
All about wavy parrots

All about wavy parrots

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  1. Description
  2. Colors
  3. How to choose?
  4. Content policy
  5. Training
  6. Diseases
  7. Interesting Facts
  8. Owner reviews

Budgerigar is very popular as a pet. The bird is quite smart and active, capable of learning phrases. Bright and beautiful color, as well as unpretentious care, become the reason for acquiring these parrots.


At home in Australia, budgies live in eucalyptus bushes, forests and savannahs. Flocks are made up of different numbers of birds, but they all move very synchronously, as if they were a single whole. Wild individuals are predominantly green in color. They are quite hardy, adapt to different climatic conditions. The body sizes of the wavy are from 17 to 23 cm, the wing is about 10 cm, the tail is stepped, 8–10 cm long.

Weigh birds 40–45 grams. The head and neck are yellowish in front, on the left and right on the head at the throat are two elongated spots with a dark purple tint, below them there are tiny black patches on the neck. Behind the head is covered with wavy stripes of dark color. The same are on the back, because of what the birds got their name. In the wild, wavy parrots have bright green plumage, birds living in artificial conditions have a much larger color gamut.

They can be a variety of bright colors - from white to blue - as well as different shades. The boys on the forehead have a luminous plumage that looks like a cap. A person can see it only in the dark, the parrots see it day and night. In the marriage period, its brightness helps to choose a partner. Birds have dark eyes, their viewing angle is very wide. Moreover, wavy parrots have the ability to recognize colors.

Beak slightly curved, rather strong, cornified. In its upper part there is an articulation - a growth with sinuses - which also takes part in the movement of the supracluvus. Its color significantly stands out: young males have a purple thickening, as it grows, it acquires a rich blue color. Females at a young age have a bright blue ceramum, around the nostrils there is a bezel of a lighter tone. In adult girls, the growth becomes brown.

The seal is not covered with feathers, therefore, it is easy to see any changes that indicate the state of health of the pet. The tongue is slightly rounded, short, keratinized at the end. Paws without feather coating, blue-gray or pinkish with almost black claws. Each paw has four fingers: two turned forward and two back.

This arrangement is very suitable for grabbing techniques, clinging to branches or cage rods, as well as for walking on the surface. With the help of tenacious fingers, birds easily move any small objects.


There are almost 150 varieties of wavy in captivity. Classify them according to color. The first group includes parrots, which have two primary colors, but they can be of different shades. The second combines individuals with a motley color. Separately distinguished crested and cheeky representatives of wavy parrots.

  • Green has a natural color. On the back, uniform wavy stripes, head and wings are also covered with typical black lines. On the neck there are six characteristic spots.

    • Opaline in color, it has no bright, clear stripes, lines on the wings of a dark tone: dark gray or black.

    • Cinnamon colors similar to the previous one, only instead of dark stripes - brown. Females have a lighter tone plumage, thanks to this feature it is easy to determine the sex of a parrot.

    Immediately after the birth, the chicks have an unusual eye color - plum, as they grow older, it changes to the usual, black one.

    • Spangle or star color characterized by white plumage with lace patterns on the tail and wings. Framing in the form of dark stripes.
    • Yellow-faced different yellow color of the head, sometimes the whole body of this color.

    • Gray-winged It is characterized by the gray color of the wings, the remaining parts can be of different colors.
    • Purebred have wings of monophonic coloring. In the main green color they are yellow, if the bird is blue-blue - the wings are white.
    • Motley - the most numerical category. Its representatives are distinguished by the presence of clearly visible spots of different shapes. The number of points can be different, often there is only one at the back of the head.
    • Half-hearted the coloring is very rare, the body is vertically divided into two different colors. Chicks of this color are born from the mating of parrots of different colors, such color is not inherited by inheritance.
    • Albino are obtained as a result of crossing spangles with each other. Birds are completely white, differ from albinos with black eyes.
    • Lyutino stand out completely yellow color.
    • Anthracite characterized by a beautiful black color.
    • Sills have a pale gray color as the main and different shades of blue.
    • Speckled they get their motley color with age, it is distinguished by a beautiful speckled pattern.
    • Misty They have a turquoise color of the body, their head is white, and the wings are decorated with brownish waves.
    • Khokhlastye There are different colors. Their distinguishing feature is the presence of a tuft on the head. Its shape may be different: round, semicircular, resembling a beam. Some representatives have chaotic strands on the back and wings.

    • Salt they are distinguished by gray wings and numerical marks of the same color in the saddle area.
    • Rainbow colored stand out very bright color, with an unusual combination of waves and rich colors.

    How to choose?

    You need to buy 3-4 monthly parrots, they are quickly mastered in the new conditions. At first you should pay attention to the plumage: a healthy bird has clean, shiny feathers, in a sick person they are disheveled, not very dense. Scales on the feet should be smooth. If the parrot is sedentary, sluggish, it is better not to choose. It must be remembered that the wavy are very active, curious birds.

    Choosing them as pets, you have to be prepared for the fact that they sing loudly, especially in the morning. They also like to scatter scraps of newspapers, litter, remnants of food, husks. Every day you will need to clean the cage to avoid the appearance of an unpleasant smell. These birds have a very sensitive respiratory system, so you should not be near them:

    • to smoke;
    • sprinkle perfume;
    • use air freshener;
    • paint your nails;
    • Cook food.

    When buying, you need to be able to decide on the sex of the pet, since girls and boys differ in character. Males learn to talk faster, they show a greater interest in imitation. In addition, male representatives are more active and not as aggressive as females, which are most often acquired for breeding.

    The sex of a parrot can be identified by its wax; for males, it is predominantly blue, in some hybrids it is pink, and females have a growth of brownish, beige or blue. If there is a little patience left, a cheerful and friendly wavy parrot will thank for the care, bringing joy and excitement to the house.

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    In order for the acquired wavy player to feel great in a new place, he needs to create certain conditions. The first thing to do is take care of the cage.It is chosen mainly rectangular, rather voluminous and better of stainless steel. The bottom of the cage must necessarily be with a pallet. At different levels place several wooden beams, rattles, swings.

    Must be present: bath, drinking bowl, three feeders - one for the grain, the other - for soft food and the third - for vitamin preparations. Dishes cleaned everyday. The tray must also be cleaned once a day. Once a week, wash the cage and items in it. It is useful for birds to fly around the apartment, but at the same time it is necessary to exclude the birds from eating indoor flowers, they can get poisoned.

    The cage is better placed in a bright room. One part of the cage should be placed close to the wall - there is a wavy suit yourself a secluded corner. When installing the cage, it is worth remembering that parrots do not tolerate heat or drafts well, so these factors should be excluded. In summer, you can put birds on the balcony for a while, but only until noon. At night, the cage is covered with a dark cloth, but so that there is air access.

    In summer you can put a bath with water so that the parrots do not overheat. The optimum temperature for them is + 22-25 degrees. In winter, you need to create additional lighting, like solar. Eating birds must be diverse and in the right ratio of products. To strengthen the body and the normal development of their provide vitamins, crushed egg shells, chalk.

    They mainly eat mixed grain feeds.. They eat also seeds of sesame, flax, oats, sunflower. In winter, birds are given germinated wheat and oats.

    Wavy artists love a variety of fruits and vegetables: carrots, cucumbers, zucchini, beets, apples, peaches, pears. With pleasure eat strawberries and raspberries.

    In the summer they can feed the young leaves of plantain, dandelion, clover, but they can not be torn near the road or some kind of production. It is not allowed to give the birds nuts, green onions, as well as persimmon, avocado and mango. Once a week, parrots are treated to products that have calcium in their composition: cottage cheese or boiled egg. They give food to wavists twice a day, it is better to give water purified and not cold, the main thing is that it should not stagnate in the drinker. From time to time, vitamin preparations are dropped into it.

    Twice a year, parrots time to molt. During this period, they become more irritable, do not fly. They should be left alone, do not disturb and add vitamin preparations to the diet. If the female and male are kept together, it is necessary to know that they become sexually mature in a year and a half. Mating occurs in the summer-autumn period.

    For breeding chicks in a cage placed a small box with a reclining top, a recess for eggs and a litter of wood chips.

    When small parrots begin to feed on their own, they are taken away in another cage - the female can bite them.


    Wavy parrots are very smart and quickly learn. But first you need to tame the bird, to win her confidence. You can not use force, take in hand against the desire. Gradually offer a delicacy and pay attention - the wavy will get used and will look for communication with the owner. After that you can start learning. To achieve the result, classes should be held regularly.

    Juveniles are easier to train and learn much faster. It is better to start memorizing words from a bird's name, it must be pronounced clearly and expressively. Duration of classes should be about 10–20 minutes at the same time. Be sure to praise the parrot for the work done and reward the delicacy. The main thing in this business - do not be lazy and stick to regularity.

    The result will be about a month later, but it is worth it. A satisfied pet will show everyone its success. Very often, wavy parrot owners are faced with such a problem as bites.These birds are very sensitive and in this way can express their emotions: fear, hostility, excitement. You must first understand the reason for this behavior, because the method of solving the problem depends on it.

    Birds become aggressive during the molting period, defending their possessions, may thus demand attention or play. If this behavior has become habitual, you need to take action. To wean the bird to bite, you need after trying to remove her with the word "can not", spoken clearly, in a strict tone. In the end, after 4-5 times, the parrot begins to understand the ban and respond to it. You can also try to switch the attention of the wavy as soon as he tries to bite. After some time, he himself will forget this habit.

    How to train a wavy parrot, see below.


    Unfortunately, wavy parrots are prone to disease, especially individuals that appeared as a result of hybridization. The guard should be lethargic and apathetic type of pet. A sick bird has dull feathers, nasal discharge, changes the color of the wax, disappears appetite, or excessive thirst. Often the diseases are caused by improper care or the diet of the parrot. Among the most common diseases of budgies are:

    • A cold occurs due to hypothermia or drafts and is manifested by coughing, nasal discharge, and is treated by warming;
    • Gastrointestinal disorders or poisoning are manifested by diarrhea, drowsiness, vomiting and are the result of poor quality food;
    • gout occurs in adult birds and the symptoms are small nodules near the joints and puffiness, is treated under the supervision of a veterinarian (if untreated, the birds die);
    • arthritis and other paw diseases are more likely to occur due to excess weight associated with unhealthy diets; the treatment is prescribed by the ornithologist.

    Often, wavy parrots are sick due to parasites, mainly ticks and helminths:

    • a scabies mite affects the area of ​​the wax, causing severe itching, is treated with a special compound;
    • tracheal tick develops in the trachea and lungs, provoking attacks of suffocation, the doctor prescribes therapy;
    • the red tick feeds on the blood of the bird (dangerous for humans), depriving it of its strength, is treated with Neosthomazan;
    • puffy eaters eat skin flakes and plumage, birds suffer from sverbezh and discomfort, the treatment is carried out under the supervision of a doctor;
    • helminths provoke diarrhea, lethargy, loss of appetite, may appear due to poor-quality food, treatment prescribed by a veterinarian.

    Wistists suffer from infectious diseases, the symptoms of which are similar to a cold.

    They can be cured only with the help of a doctor who will make the correct diagnosis. But still they are easier to prevent than to treat. To do this, it is necessary to observe the necessary conditions of detention, adhere to cleanliness, eliminate dampness and excessive heat.

    Interesting Facts

    There are many interesting facts about wavy parrots:

    • they see more colors than people, because they also distinguish the ultraviolet spectrum;
    • natural color - green, barely visible in the foliage;
    • the fastest birds;
    • live on the Australian mainland for more than 5 million years;
    • head turns 180 degrees;
    • hatching weight about 2 grams;
    • heart rate - 200 beats per minute.

    Further look interesting facts about wavy parrots.

    Owner reviews

    Those who decided to have wavy parrots as pets, celebrate their sociability, friendliness and cheerful nature. They also distinguish the need for a balanced diet, as the monotonous food causes intestinal problems.

    Experienced parrot owners warn about the negative effects of drafts on the health of birds. All owners of the wavy rejoice at their learning abilities and quite good achievements.Also, many emphasize a sense of rhythm and dance abilities, and there is nothing to talk about singing talent.

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    Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


