
Can I not give a mirror?

Can I not give a mirror?

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  1. Mirror surface features
  2. How to present correctly?
  3. If you gave
  4. Present to a friend
  5. Signs

If you believe signs, it is undesirable to bring empty dishes into the house. By accepting such a gift, the family will be doomed to lack of money. The gift of the wallet is associated with the same omen. But a handkerchief, presented as a gift, promises unnecessary worries and sorrows, he as if asks for a new owner: “Cry into me!” You can endlessly enumerate folk signs and beliefs, but the strictest warning about unwanted donations relates to a mirror.

Mirror surface features

The mirror of olden times was considered "an attribute of darkness." Admiring the self in the reflector was considered a great sin by the church. The mirror is a magical item. He is credited with the magical possibilities that have long been used not only by magicians, but also by ordinary people. For example, divination for Christmas, when girls have all the chances to see in the mirror the reflection of their own betrothed.

The mirror plane is considered to be an indisputable attribute of many rituals, it accumulates negative energy, opens a portal to another world. In general, a complicated thing, albeit a rather necessary one. In various epochs, it was used for divination and love spells. The mirror was counted among the obligatory magical tools.

It was used in various ceremonies and rituals, they reported on the magical properties of this object, fascinating and frightening the common people.

How to present correctly?

If in ancient times, residents thought that magic glass was given by evil spirits, then in the modern world this belief is attributed to prejudice, no one pays attention to similar interpretations and quietly exchange mirrors.

Follow certain rules when giving:

  • the mirror must be new;
  • you cannot bring the attributes that were in the apartments where murders were committed, rapes, where there were fires and other misfortunes, were in the hands of warlocks, suspicious personalities.

Do not take into yourself the talent used attributes.

    It is not necessary to buy as a presentation a product that has been on the shop window for a long time and in which everyone had the opportunity to look. The mirror is given fresh, taken from the warehouse. It must be in impermeable original packaging.

    Before giving such a present, spray it with sinless water and read the Our Father prayer.. This will remove all the bad energy that has accumulated on the attribute. You do not need to take care of the prepared gift for a long time at home; it will absorb a huge share of your energy. If you want to present a mirror for your birthday, then the birthday man will warn about a mysterious gift. In this case, a person has the opportunity to purchase a mirror. In exchange for your gift he will give a certain amount of coins. Or you can go to the trade shop together with the culprit of the celebration and, giving him the necessary amount, give him the opportunity to buy the supervised product himself.

    If you gave

    When you have no doubt that the gift mirror promises you evil, you need to perform proper manipulations in order to protect your personal home and yourself from adverse effects.. So, you need to do actions that will protect you from the bad.

    1. Wash the mirror under a tap or consecrated water.
    2. Then for three days, place the gift in holy water.
    3. After three days, wash the surface one more time and dry it. It is strictly forbidden to wipe moisture with a towel or napkin.
    4. After drying the plane it is necessary to pack it in a box and cover it with salt.
    5. Then wrap in black material and hide in dark space for 3 days and 3 nights. Subsequently, it is possible to apply as intended.

    Present to a friend

    If the presented girl, woman, or lady does not believe in prejudices, then, naturally, she can and should give a magic glass. Indeed, many of them dream of a surprise in the guise of vintage antique "gizmos with history." They dream of mysteriously and excitingly holding a small pocket mirror in their hands, which adored Marilyn Monroe or Coco Chanel looked at. Before giving such an unusual gift, perform some preliminary steps:

    • one should clear the thing of unfavorable energy with the support of a simple ritual;
    • fine pack it;
    • to compose a consistent verse to the gift, with the mention of his former mistress.

    Each beauty will find a place for this necessary item in a women's bag, backpack, because with its support it is possible:

    • touch up makeup and hair;
    • pull the mote out of the eye;
    • lipstick lipstick;
    • elementary one more time to make sure of its own irresistible.

    A variety of similar products a large number. From simple and concise accessories to defiantly glamorous, with a scattering of rhinestones. From cheap economical varieties to expensive vintage ones.


    Let us see what signs about mirrors exist.

    It has long been considered a bad omen to bring a mirror as a present.

    • For girls, get a similar gift - to be separated from her beloved.
    • When a person was presented a relic - to misfortune. For many years she has accumulated the unfavorable energy of people who looked at their reflection.
    • Get the magic thing lady - to the loss of beauty and youth. Divination increases if you admire your reflection for a long time.
    • To bring a mirror on the day of the marriage - unfortunately for the newlyweds. Their wedding will be short-lived.

    Consider ethnic signs about mirrors.

    • If you decide to purchase a mirror surface for the house, then it will be better to purchase a similar large object. Seeing his reflection to his full height, the person will focus on various details of his own appearance, and will look less at the eyes.
    • Hang the thing in the kitchen or near the dining table - to prosperity, prosperity, well-being. There is a small amendment - the inhabitants of the house should not see themselves in it during the meal.
    • It is not recommended to hang mirrors in the bedroom. According to popular legend, this leads to rapid aging and causes insomnia. The reflector has the ability to tighten the soul of a sleeping person.
    • Bring the child under the age of 1 year to the mirror so that he can see his reflection - to delayed speech development.
    • Split the mirror - to the distress. Looking into the fragments is forbidden.
    • It’s bad to talk about yourself in front of a mirror - to turn on the boomerang principle, bring a negative to the owner.
    • Smile own glimpse before leaving the home - to ensure housing protection. Returning, repeat it again.
    • Care must be taken to look at the exterior of the mirror in order to look at yourself with positive emotions.
    • It is impossible to apply it to the stage of helplessness, when there is no mood, and so on.
    • If you are sick, feel weak, you are not in the mood - do not look at your reflection!

    You can endlessly argue and argue about whether it is possible to present a mirror as a gift. In fact, it’s fundamentally who gives you such a gift, what prerequisite he is preparing it for, and how you respond to this affiliation. To accept or not to accept such a gift for any holiday, it's up to you.

    If none of you is negatively adjusted, hostile and does not bring adverse impressions into the process of giving or making a presentation, then the mirror will bring you nothing wrong.

    About signs about the mirror described in the next video.

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    Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


