Jacquot parrot: description of species, peculiarities of content, rules of choice

Today it is not so often possible to meet families without pets. In addition to the most popular dogs and cats, it is necessary to separately distinguish parrots. The Jacky Parrot is a smart bird, thanks to which it gets along well with humans, and since birds are long-lived, such a pet can live side by side with a person throughout his life.
Jaco is a rather popular bird, which is scientifically referred to as African Gray Parrot Psittacus, which means “gray African parrot”. Due to the unique character of this bird in the dwellings where Jaco settled, a kind of cheerful and charming atmosphere will reign. The bird comes from the parrot family and is the only representative of the stupid-tailed genus. Since the Jaco is still an exotic bird, before acquiring, it is recommended to study in detail his temper and features of the content.
The size of an adult individual is about 30-35 centimeters, while the average wingspan can exceed 60 centimeters. The wing itself has a length of about 20-25 centimeters, the end of the wing is highly developed. The tail of the parrot Jaco is small, its length will not be more than 8-9 centimeters.
Adult birds stand out for their black-bent, gray-colored limbs and bright yellow iris.
The breed secrete leathery nostrils and bridle, located in the area of the organs of vision of the bird. Birds can have several options for the color of their plumage: today you can find parrots with a color in the color palette of mouse shades, as well as bright purple-red Jaco. As a rule, external features relate to gender - males have a more powerful beak and a thickened skull, while the head of a female individual repeats dome-shaped outlines. However, after the birds mature, external differences will no longer be pronounced.
Jaco - uhThat talking parrot, which can be maintained at home. The bird has the ability to imitate the human voice, in addition, Jaco are long-livers who can live in the family for at least seven decades. Among the birds of this breed, there were individuals that lived to 90 years.
As for the natural environment where the gray parrot lives, birds sometimes emit a rather shrill cry and even a whistle, while snapping their beak rather loudly. At home, a bird can also behave extremely emotionally, but these character traits can be smoothed out if you give your pet proper attention, engage in its development, and properly care for it. It is noted that the Jaco throughout life is distinguished by extremely high memorability and observation.
Where dwells?
The name of the bird was not accidental, because Africa is considered to be its birthplace. Depending on the breed of bird, the areas of distribution of individuals across the continent differ slightly. Thus, the red-tailed bird inhabits Congo and Tanzania, and the brown-tailed species prefers areas of Liberia, Guinea and Sierra Leone. Today, however, like ptah can be found all over the world. Jaco fly somewhat hard, in the wild can make long flights with the aim of attacking farmland.
Birds spend the night on the tops of green trees, settling there closer to the sunset.Due to their tenacious, clawed limbs and beak, they crawl along the trunks of fruit crops in search of delicacy, and they go down to the ground for water, usually in the morning.
Locals hunt large birds in order to obtain meat and sell chicks.
The breed is divided into species according to external signs relating to the color of the tail. Today in the natural environment and in the dwellings there are two main species and subspecies of exotic birds.
Conure parrot
Such a bird grows to a length of 37 centimeters, the predominant color of the plumage is light gray. At the same time, the color of feathers on the tail will contrast strongly with the body, since it stands out a bright red shade of the pen.
Brown Tailed Jacket
The bird will be slightly smaller than the previous species - the average parameters of an adult parrot will not exceed the mark of 30 centimeters. At the same time, the gray plumage is somewhat darker than that of the red-tailed relative. The feather on the tail is painted in a brown-red tone, the beak has a tinge of ivory.
Royal subspecies
The bird looks almost like a brown-tailed parrot, the similarity is observed in the color of the plumage. However, due to the artificial mutation today you can find birds with a completely white color, as well as gray-pink parrots.
How to choose?
If you plan to keep only one bird of this breed in the house, then experts recommend purchasing a male individual at a young age. Since it is the male that will get used to the new place much faster.
There are several recommendations for choosing an exotic bird.
- Firstly Consideration should be given to the sale of Jaco, coming only from specialized and certified nurseries. All parrots presented must be banded. The fixed ring must contain basic information about the pet.
- Fledgling chick it will be completely tame, it will have smooth scales on its paws, the beak will also be smooth. Young animals can be distinguished by their black eyes, which turn yellow only by one and a half to two years. The optimal age of the chick for purchase is 3-4 months.
- When buying an adult parrot It is necessary to pay attention to his behavior in contact with a person, since some unscrupulous vendors sell wild birds in the guise of tame ones. If a parrot screams loudly at the sight of a person, then such an individual, most likely, has not been trained, so at home there can be serious problems with it.
- Ability to speak the sex of the parrot has no effect, therefore, it is possible to teach the female and the male to imitate human speech at home.
Remember that parrots are social birds, Therefore, for them the important point is the interaction with all family members. If over time its composition will increase or another pet is present in the dwelling, it is important to correctly distribute attention for everyone.
As a rule, the Jaco can perfectly get along on the same square with dogs, and even cats, however, strict control of the owners in this case will be mandatory.
Content policy
It is necessary to highlight the main features that relate to the content of an exotic talking bird in a residential area.
Cell selection
House for a parrot is selected based on its type and size, as well as the number of birds that are planned to be kept in one cage. So, optimal size for bird's house will be the size of 65x45x80 centimeters, this applies to housing for one bird.
Since Jaco has a rather powerful beak, the bars of a cage must have a diameter of at least 3 millimeters. Reliable fasteners are also required for feeders and drinking bowls placed inside. For a parrot, it is worth choosing the cells containing the Plexiglas insert, there should be at the bottom protective grid.
Because an exotic bird stands out for its intelligence and good memory, It is worth considering options for housing with this type of lock, which Jaco cannot open by himself. For added comfort, parrot owners are offered mobile cages that have wheels at the bottom.
It is also important internal filling of the cage: in addition to the insert for the care of the beak, the bird will need a variety of twigs, sticks and twigs, it is preferable to use parts of fruit trees. There should be a lot of toys in the cage, Accessories for the game with a delicacy placed inside are very popular.
In the cell should be decontaminated coarse sand. It is recommended to clean the cage without using household chemicals at least once a week or as they become soiled.
Food for a parrot is placed in fixed in a cage trough, they must be made of impact-resistant polymer, ceramic or stainless steel. Birds eat different food, respectively, in the cage should be three or four feeders. In addition, care should be taken to ensure that the drinker is in the cage. However, a balanced feeding of various fruits and vegetables by the Jaco will enable the bird to replenish the water balance, so it can be rarely applied to water.
Feeding a parrot at home is required in such a way so that the vitamin and mineral composition of food is as close as possible to natural conditions. Ptah should be introduced to new feeds gradually and with extreme caution. All types of fruits and vegetables used should be fresh and the diet varied. The presence of grains, nuts and herbaceous plants recommended for parrots in the feeder has a positive effect on the health of the bird.
As for corn and wheat, these grains are best offered to the pet in germinated form.
Alternatives to the above feed are dry options, but in this case water must be present in the cage without fail. It is more correct to use filtered liquid, if there is no such possibility, then tap water should be allowed to stand for at least 24 hours. From time to time for jaco you can buy non-carbonated mineral water, which will positively affect the digestion and immunity of birds.
In the wild, the parrot's diet will vary depending on the season, so some changes in the fruits and vegetables used may be at home. Feed the parrot from the common family table is prohibited, in spite of the fact that the bird will show a genuine interest in the food of the household. Due to the potential danger of most parrot dishes, fruit and vegetables can be exceptions.
The most important aspect regarding care is bathing a parrot. These birds adore water treatments, because bathing provides them with the ability to keep plumage, skin, beak and limbs in a clean state. Water procedures are recommended to be carried out regularly. but compulsorily avoiding drafts and lowering the air temperature in the room after the hygiene measures of the bird.
On the feathers of the Jaco may appear white powdered plaque. This is the physiological norm, allowing the pet to maintain plumage in a normal state. To bathe and control the amount of powder on the wings, the host can spray the bird with a spray of warm water. Also, the bird is able to swim independently, for this it will need a container with water.
As for breeding and mating, Exotic birds are quite selective in terms of partner selection, especially in captivity. Some individuals spend their entire lives alone. And even living together two parrot parrots does not guarantee that they will create a pair.
But if this did happen, then for “lovers” it is necessary to allocate a nesting place in which the female, some time after mating, will lay several eggs. Hatching lasts about 30 days, the female is engaged in this, and the male provides food. Juveniles fully lean closer to three months, until that time parents will care and feed the chicks.
It is prohibited to trim the wings of the Jaco living at home, as they give the bird a certain amount of physical exertion. The bird simply cannot get it in any other way, which will have an extremely negative impact on its health.
The bird is able to die due to contact with electrical appliances, glass, therefore, the apartment is an unsafe place for Jaco, in which the parrot outside the cage must be closely supervised. Particular attention should be paid to windows that should be closed. If the bird stays alone in the room, the Jaco should be placed in a cage.
This breed can be safely classified as the most intelligent, therefore, experts refer the level of development of the intellect of a gray exotic guest to a 3-4 year old child. The bird speaks, repeating not only the sounds heard, but also clearly conveying the intonation with which a person utters phrases or words. Scientists agree that Birds are quite sensitive to the situation, so they can reproduce sounds with a meaning.
As a rule, games and bird classes begin to be held quite early, most birds will be ready for this from about 2-3 months. A bird is able to remember about a hundred words.
Diseases and their treatment
In captivity, this breed suffers from self-salting. Such an illness can trigger the following points:
- care errors, in the light of which parasites appeared in the birds;
- psychological trauma;
- errors regarding nutrition.
In order to help the bird get out of this state, conditions should be adjusted and revised; the parrot should be referred to a specialist for an appointment. Parasitic diseases, from which a pet may suffer, must be attributed to helminthiasis. For treatment, you will need to use specialized medical formulations, as well as perform cell disinfectant treatment. Non-contagious diseases of parrots relate to obesity, to combat it, it is necessary to reconsider the moments of keeping and feeding the Jaco. In rare cases, the bird can become sick with tuberculosis, which cannot be treated.
As a rule, it is possible to determine that the gray parrot suffers from any disease by its hectic behavior. Frequent jumps in the mood, refusal to eat, apathy or irritation will be the first alarming signals, indicating the presence of any health problems in poultry.
Owner reviews
Most breeders of parrots of this breed characterize it as inquisitive and socially active. However, in order to have a smart and healthy Jaco in the house, the owner will need to pay maximum attention to the bird. Regular classes, a balanced diet and competent care will allow you to grow at home a smart and beautiful individual that can bring a lot of positive emotions to both the adult and the younger generation of the family.
In the next video, you are waiting for the features of the content, nutrition and care for the Jaco parrot.