
What to give to the dentist?

What to give to the dentist?

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  1. History of
  2. Gifts to the dentist

The dentist catches horror, probably, on anyone. Even an adult person trembles at the sight of this doctor, what to say about little children. The representatives of this profession themselves do not take offense at such a reaction of patients, and that they are afraid to come for a routine inspection. The calendar does not indicate the Day of the dentist, but despite this, the holiday has been celebrated for several years already on February 9. On this day, you can give a gift to the dentist as a sign of gratitude for the excellent work.

History of

This holiday came to us from America. There, the Day of the dentist was timed to the day of memory of Saint Apollonia, who is the patroness of dentists. According to the church calendar, the day of her memory is celebrated on February 9. This saint is known as a martyr for the faith of Christ. The girl was born in one of the rich and powerful families in Alexandria. This was the time of persecution of Christians in the majority due to the fact that a large number of people considered the emperor at that time to be the deity who was completely satisfied with this state of affairs.

Because Apollonia openly believed in God, she was subjected to sophisticated torture. In sight of the masses of the people she pulled out all her teeth, but this did not make her stop believing in Christ. Because she did not want to consider the emperor God, she was sentenced to burning at the stake. Almost after 50 years, the martyr was canonized. She is depicted on icons with forceps in her hands, an instrument from which she experienced terrible agony, and today every dentist has this instrument.

Gifts to the dentist

What you can give a dentist - consider the ideas for different cases.

On Dentist Day

On this day, it is customary to honor those who save people from unbearable pain, give a beautiful smile, and if a person has lost his teeth, then a dental doctor gives new ones. On this day, you can give gifts to the dentist, technician, surgeon, nurse, in addition, people conducting research that made modern dental treatment painless. These people deserve our thanks.

Dentist-man in modern hospitals can be found much less frequently than a woman. Male representatives in this profession are usually by vocation, but they become professionals in their field.

A male dentist can give:

  • clock on hand;
  • a beautiful cover notebook and an expensive pen;
  • leather briefcase or wallet;
  • bathrobe for home;
  • expensive wine or brandy products.

The woman who dedicated herself to the work of the dentist is quite extraordinary. After all, it often happens that behind the sweet and gentle look of an iron lady with a male character. The work of the dentist is very hard, it is associated with the suffering and pain of people, and this is very exhausting, has an imprint on the mental and physical well-being.

As a gift for a woman on the Day of the dentist will do:

  • elite perfume;
  • cosmetic set known brand;
  • designer bag;
  • service;
  • Appliances;
  • assorted sweets;
  • beautiful scarf;
  • self-made soap or aromatherapy accessories.

In gratitude

In this case there are several variations for presents.

  • Bathroom table - he will make bathing more enjoyable. After all, it is possible to place your favorite book on it, which you can read by relaxing in the water, and the necessary cosmetics.
  • Set of seasonings "Mill"which looks good in any kitchen and will be needed when cooking.
  • Teapot With hand-painted, it will help create an atmosphere of comfort.
  • Cooling glasses which make it possible not to use pieces of ice that dilute the contents of the glass.
  • Items to care for shoes packed in beautiful packaging.

For birthday

A dentist may not only be a medical doctor, it may be a close person, a relative or friend who works in this profession. Therefore, for his birthday, you can give him items from textiles - the use of natural fabrics in the tailoring of bed linen, tablecloths, towels makes them quite an original gift.

    As a present for a woman, a flax blanket or napkins, a bath set, and unusual kitchen gloves will work well.

    For a male dentist for a birthday suit:

    • personal wallet - it is a stylish accessory that will appeal to any man;
    • table bar in the form of a globe - indispensable in order to organize receptions with friends;
    • thermocup in the car - it will be a good gift for a constantly busy person;
    • table punching bag, a kind of anti-stress, he will be delighted man, regardless of age.

    By February 23

    If the dentist wears a beard or mustache, then he can be presented with a gift from the care series. Caring compositions, waxes, balms, special combs, all this will be the way, you can pack them in a box or present separately.

    In addition, good perfumery, expensive cognac, stylish accessories in the form of scarves and ties will be suitable for a male dentist.

    Unusual Tokens

    Such gifts can well cheer up.

    These include:

    • dental souvenirs;
    • globe or travel map;
    • "Wheel of luck", which will help in making a decision;
    • portable bar for several bottles.

    Comic gifts

    Dentists have an unusual sense of humor.

    And they will like these gifts:

    • bedding set with the inscription "King";
    • dance mat;
    • roulette for several glasses;
    • a glass with a funny inscription.

    On New Year

    Consider the options for gifts men and women dentists on New Year.

    • Good wine. Not too expensive, but not cheap either. This gift will be multi-functional. If the doctor does not drink, then on occasion he can put this wine on the holiday table. If he drinks, he will be pleased to taste good wine.
    • Electronic Cigarette. It appeared not so long ago in the vastness of the modern market, but it is already very popular. It can replace the real sensation of smoking, without bringing harm to the body.
    • Themed souvenirs. Now you can find a great many.
    • A jar of good coffee and tea. Although dentists are the owners of a snow-white smile, they drink tea and coffee.
    • Gift Certificate, which the doctor can use at his discretion.

    For a dental surgeon you can bake delicious cakes in the form of teeth.

    On March 8

    For women’s dentists, International Women's Day is suitable. presents:

    • personal note pad;
    • engraved memory card;
    • table to serve breakfast in bed;
    • a set of wines;
    • sweet set with engraving "With thanks";
    • miniature strainer for the teapot.

    It is good when the dentist treats the whole family and becomes almost a friend. We must not forget to periodically give him signs of attention in gratitude for a good attitude.

    About what to donate to the doctor, see below.

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    Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


