
Beautiful and original names for boys wavy parrots

Beautiful and original names for boys wavy parrots

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  1. Features of name selection
  2. What sounds should be present?
  3. List of best nicknames
  4. Beautiful options

Wavy parrots are the favorite feathers of many people. But often their new owners have difficulty choosing a nickname. Indeed, on behalf of the parrot depends largely on its ability to speak. In addition, a bright, unusual and memorable nickname is a reason for pride of the bird itself and its owner. On how to choose the right nickname for these birds and what you should pay attention to in the first place, we'll talk in this article.

Features of name selection

First of all, it is necessary to determine precisely that now it is the boy-parrot who will live in the apartment. The fact is that male birds, unlike females, pronounce more sounds, and therefore the list of nicknames is more extensive for them. And also it is necessary to consider the following factors.

  • When deciding how to call a boy a wavy parrot, one should give preference to those nicknames that all family members like. Indeed, in the next few years, this word will have to be heard as often as possible.
  • Pet name can be based on character or size. At the same time for boys wavy parrots the nickname should be chosen simple and, best of all, consisting of only one word.
  • Birds of blue, green or yellow colors can be called according to their color, for example, Blue or Green.
  • It is very important to choose a nickname, based on the sounds that birds pronounce most easily. So the parrot will not only be able to quickly remember its name, but also learn to speak faster.
  • A popular mistake of the owners is to call the bird by the same name, which is either a member of the family or any other pet. A feathered person simply cannot remember the nickname correctly; he will not respond to it.

Double nicknames of pets, as well as those that consist of one word and have more than 8 sounds, it is best not to use. It will be difficult for a parrot to remember such a nickname, and even harder to learn to pronounce it yourself.

Also, experts do not advise to choose those names in which there are more than 4 vowel sounds - they are too difficult for the birds to pronounce.

What sounds should be present?

It is the right combination of sounds in the name of a pet that will allow not only to teach him to respond to his name more quickly, but also to expand vocabulary faster. Ornithologists are advised to listen to the following recommendations.

  • It is best to avoid those nicknames where there are sounds - "l", "c", "s", "s". Parrots often confuse them with each other and, as a result, fail to pronounce them correctly, which only confuses the bird.
  • Sounds such as "sh", "h", "u", on the contrary, it is preferable to include in the name of the bird-boy. As is known, feathered individuals love words with such hissing sounds.
  • They also love the sound of "p" and can rumble in their cell for hours.
  • Do not forget about the vowels. It is better to choose nicknames with such letters in its composition as "ё", "a", "at", "and", "e". But the names with the sounds that form the letters "I", "u" should be abandoned - the bird will confuse them with the sounds that have a simple pronunciation.
  • Optimally choose nicknames with the following letters: "p", "g", "k", "d". They are easily remembered and, as a result, spoken out.

Of course, each person has his own personal preferences regarding how exactly to call his new feathered pet. However, it is worthwhile to listen to the aforementioned advice from ornithologists.This is especially important in cases where it is planned not only to give a name, but also later - to teach your pet to talk. If the talking bird is not needed, then you can choose any favorite and beautiful name.

But it is worth remembering that the parrot itself will try to pronounce its name, and it is better to choose it simple and sonorous.

List of best nicknames

Based on the recommendations of experts and feedback from owners of wavy parrots, it is possible to identify options that are best for choosing as a pet's name. Below are the most common nicknames.

  • Arnold (Archie), Antosha, Arkady (Arkasha), Arik, Adonis, Azor, Andryusha, Arkhip.
  • Buck, Golden Eagle, Bucks, Boria (Boris), Bonya, Billy, Boatswain, Badi.
  • Woody, Vaper, Winch, Victor (Vityusha), Winnie or White.
  • Gosh, Grisha, Gruber, Gray, Gena, Hermes, Gog, Gavrush.
  • Jake, Jim, Dima, Dionysus, Dyusha, Doni.
  • Gerard, Jean, Jacques, Yolk or Georges.
  • Brush, Ezhonok.
  • Yorick, Yodik.
  • Nick, Noah, Nickel, Nyush.
  • Klaus, Kim, Mole, Mole, Cube, Kesha, Kuzya.
  • Lord, Buttercup, Lumps.
  • Mitya, Mosya, Makar.
  • Yaroslav (Yarik), Yago, Yadvigo, Yashka, Yakov, Yar.
  • Irwin, Igo, Ivan.
  • Tim, Tishka, Tommy.
  • Hulk, Hipp.
  • Rick, Rocky, Romka, Rurik, Rum, Chamomile.
  • Trishka, Tosh, Tyutya.

These are the names most often given to their pets by the owners of boys of budgies. They are simple, but at the same time sonorous, funny and easily remembered both by the birds themselves and their owners.

Among them it is possible and necessary to single out the most creative in a separate group:

  • Byron;
  • Banjo;
  • Voucher;
  • Jim;
  • Egozik;
  • Dragon;
  • Kapitoshka;
  • Breaker;
  • Pegasus;
  • Cerberus;
  • Ricardo;
  • Silver;
  • Figaro;
  • Donut;
  • Pretzel;
  • Schumacher;
  • Eugene.

For a small colorful bird with a cheerful disposition, such names will indeed be unusual and appropriate. Experienced wavy parrot breeders are advised to choose a few names and slowly, in turn, pronounce them in front of the cage. What name will be the strongest reaction - so and call your pet.

As a rule, the parrots themselves choose the most pleasant combination of sounds for themselves and begin to flap their wings intensively or to tweet.

Beautiful options

By itself, the male wavy parrot is a proud and very beautiful bird, the small size of which is one of its main virtues and decorations. Therefore, many owners of such a feathered pet try to choose not a simple name for it, but a truly sonorous and beautiful one that would fully emphasize its beauty and certain character traits. Although some owners choose the name only on the basis of its sound. As such an option we can offer the following nicknames:

  • Wushu;
  • Sherlock;
  • Archibald;
  • Baron, Baroque;
  • Sheldon or Schroeder;
  • Chocco;
  • Alfredo;
  • Bentley;
  • Mercedes or Lexus;
  • Gucci;
  • Pretty;
  • Yakuza;
  • Cucaracha;
  • Splinter;
  • Raphael.

The names for boys wavy parrots are very, very much, from them you can choose simple or elegant, noble or unusual. Do not forget that it is not necessary to use ready-made nicknames - they can also be thought up on their own. To do this, it is best to assess the character and features of the appearance of the pet, and only then turn on your imagination.

Choosing a name for a wavy parrot from the proposed lists or inventing it yourself, it is important not to forget about the recommendations described above. So the parrot will remember its name very quickly and will soon learn to repeat it independently.

In the next video, you are waiting for other beautiful and original names for boys wavy parrots.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


