible to leave different notes on it.

For mom's birthday, you can prepare a small surprise and make an original decorative vase of threads. It is made like this.

  • First cut the string or wool yarn (depending on what you bought for the manufacture of decorations). Segments should not be too long.
  • Immerse them in a bowl with pre-poured PVA glue. Leave it there for 5-10 minutes.
  • Then take another bowl, cover it with cling film. Top with a piece of thread.
  • Leave the product so stand.until it is completely dry. Usually it takes about 12 hours to dry completely.
  • Next, very carefully it will be necessary to separate the vase from the film.

In this form, it can be handed to the mother. Together with such an original vase, you can present the birthday girl with a homemade candle in a shell or a bracelet made in ecostyle.

Practical gifts

A beautiful and neat box as a gift can also be presented to the mother. Let us analyze in steps how to make this charming thing.

  • Take a thick cardboard for packaging. Cut a heart-shaped piece out of it.
  • Further along the perimeter cut parts need, using an awl, to make small holes. Then they will need to insert toothpicks.
  • To keep toothpicks safer in the holes, they should be fixed using glue. To do this, it is permissible to use a special hot gun or the usual colorless Moment glue.
  • Next you need to take a wool thread pink shade and decorate their prepared base - lead them with a snake, moving from one toothpick to another.
  • When you get to the middle You can wear a small bead on each toothpick. After this, it is necessary to continue to wind the thread with a toothpick
  • End of the thread will need fasten as securely as possible with glue. In the upper and lower parts is to glue the ribbon.

In such a beautiful and practical casket, you can store all sorts of stuff or jewelry. In addition, such a cute gift can become an attractive interior decoration.

Another successful practical gift - floor mat. It can also be made with your own hands. Such things can be not only sewn or knitted, but also made of the most unexpected things - old T-shirts and T-shirts, pompons, buttons or even straps. Carpets made of small pebbles have healing properties.

Wonderful and practical gift - homemade cosmetics. Present mothers with absolutely safe and environmentally friendly cosmetics. These include handmade soap, scrubs and homemade creams.

Natural ingredients contained in such cosmetics will not cause discomfort or allergic reactions. However, it must be borne in mind that homemade homemade cosmetics are not stored for too long. As a rule, the shelf life is limited to a couple of weeks.

Keep it in the refrigerator.

Another useful gift that mom will definitely appreciate - effectively decorated hanger. An already finished coat hanger needs to be decorated so that it becomes a real designer work of art. It is permissible to cover such a base with dense textiles of bright colors - purple or turquoise. In the central part of the design, sew a nice bow with beads and rhinestones.

Very useful for mom can be homemade frame, designed for storage of jewelry. The first thing here is to correctly prepare a beautiful frame. It is desirable to take a design with spectacular openwork edges. To the latter you will need to tie the line segments (no more than 5 pieces). It is on these lines that you can hang various accessories. Such a thing will be not only very useful, but also attractive - Beautiful frame with decorations can effectively complement any setting.

Another practical and useful thing that you can give your mother for any holiday - creative homemade needle bed. To do it, you need:

  • cut a couple of pieces of a rectangular shape from sufficiently thick material;
  • on one of the pieces made, you will need to carefully sew the shape of a heart, a dummy and a spool of thread;
  • then you will need to sew 2 rectangular parts together using a tapering seam;
  • do not forget at the final stage to fill the resulting pad with padding polyester.

From cardboard rolls can be made stands for office supplies. For this ideal sleeve from the towels. Need to take the sleeves of different sizes and trim them. Further, these parts will need to miss with adhesive and wrap with a rope.

Glue the wrapped sleeves to a thick cardboard base. Further, in order to make the gift more interesting and elegant, it should be decorated with various miniature figures.

The resulting original homemade stand can be presented to the mother for any holiday - it could be a birthday, March 8, or any other suitable occasion.

Today there are quite a few simple recipes for self-cooking of so-called geysers or bombs designed specifically for the bath. Such things can be done with a favorite scent. You can give your mother a homemade set of such bombs, with them taking a bath becomes magical.


Charming and touching gifts for your beloved mother are permissible to be crocheted or knitted. it There may be cute knitted bows and flowers on the hair tie, a hat, a shawl, a warm and cozy sweater of your favorite mother's color, mittens, slippers, cozy socks.

It is also possible to make very unusual and funny decorations from the yarn, which will surely cheer up mom. For example, it may be charming wall bears of polar bears of a round shape, knitted large toys or floor mats. Such gifts will pleasantly surprise your beloved mother, because they usually look very cute and touching.

Edible gift ideas

Mom can be presented with a very effective and tasty gift. bouquet of fruit. To make it permissible from different fruits.

For example, colorful bunches of strawberries look very bright. For this, the berries are carefully washed and then dried. Next, each berry is strung on a wooden skewer. After that, the entire collected bouquet can be wrapped in a transparent film or paper.

Do it yourself with hands big poster with sweets. On its surface it is necessary not only to attach various chocolates and sweets, but also to write your good wishes to your beloved mother. You can dilute the composition with a couple of your joint photos. By the same principle, such presents are made as an album or a postcard with sweets. Such sweets will please your beloved mother not only with taste, but also with a good mood.

How to make a gift in five minutes?

It is not always necessary to spend a lot of time to make a souvenir or a nice little gift. There are homemade options, the preparation of which takes no more than 5 minutes.

Moms who love to tinker with cacti will definitely appreciate original quick homemade gift, made of simple stones. Pebbles in this case should be painted green. In addition, the work will require flower pots. It should prepare and small pebbles, they will imitate the soil in the pot.

This solution will look very unusual and interesting. This gift will surely cause a smile on mom's face.

Original and quick solution - paper bouquet of harmonica. It will also take a couple of minutes to make it. To do this, take a colored double-sided paper sheet, and then fold it with an accordion. Already on another piece of paper you will need to draw buds of flowers, for example, roses or tulips. They will need to be cut, and then glued to the green stalks.

You can give your mom a pretty picture drawn in just a few minutes. In this case, it is permissible to take sackcloth as a basis, and not just a sheet of paper. For drawing, you can use the stencil. If you have a ready-made frame at home, you can insert a picture there.

You will be able to create a wonderful and quick gift using ordinary candles and adhesive tape of golden / silver color. Ribbon should carefully wrap the candles along their entire length. The result will be very elegant products that look expensive and stylish.

Useful tips

If you decide to present a homemade gift to your beloved mother, then you need to take into account the fact that it is impossible to make it out of the rubbish lying in the house. Otherwise, the gift will hint that in this way you got rid of unnecessary unnecessary things. Of course, these are not the impressions that your mother should experience.

If you are cooking homemade cosmetics, then you need adhere to the recipe and follow all instructions. For example, in the manufacture of homemade soap is not recommended to supplement it with fresh fruit or berries. This is because they can start to deteriorate, which is why the quality of the resulting product may suffer.

On the anniversary, it is desirable to give something more solid and large. Homemade can serve as an addition to the main gift.

If there is none, then a gift made by yourself should be of the highest quality, useful and beautiful.

You can make various accessories for your beloved mother with your own hands. For example, it may be charming wallet. It can be decorated with embroidered pleasant wishes for the mother.

Edible Gifts should be created based on the preferences of the hero of the occasion. If your mother does not like sweets, then you should not hand her a lush bouquet of sweets - such a gift will be useless.

It is not enough to make yourself a beautiful and necessary gift. It still needs to be properly packaged. Festive packaging must be bright and beautiful. For this you can use special paper, colorful ribbons and original decorative elements.

Try to make the most accurate gifts with your own hands. They should not have any noticeable defects and flaws.

If you wish, you can please your mother with a homemade bag. As a rule, patterns for such products are very simple and clear. As the main material is permissible to use different options. The main thing is that the made accessory should be in harmony with your mother’s usual style, otherwise he will not fit into her image.

See the next video for a master class on making a holiday card.

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