
Everything you need to know about rainbow wavy parrots

Everything you need to know about rainbow wavy parrots

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  1. History of discovery and selection
  2. Features rainbow wavy parrots
  3. Character and behavior
  4. How to care for a rainbow parrot?
  5. Security measures

Budgerigars belong to the family of parrots, mind wavy parrots. The literal translation of the Greek-Latin name for the bird Melopsittacus undulates sounds like a “singing wavy parrot”. In the wild, these birds are found in Australia and on nearby islands. They gather in large flocks and quickly move in search of food and water. Nowadays, due to human activity, Australian nature has changed dramatically, and the number of budgies has decreased markedly.

History of discovery and selection

The first mention of these birds can be found in the writings of the English scientist George Shaw. The English ornithologist John Gould described the wavy parrots in great detail in 1837. In 1840, budgerigars were able to deliver from their native mainland to the London Zoo. On the territory of Russia, they were brought from Europe at the end of the XIX century, but the birds did not try to breed. Only in the thirties of the 20th century, their breeding was started at the Moscow Zoo, then it became possible at home.

Wavy parrots in the conditions of natural environment have a light green color, which makes them unobtrusive in the greenery of trees. As a result of selection in our time, more than two hundred species of these birds with a different color of feathering (blue, white, yellow, purple) have been bred. In 1994, the Wavy Parrot Breeders Organization (WBO) was created, which developed the color standards for these birds. Very rare colors include rainbow, anthracite, lacing, and some others.

Features rainbow wavy parrots

These birds have a body length, without tail, 18–22 centimeters and weigh approximately 40–45 grams. They have a bluish body, flying feathers of a light gray color, a yellowish mask and indistinct opaline pattern. The rainbow color of birds is not a mutation - it is a variant of a combination of three color factors in one parrot: yellow-faced, opaline and white-winged. To bring out bright rainbow wavy parrots, it is required to use a large number of birds with a purple factor, it gives expressiveness to flowers.

Individuals with the dominance of the gray factor are not suitable for these purposes, because it dims the brightness of the color.

Character and behavior

It should be borne in mind that these birds are capable of a very rapid change of emotions. The first few days after the purchase, they may refuse to eat, be able to apathy and not make contact. It is worth giving the parrot time to adapt to the new environment, as it is a great stress for the bird. Do not rush to take the parrot on your hands, give him treats, talk with him tenderly, and gradually the bird will become tame.

During molting, rainbow parrots can also be irritable and aggressive, refuse food, bite - this is normal behavior in this situation, you should not disturb them in vain and annoy with loud noises. If you want to teach the parrot to speak, then it should be noted that the males learn better and faster. Talk affectionately to the parrot and don’t tire your bird with long pursuits. Budgerigars are sociable, talkative, inquisitive, neat, they preen a lot, clean their beautiful feathers, bathe.

How to care for a rainbow parrot?

First of all, get a spacious cage at least 35 by 35 cm in size if you have one bird.The cage should be easy to wash, place the feeders, water bowl, bathing tub, perches, swings, ladders, toys in the form of a mirror, bells. If you feed a parrot with special food, be sure to add chopped fruits, vegetables, and greens to the diet and immediately remove the uneaten food. Change water every day and rinse the water bottle with hot water. Every day, let the bird fly for at least half an hour. Cover the cage with a thick cloth for the night, leaving a small open space.

Security measures

In order to avoid unpleasant situations that threaten the health of your winged pet, Carefully read the following tips from experienced breeders:

  • try not to leave the parrot alone without supervision especially if windows or doors are open in the house - the bird can easily fly away;
  • many indoor plants are poisonous for rainbow budgerigars, for example, dieffenbachia, monstera, amaryllis, mistletoe;
  • letting the pet out of the cage, close the washing machine, refrigerator, ventilation grilles, mirrors, do not keep household chemicals in open access;
  • aquarium and other liquid containers must be covered, otherwise the bird may drown;
  • watch the parrot if you have other pets, especially cats.

Rainbow budgies are intelligent, sociable and beautiful birds that are very suitable for home keeping. With good care, they can live with you up to 15 years, giving a good mood and their love.

In the next video you will find the birth of a wavy parrot.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


