
How to tame a wavy parrot to the hands?

How to tame a wavy parrot to the hands?

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  1. Features
  2. Creation of conditions
  3. Easy ways
  4. What not to do?
  5. Possible problems

Among the variety of birds suitable for keeping at home, budgerigars are the most popular. Everyone is familiar with these feathered bright colors that get along well with people and are able to give a lot of joy to all members of the household. However, at first, a new family friend may be careful in communication, and sometimes even show aggression towards others. Because of this, many wonder: what can be done for your new pet, so that he quickly adapts to the new conditions and begins to contact with the person? What to do to quickly find a common language with Ptah?

Taming the parrot depends on a number of conditions. This is the sex, age, and health of the animal. Nobody has canceled the personal characteristics of a particular wavy - because, like people, they have different characters. With the right approach to the feathered friend, he will quickly begin not only to sit on your arm, but will climb on the shoulder, and will be able to dance to the mood. In this article, we will look at all aspects of taming a parrot.


Before you teach your parrot to hands, you need to get used to a new habitat. He must recover from the move, get to know his cell, study everything around, understand what he needs. At the same time, it is necessary to act gradually, step by step, as haste will lead to the opposite result. So, if you try to grab the parrot against his will, to get him out of the cage, he can be so scared that he can no longer trust people. Here are the basic rules that will help him get used to you.

  • When you bring the parrot home, leave it in a cage of one for a few hours so that it gets used to its “house” and feels safe. Do not turn on the TV, music, vacuum cleaner - it is afraid of harsh sounds.
  • Then start periodically approaching the bird's field of view and calmly and unobtrusively talk to her in a calm voice.
  • Feeding food or cleaning the cage, it is worth doing it carefully so as not to frighten the budgie. At the same time communicate with him and call him by name.

Now consider what are the nuances of taming parrots, depending on their characteristics.

Previous location

Wonders from stores get used to live from birth to live in cramped cells without much concern from the person. This means that getting used to your personal home and owner will not be that easy. But with proper care and patience, everything is fixable. Over time, these birds get used to the owner no less than domestic birds.


The younger the individual, the easier it is to adapt to the new conditions. This rule is relevant for all living beings and is not in doubt. This is confirmed by the opinion of scientists who watched the wavy. The optimal age for training is called 5 months. Younger chicks, of course, also adapt well to new housing, but their taming can take a little longer. Even more time to consolidate human communication skills will require a more adult bird.

Often, people take to themselves adult birds, which due to circumstances have lost their owners. Usually tame such an individual is easy. Worse, if the bird managed to survive the difficulties, for example, it had to live alone for a while. This is an overwhelming problem - it is enough to talk with her every day, giving it out at least an hour. Much worse, if in the old family she was mistreated, then the chances of winning the trust of a bird are significantly reduced, and only care and attention can change her attitude towards people.


Girls are tamed a little worse than boys, and, in general, they are more difficult to train. Usually to get used to the person they need at least three weeks. There is an opinion that parrots also learn more slowly the speech, although in the end their vocabulary is larger than that of the males, and the pronunciation is clearer. Usually parrots are taught to speak in parallel with the domestication. By the way, taming a couple of parrots, it will have to do it separately.

Creation of conditions

Stress and separation from relatives - the inevitable companions of the move. The parrot the first day or two usually sad, sits hooligent, badly bite food. In the cage of a budgie, everything must be thought out for life. Then his adaptation will be faster, which means that he will be ready for taming earlier. Equip a cage in advance:

  • feeding trough;
  • drinking bowl;
  • seat stools.

Over time, the "furniture" of the parrot can be replenished with various swings, bells, toys, and a mirror. By the way, carrying a bird from a store is recommended not in a cage, but in carrying. However, a well-closed box with holes for air is also suitable. Think over the design: you will need to put it near the cage so that the parrot from it goes right into the cage. As for your apartment or house, be sure to install reliable mosquito nets, so that the parrot probably does not fly out the window.

Easy ways

So that the baby is better able to make contact during the classes, and as soon as possible become manual, follow these simple rules:

  • spend them in the morning and only if the parrot is in good spirits;
  • take the feeder out of the cage at night - then a hungry pet will more willingly accept food from your hands;
  • starting training, it is better not to wash your hands with soap or refrain from using creams, as odors scare away birds;
  • do not smoke before classes.

Even following the recommendations, it is sometimes very difficult to achieve the set task. If this is your case, then we suggest that you study step-by-step instructions for taming birds in various ways.

A toy

  • Need some time to carefully watch him. Try to learn the nature of your timid parrot - what he likes to do when he thinks no one sees him: some prefer the swing, others beat the bells, and others try to move small objects. In order to establish what kind of entertainment a favorite has, try to put everything in a cage in it: balls, candy wrappers, rags, etc.
  • When the parrot finally “pecked” at one of them, you can start taming it with your favorite toy. Gradually move it towards your arm so that it jumps onto it.

This painstaking exercise can take several days, but sooner or later it will surely be crowned with success. When a pet loves to sit in your arms, it will be possible to teach him to fly out of the cage in order to perch on your shoulder and talk with you.


  • Reveal a favorite parrot delicacy. To do this, put in the trough different grains or pieces of fruit and determine what he likes more. Then take this ingredient and give it only when learning.
  • Draw a little delicacy to him on the finger through the cage of the cage. If he doesn't start eating right away, then wait a few minutes. Failure should not upset you - just try again later. When the parrot finally bite off your hand, be sure to praise it.
  • Show a hand with food through the open cell door. No need to push it in deep - just wait for it to fit.
  • Next, offer snacks to the feathery outside the walls of the bird house. Move farther and farther from the cage so that he has to fly to you, but never run after him with food yourself. At first, he will fly away to himself, in order to safely eat the prey, but then he will surely feel trust in you.

What not to do?

So that the process does not stall or bring backwards results, which also often happens, avoid some actions when communicating with a parrot:

  • prohibited in the first hours of being in a new house put your hand in the bird house and offer peck feed from the palm of your hand;
  • try to stroke the feathered creature when he is not “ripe” for this;
  • try to take the bird by hand - so she is not only very frightened, but can also injure herself;
  • trim the wings;
  • scold pet because he pecked you, or even bit you;
  • to wave your hands above a wavy parrot - like any representative of birds, he perceives such actions as a danger at the level of genetic memory.

Possible problems

Trying to tame the wavy parrot to the hands, many owners face a number of difficulties that prevent it from doing so. Here are the main ones.

The bird, in principle, does not want to contact with a person

Fear of hands is well founded, because in the wild they are not friends with humans. To get rid of this problem, use the method of positive reinforcement, that is, as soon as the pet did the right thing (sat on the arm), he gets praise, food or a toy.

Usually, this problem is solved with time, because parrots are by nature very sociable creatures and they do not like loneliness. If you show more patience and surround your pet with care, and most importantly, you will not make mistakes while training, then success will surely come. To make your pet feel more interested in you, try the following:

  • if the bird is alone in a cage, offer her a “animated” toy that she can take care of;
  • even parrots love to play with ball point pens and caps;
  • put a feathered mirror in the house - he will be delighted with this new dress and will be happy to look at the mirror and talk to himself, which will help him not to lock himself.

Refuses to return to the cell

This often happens if the parrot flew away from your hand during a taming exercise. He can circle the room or fly from subject to subject. It can be dangerous for the bird, for example, if the window is not curtained, and it will fly on the glass with a sweep, and it will cause inconvenience to the owners. To remedy the situation, there is the following method: wait until dusk, while it is important to remember where the feathered one sits, and in the dark carefully move him into the cage.

When he is in the house, then you can not worry about the further fate of the bird. When the light is on, it will calmly react to the fact of movement. In addition, now he will be in your hands, and this will once again show him that a person is not dangerous.


      When feeding ptah, some owners are bitten. It is clear that this was not done out of evil - the parrot simply did not count movements. It happens with kisses with a pet, who didn’t take the process as gently as the master. Often, such incidents occur with very young birds - so they, like children, experience the world. And when the owner puts his hand in the cage, the parrot can take it as a call to the game, and just bite the finger, like a branch, to hold on.

      All of the above "pokusy" occur rather by chance than deliberately. But there are times when a parrot bites for defensive reasons. This can occur with frightened birds or during the mating season. First of all, you should not shout back - try to hold back emotions, especially negative ones.. You can gently click the baby on the beak, saying “no”, but you can re-educate an adult by leaving the room with an offended look.

      Budgerigar can be a great friend for all family members.Tame it step by step, step by step, taking good care of your bird.

      Let the birds understand that he now has a house and loving household - then he will give you a lot of pleasant emotions every day.

      Learn more about the secrets of taming the budgies in the video below.

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      Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


