
Etiquette of gifts: how to hand and accept them?

Etiquette of gifts: how to hand and accept them?

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  1. Emotions
  2. How to hand?
  3. Flower Gifts
  4. How to use?
  5. When can I refuse a gift?

In every person's life there are situations when you need to make a gift to someone from your family, friends or colleagues. There can be many reasons - wedding, anniversary, christening, graduation. To avoid embarrassing situations and not spoil the holiday, you should familiarize yourself with the rules of etiquette of gifts.


Everyone knows that gifts are successful and unsuccessful. When choosing a presentation it is useful to ask the question what positive emotions it will bring. If a person finds it difficult to name them, you should think about another option. For example, no one will be delighted with such a gift as an empty wallet, even if it is an expensive accessory of a world brand. In Russia, this means “handing over poverty”.

It is unreasonable to give "live gifts" without prior approval, because you can face the complete confusion of the recipient. It may happen that he simply will not be able to accept him, for example, if you decided to give a loved one a rat or a hamster.

There are quite a few people who absolutely cannot tolerate the species of rodents, because not everyone can tolerate such a “neighborhood” at home.

Any person giving gifts wants to see in the eyes of loved ones enthusiastic surprise, joy, happiness. To make the holiday a success, you should try.

It is necessary to do so that both those who are given and those who give are satisfied. To do this, follow the basic rules of etiquette gifts.

How to hand?

The rules of presenting gifts on etiquette allow you to avoid awkward situations. No need to present a gift in the narrow hallway, as soon as the door was opened. It is necessary to greet the hosts with a smile, take off the outerwear, fix the hair, go into the room.

According to etiquette, gifts must be presented before the feast begins. Nothing bad will happen if, in practice, someone decides to circumvent this rule, which often happens. Outside the feast, it is difficult to choose a moment to congratulate the hero of the occasion with universal attention - he has a lot of worries with meeting guests. When all the expected guests have arrived and the troubles have ended, anyone can congratulate at the table.

Handing a gift laid with his left hand - the right should be free to shake hands or warmly embrace the hero of the occasion.

By the time of delivery, a short congratulatory speech should be thought out and appropriate to the situation. Praise and compliments should be in moderation, so that, instead of solemnity, does not create a comic effect. It is necessary to speak sincerely, congratulations should not be long. No hint of even a joke on personal failures, blunders, and even more so on the physical defects of a person - this is unacceptable under any circumstances.

You should not justify such phrases as “sorry, I couldn’t do anything else” if the present is more than modest. If the gift is expensive, do not need to focus on this attention. For example, the phrase would be out of place: “I hardly found it. It turned out a little expensive, but decent. "

The main value of the gift is in the attention and sincere desire to please a loved one, and not at all in its value. Also, do not bother with questions about whether you liked the gift.

Even if it is not, a well-bred person will not give a look and will find warm words to thank everyone sincerely.

Flower Gifts

Giving flowers is always a good idea. If a person is not invited to the girl’s birthday, and her parents will be there, etiquette flowers should be presented not only to the birthday girl, but also to her mother.For a young man's birthday, a bouquet for his mother will not be superfluous either, because it was she who gave him life, therefore, it has a direct relationship to the holiday.

Having received a bouquet as a gift, you do not need to put it on the table along with other gifts - the flowers may wither. Floral decorations (thin transparent packaging, decorative ribbons) do not need to be removed to preserve the composition of the bouquet. It is necessary to straighten the ornamental grass, cut the stems and place the flowers in a beautifully prepared vase of water prepared in advance.

It is good if there is not one vase, because several guests may come with flowers.

How to use?

It is worth considering before the arrival of guests, where to temporarily fold the gifts, so as not to arrange the apartment in the presence of guests - this is contrary to etiquette. It is necessary to hastily choose permanent places for gifts, but in a hurry it may turn out to be not entirely successful. You need to put everything on a small table or shelf, where they will be "on equal footing" before the guests leave.

Accepting a gift, you must try not to offend any of the donors with a word or a gesture.

According to the etiquette it is impossible to put aside the box with the present without looking at what was presented. Need to open immediately, as soon as the guests handed a gift. You need to be ready to control yourself in any situation, even if the surprise is too far from expectations, and the person got a completely unnecessary thing.

It may be that a person was presented with several identical twin gifts - you also need to be prepared for this. In any case, you should warmly smile and thank everyone in a friendly, even voice.

Nowadays, the financial capabilities of many are very different.I. It is impossible to compare the received gifts, praising one and bypassing others indifferently - this is clearly a bad form. Also, do not unduly admire one and show disappointment at the sight of others - everything should look natural. Even the fleeting shadow of discontent is very noticeable - it is easy to offend the donor.

When can I refuse a gift?

There are times when the presentation has to be abandoned. The reason may be too high the cost of the gift (this requires), or the thing is very personal, intimate. For example, this may be a gym membership, and physical loads are contraindicated to a person, or a live pet, presented without coordination with the owner, whom he did not plan to lodge at home. The main thing - it is with dignity to get out of an awkward situation, without offending the donor.

To do this, say a few kind words to the guest. It is necessary to thank him for his attention, be sure to explain the reason for the refusal and express regret that I had to do so.

At the same time, it is not at all necessary that the deterioration of friendly relations will follow.

The process of choosing, giving and receiving a gift is a whole art. No need to ignore the basic rules of etiquette of gifts - it is necessary to take into account all the details and important details. If a person respects and correctly uses the etiquette of gifts, the gift will turn into a joyful welcome event for all participants, and he will receive presents more often, he will want to take a reciprocal step. This will help to maintain good relations in the family and with all who are dear for a long time.

You can learn more about the etiquette of gifts from the following video.

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