
Parrot Food

Parrot Food

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  1. Features
  2. What are the feed?
  3. Rating of the best manufacturers
  4. Selection rules
  5. Feeding details

If you decide to have a pet, initially it is worth knowing all about the nuances of caring for him. Quite often, parents buy parrots for children, because they think they require less attention than other pets.

If you are interested in wavy parrots, then you should familiarize yourself with the features of the choice of food for them, consider the ranking of the best producers and figure out how to properly care for these birds.


As is known, the body temperature in birds is higher than in humans and is about + 41-42 degrees. Therefore, their metabolism is much faster and birds need more frequent feeding. If parrots live in nature, they usually eat berries, twigs, seeds, greens and even some insects. Of course, at home it is almost impossible to carry out such food for wavy parrots, but you can choose a properly balanced food.

These birds are able to learn to other feed.

For proper nutrition wavy parrots should adhere to the daily rate of feed. Most of the diet should be grains - 70%. Quite often, various types of millet are included in the diet. 20% of the volume should be reserved for the seeds of flax, wheat, hemp and only 10% is allocated to oats. In addition to grain, budgerigars need the following components:

  • greens - you can add the tops of radish or carrots, pick the grass from the garden;
  • fruits and vegetables - not all types of parrots are suitable, so you should consult a specialist beforehand;
  • eggs - the daily dose is from 3 to 5 grams, which in volume will resemble a pea, but if a bird is preparing for reproduction, then the number of eggs should be doubled;
  • wheat germ - it contains all the necessary components for the normal development of the bird;
  • water is a very important element of the bird's diet, it is worth doing it every day to replace it in a water bowl;
  • tree branches also need to be put in a cage, because occasionally the parrot loves to bite them.

What are the feed?

For wavy parrots, proper feeding is a prerequisite for normal development and full growth. For a start, it is worth considering what kind of food for wavy parrots are. These birds can be fed with two types of grain mixtures:

  • ready-made food that is sold in stores;
  • self-prepared feed from different types of grains.

Parrots up to 1 year can eat up to three tablespoons of grains per day. As the nestling eats slowly, sometimes it seems that he does it without interruptions. But big birds have enough 2 tablespoons of grains per day.

Rating of the best manufacturers

To pick your pet quality food, you should pay attention to ranking of the best manufacturers of premium food. It should be noted that these firms are not as numerous as, for example, manufacturers of food for cats or dogs.


German manufacturer Vitakraft offers food for parrots called Menu vital. It is very nutritious, because it contains a large number of useful components. Regular use of this feed has a positive effect on the state of the immune system, the plumage becomes strong and thick, and the color is expressive and bright. The presence of vitamins and minerals positively affects the overall condition of the parrot.

The advantages of this feed include the following points:

  • the presence of vegetables and leaves of eucalyptus in the composition, which are responsible for high nutritional value;
  • It is of great benefit to birds;
  • affordable price;
  • properly selected and balanced composition.

But there are also disadvantages, namely:

  • the food is sold in a package of thin paper, which leads to a short shelf life after opening the package;
  • The composition is quite difficult to find on sale.


Domestic company "Rio" is one of the best Russian manufacturers of feed for birds. Brand products are characterized by the following advantages:

  • carefully selected composition;
  • high quality paper packaging;
  • a wide variety of products - both main feed and specially selected for the period of molting or germination are on sale.

Among the disadvantages of this product is worth noting the following:

  • high price, although the composition is produced in Russia;
  • most likely to get a fake.


The Belgian company Prestige is known for producing high quality feeds recommended by the best specialists. Prestige blends have the following advantages:

  • they are based on the highest quality grains, and additives and debris are completely absent;
  • the packaging is made of dense hermetic material that protects the feed from the attack of insects, as well as the ingress of water or harmful substances;
  • To protect an open pack from moisture, each pack has a special lock;
  • affordable price.

But among the minuses of products from the company Prestige are the following:

  • the food is very dry, therefore feeding the birds with fruits and vegetables should be juicy;
  • quite difficult to find on sale.


Trill products are quite popular. since it has such advantages:

  • well selected composition;
  • high iodine content;
  • A great option for feeding parrots that have problems with the thyroid gland.

Among the minuses of Trill brand products, the following should be noted:

  • for regular feeding of healthy birds is not suitable;
  • high price.


Products from the company Fiory like many owners of birds. A mixture of Fiory African has the following advantages:

  • The food contains many nutrients, since it includes buckwheat, millet, hemp seed, corn, oats, millet and even raisins;
  • only natural dyes are used;
  • packaging is characterized by convenience, because the food is divided into three parts, each being in a vacuum package.

Unfortunately, he has the following disadvantages:

  • the feed includes pellets covered in honey, this option does not like birds;
  • high price.


Vaka is a fairly well-known parrot product brand. The line includes 12 options of feed, which allows you to choose a certain type of food, depending on the breed of parrot, as well as its age and health. But many users point out the poor quality of the product. So, the advantages of feed should include the following characteristics:

  • low price;
  • properly selected balance;
  • enough vitamins in the composition.

Among the minuses are the following:

  • poor packaging;
  • Strong smell;
  • presence of foreign particles.

Regular consumption of this feed can lead to diseases of birds.


The Beaphar company from the Netherlands offers excellent XtraVital premium food for medium breeds of budgies. It consists of all the vital components for the normal growth and development of birds. Among the advantages are the following:

  • well selected composition;
  • nice smell;
  • feathered like its taste;
  • excellent nutrition.

The bad features include the following:

  • rarely found on sale;
  • high price.

Jr farm

This is a German manufacturer that offers feed of excellent quality, because they are made according to European standards and requirements. This feed has such advantages as:

  • optimal balance;
  • good packaging, characterized by tightness;
  • due to the excellent nutritional value of the composition it has a small expense;
  • It contains additional components, such as oyster shells, which help to ensure potassium-phosphorus metabolism.

Among the shortcomings often mention the following:

  • a large number of fakes;
  • high price.


The Spanish company Cunipic is quite famous in Russia, although its products have recently appeared on the domestic market. The advantages of the brand's products include the following characteristics:

  • properly selected composition;
  • regular use boosts immunity, improves the appearance of the parrot;
  • packaging of excellent quality.

Among the minuses are the following:

  • hard to find on sale;
  • overcharge;
  • fortified granules do not like feathered.

Selection rules

Today, there is a wide selection of high-quality budgerigars for sale. The best manufacturers have been described above, but now it’s worthwhile to dwell on what products should be avoided.

  • Should immediately abandon feedthat are just packed in a regular cardboard box. It is impossible to guess how they were stored and in what conditions. There is a high probability that the feed could have become damp, and before the sale it’s dried out several times. This adversely affects the beneficial properties of the product. Also parasites and mold could get into the paper boxes. Therefore, you need to buy food only in a hermetically sealed pack (often used polyethylene).
  • It is necessary to immediately abandon the compositions which include fruit. They could adversely affect the storage of grains. In addition, dried fruits do not have such benefits as fresh ones.
  • You should refrain from buying cheap analogues. It is better not to buy the mixture for birds with hands on weight.

Feeding details

It is necessary to follow the following rules in order to correctly calculate how much feed a bird needs per day:

  • the daily rate should not exceed 2 teaspoons of food for young individuals, and for adults - no more than 2 tablespoons;
  • it is necessary to exclude the overeating of the feathered friend, so you should not pour feed in excess of the daily rate into the feeder
  • sometimes a bird eats its daily ration for half a day, but this happens very rarely;
  • before giving a parrot a new kind of food, you should consult a specialist.

If you properly feed the feathered friend, he will not be prone to various kinds of diseases.

The number of feedings depends primarily on the birds themselves, more precisely, on their well-being. At low temperatures, they eat more. Usually wavy parrot eats 1 tablespoon of food, but during the growth period, this figure increases slightly.

Usually the food is filled only 1 time per day, and it is better to do this in the evening. From early morning the bird will be able to have breakfast. If desired, the daily dose of feed can be divided into 2 times and pour it in the morning and evening.

Particular attention should be paid to winter feeding, because during this period the birds need better nutrition. Experts recommend adding a little lemon juice to water, which will positively reflect on the immunity of the feathered friend. It is forbidden to be limited only to dry feed, it is necessary to give cooked porridges to wavy parrots. Birds adore lentils, chickpeas and peas.

In the daily diet of poultry, you can include dried apricots, raisins, figs, as well as orange and apples.

For information on how to feed a wavy parrot, see the following video.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


