
What can you give to the boss?

What can you give to the boss?

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  1. What to consider when choosing?
  2. Standard options
  3. Original ideas
  4. Memorabilia
  5. Useful gifts
  6. Gifts from the whole team
  7. Edible Gifts
  8. What is not worth giving?

Choosing a gift for the boss is not an easy task. This is due to many factors, such as relationships in the team, the age and sex of the donee, the amount of money collected and the reason for donation. Therefore, in order for the gift to cause the manager only positive emotions and not have ambiguous implications, this issue should be taken seriously.

What to consider when choosing?

Before you start choosing a gift for your boss, regardless of whether it is a man or a woman, should take into account a number of important points.

  • The solemn occasion is the determining factor when buying a gift to the boss. For example, a gift for February 23 will be very different from a gift given in connection with the anniversary, retirement or transition to a new position. However, whatever the excuse, it should be remembered that, according to the rules of etiquette, a gift to management should be much more expensive than a gift to ordinary employees. Exceptions are small groups with a developed corporate culture. In such organizations, the position of head is often nominal, and therefore does not bring special preferences to the owner.

This is more characteristic of a young active team, where all its members are one big and friendly team. In such cases, there is no need to allocate too large amounts for a gift to the director, and you can limit yourself to the same money that is collected for a gift to each of the employees.

If the present is chosen for the anniversary of the general or commercial director of a large enterprise, then, of course, we should be talking about a large-scale purchase.

In such cases, it is customary to give an expensive VIP gift, which far exceeds the value of gifts for public holidays in its value and significance.

  • The next important factor that influences the choice of a gift for superiors is the gender of the manager. And if you can give anything to a man-boss, from expensive liquor to good hours, then with a woman or a girl leader everything is somewhat more complicated. In this case, it is important to remember that the donee is, first of all, a woman, and then the boss and often, in addition to responsible work, has a family and children. Most female bosses are forced to live in a furious rhythm, as a result of which many of them are in constant stress. Therefore, a gift chosen by such a manager should show the warm attitude of the team and be as useful and pleasant as possible.

Standard options

For holidays that are not related to the personality of the leader and are state or national, there are several win-win options for gifts that are always relevant and in most cases come in very handy.

For men

Traditional gifts for male executives are business objects for the office, writing sets, flash drives, leather-bound diaries, key holders and document folders. For the boss, who has “everything”, you can buy a souvenir on your desktop, an original organizer stand or a desktop weather station.

A young leader of a small friendly team, where the age of all employees, including the boss, is about the same, and the relationship is more friendly than official, you can give a company pen or a mug with the company logo and greeting text.In the New Year, an excellent gift will be a calendar with a photo of the whole team and warm wishes, complemented by a flask in a leather case or a bottle of good whiskey.

For women

For women bosses, a standard gift is an originally decorated bouquet of flowers, a leather wallet or business card holder. Original statuettes and cute things that can decorate the desktop are well perceived, as well as small paintings depicting a bright sunny day, beautiful nature or water.

Reproductions of famous artists, as well as autumn or dull landscapes should be approached very selectively.

This style is designed for special connoisseurs of art and people who are not versed in painting, can cause sad emotions and inspire sad thoughts.

An excellent option would be an orchid in a pot, a personalized vase or a certificate to the jewelry salon. A subscription to a beauty salon or gym can be given only if the boss is on friendly terms with subordinates, is close to them in age and spirit and does not perceive the gift as a hint of poor physical form.

Original ideas

Creative gifts, as well as “surprise” options, are given only if the boss is all right with a sense of humor, and his post still allows him to give him original and unpredictable gifts. Such gifts require some preparation and careful design.

  • Among the original gifts for men include first edition of an antique book. However, it should be given only if the hero of the occasion is interested in the subject of the book or he is an ardent admirer of antiquity.
  • A good unusual gift will be ivory souvenir or aquarium with exotic fish.
  • For bosses who are at the forefront of creating a company and selflessly devoted to its cause, you can prepare album about the history of becoming his offspring with the congratulations of the old employees with whom he began his career.
  • For a leader with a good sense of humor, in a team with a healthy atmosphere and a friendly atmosphere, you can order big picture with caricatures on himself and on all his subordinates, and add to it a set of expensive alcohol. Can also be purchased cup with a gold medal and make a comic inscription on them, for example, “The Best Boss”, “The Brilliant Director” or “The Honored Workaholic”.
  • A great original gift for a female leader will be iPhone Chargermade in the form of a bracelet. Such a decoration will help not only to charge the phone from the computer, but also to drop the necessary files from it.
  • An unusual and interesting gift will be grass for self-cultivation, located in a beautiful ceramic typewriter. She is absolutely undemanding to care and needs only regular spraying and cutting. Moreover, the body of the machine can be used as a platform for notes. Write important information will be a marker that is well erased from the surface with a wet cloth. In addition to the green set you can hand diploma with the inscription "The best boss in the world."
  • A good gift option will be florarium, which is a spherical vase with exotic species planted in it or bonsai. Plants for such sets are usually selected the most unpretentious, which do not deliver much trouble to their owners.
  • You can also donate a round aquarium with a goldfish or indoor fountain with greenery and lighting. Water well soothes the nervous system, humidifies the air in the room and forms a comfortable microclimate that helps to preserve health.
  • Both women and men in high-ranking positions can be given as an original gift. nominal star. The affiliation of the star to the hero of the occasion is officially registered in the International Catalog, of which certificates are issued in a gold frame, written in English and Russian. The donee will be able to enter a special program at any time and watch his star online.
  • An interesting gift will be professional photo shoot or parachute jumpHowever, such a gift is more suitable for a young and creative boss and must necessarily be agreed with him in advance or indirectly approved.


Memorable gifts are presented in the following cases: when the boss “has everything” and offering him something useful and practical no longer makes sense, as well as upon retirement, dismissal, promotion or relocation to another city.

Memorable gifts are for the most part things decorative and not practical to use, which is why they should be guided by good taste and personal preferences of the donee.

For example, you can choose a cavalry checker for a military commander and engrave it with a gift inscription on her blade, while an expensive miniature model of a locomotive with a memorable text on a golden plate or a silver holder with a Russian Railways logo and a memorable engraving will be perfect for the head of the railway organization.

It would be appropriate for the office male director to present a golden tie clip, and for the head of a large enterprise a costly antique souvenir. Another category of managers who are given gifts to remember is the directors of universities, colleges and general education schools. They can be presented with a wall or desk clock with an image on the dial of their school, a large picture of the office or a globe-bar made of natural wood. If the gift is not made from the entire group of graduates, but from some of them individually, then a wooden chess game or a good book would be an excellent option.

Useful gifts

Large practical gifts are often given by prior arrangement with hero of the occasion or at the cue of his relatives.

  • It may be new forged grill, electric fireplace in the living room either telescope for attic cottage. A female leader can give a new laptop or an expensive chandelier.
  • Fashionable and at the same time useful gift is antique wood samovar, who give a boss who has a country house or cottage and who loves to sit in the fresh air.
  • No less useful presents are considered room barometer, plasma video conferencing panel, massage chair and air humidifier. In this case, the choice of a gift depends entirely on the amount collected and the preferences of the boss.

The next category of useful gifts are items related to the hobby or hobby of the chef.

  • For example, if the head is a fisherman, then New boat, good spinning or box for fishing gear he will certainly be happy.
  • A lover of hiking can be presented new tent and picnic set and the hunter will appreciate the good knife or crossbow.
  • If the leader is an athlete, the gift will depend on the sport in which he does. In such cases, it would be appropriate any sports equipment ranging from exercise bike and ending with a surfboard.
  • You can donate to an active leader of a large business who regularly travels around on business trips. leather casein which he will put the necessary things on the road. Typically, such cases are equipped with a set of compartments in which not only documents, but also personal belongings of the owner are easily placed along with the laptop.
  • Bosses motorists can buy Car accessories: these can be DVRs, a set of floor mats, massage or fur capes on the backs of the seats or a car vacuum cleaner.If the gift is selected on an ordinary date or a public holiday, then you can restrict yourself to objects for relaxation, such as Newton's balls or an aroma lamp.
  • Women leaders will be happy handmade blanket or warm cashmere shawls.
  • Of intangible, but no less useful and interesting gifts can be noted. a ticket to a ballet or a good performance, a certificate to the spa and an invitation to the seminar on the topic of interest to the chef. With subscriptions to beauty salons, horseback riding and parachuting, you need to be careful and give them only when there is complete confidence that the boss will like such a present. Otherwise, the money will be spent in vain, and the donee will have a feeling of awkwardness and dissatisfaction with the gift.

The next category of gifts is conditionally “useful”, and includes smoking accessories.

  • Smoking manager can give luxury lighterinlaid with precious stones, or expensive gilded cigarette case.
  • A common gift are hookahs, pipes and sets of cigars. You can also donate antique ashtray or silver mouthpiece.

Gifts from the whole team

Collective gifts are usually expensive and large. Variants are pondered and submitted for discussion. Then the general meeting selects the most suitable gift, the team collects the necessary amount and acquires a valuable thing. A collective gift, as opposed to an individual gift, can be very expensive, which will not be perceived by the chef as sucking or coaxing.

  • For male executives can be purchased an armchair or table, an antique compass or an unusual lamp. If the size of the cabinet allows, you can choose floor fountain or large original statuette.
  • For both men and women a great gift will be set of pens, made from valuable tree species such as oak, maple and alder. Each of them can be laser engraved name and patronymic of the chief and the date of donation.
  • If the manager is a coffee lover and does not have a personal secretary, then you can donate Coffee set with coffee machine. You can also present a silver cup holder with a teaspoon of the same metal, ordering an engraving with a congratulatory text for them.
  • From intangible values ​​can be presented personal newspaper number. To do this, you can arrange in the printing house and place on the front page a photo of the director, and at the turn - good reviews of his subordinates and a selection with wishes from each member of the team. If there is a local newspaper in the city for which the organization is signed, then you can ask the editor-in-chief about the article, order a journalist and pay for his services.

In general, when choosing a collective gift, you can be guided by the following rule: if the donee is a large scale boss, has a solid salary and does not need anything, then it is more expedient to buy something for his office.

This may be a reproduction of a picture by Aivazovsky, a leather sofa or an antique desk lamp. If the chef does not yet belong to the category of bosses, who have “everything,” then the gift should be intended not for the workplace, but personally for the hero of the occasion.

After the collective gift will be bought, you need to figure out how to properly hand it. For this, a congratulatory speech is preliminarily written, the time and circumstances are determined in which the gift will be presented, and an employee is selected, who will voice the greeting. The main thing in this business is to keep a thin line between excessive familiarity and familiarity, and try to find simple and sincere human words.

Edible Gifts

Tasty gifts are presented for public holidays, as well as in addition to the main gift for personal events.For example, male commanders are well perceived sets of expensive tea or coffee, which can be supplemented with thermocup or coffee set. To such a present, you can add a box of chocolates or a top-quality chocolate bar. A great gift will be a set of premium cheeses and a bottle of good wine.

Women boss can also donate a coffee or tea set, a fruit basket or a lately popular fruit and berry bouquet. For a young girl, you can order a candy bouquet and add it with a soft toy. If there is no time left to order a sweet gift, you can take a photo of the team, write wishes on it and make a box of chocolates out of it. A personalized cake made in the form of a company logo or a diploma “The Best Manager of the Year” will be a good gift.

And, finally, an excellent gastronomic gift for the authorities of both sexes will be a dinner in a restaurant for two. You will first need to ask the administrator of the institution colorful certificate and solemnly hand it over to the boss.

What is not worth giving?

There are a number of gifts that give leadership in any case impossible.

  • Men should not give different face and body care products, clothing items and personal items, comic gifts and jewelry (the only exception is a gold tie clip).
  • It is not recommended to give medical devices, hand-made souvenirs, socks, perfume and pets without prior approval or personal request of the hero of the occasion. The main criteria when choosing a gift are neutrality, friendliness and respect.

As for women's gifts, then there are much more restrictions than men.

  • So, a woman leader should not give certificate for refresher courses or mastery on the subject of the enterprise entrusted to her. Such a gift will offend the boss for a long time and then the team will not find it.
  • Also, do not need to give cosmetics and perfumes: it is unlikely to be able to guess the aroma, and offending a woman, hinting to her that she smells bad, is quite possible.
  • You can not give and Underwear: even in a fully female group, this is considered a move.
  • No need to present and especially men's gifts, such as a case or expensive alcohol.
  • About fitness club subscriptions it has already been said above and it is also impossible to give them.
  • Next are gifts in the form kitchen utensils which are also not a good option. This is due to the fact that the boss can get herself a pot or a frying pan herself, but she most likely has no time left for cooking. Therefore, there is a high probability that such a gift will be stored on the far shelf for many years without even being unpacked.

Chiefs of both sexes should not give large gifts, such as cabinets, pianos or large sofas. Such a present can be very difficult to find a place that will force the boss to make an unplanned permutation. The acquisition of such things should be pre-negotiated with the hero of the occasion.

Whatever gift is chosen for the boss, it is recommended to always add it with a bouquet of flowers.

For women leaders, you can order delivery of a gorgeous bouquet to the house. As a rule, such surprises are very well perceived and long remembered. When buying flowers for a man, it is imperative that the florist, who will select "male" plants, make a beautiful and solid bouquet about this.

How to choose a gift boss see below

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


