
How to make a bunch on the head with a rubber band?

How to make a bunch on the head with a rubber band?

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  1. Features
  2. Pros and cons of the accessory
  3. Types of bunches with elastic
  4. How to do it yourself?
  5. How to decorate?

Among the owners of medium and long hair, it became in vogue to make an ordinary bun. Previously, a careless gulka was made only at home, tied high on the crown so that the hair does not interfere with household chores. Now the beam has become a new kind of hairstyle, he has gone beyond the house, and it has become popular to walk with him through the streets of the city. The more careless the beam will be, the more stylish your image will look.

There are many types of bundles, each unique in its own way. It will look good in combination with any outfit, whether it be a dress, shorts with a T-shirt or a business suit. In sports, a high beam is very convenient: the hair does not interfere, and it is not so hot with it.


The bundle itself is a common type of styling that is suitable for every girl and woman. One has only to choose the appropriate type of hairstyle for the type of person and physique. A high beam at the top will suit low young ladies: it will visually make them taller. Tall, slim girls will not fit a voluminous hairstyle: it will make their image rougher. As for broad facial features, a low beam is recommended.

The main feature of this hairstyle is its simplicity in execution. The bundle can be completely different: high, low, sloppy, sophisticated, voluminous.

The hairstyle was created for those who are constantly in a hurry somewhere. Each time it was all improved and began to use various accessories.

Pros and cons of the accessory

One of the easiest to use accessories is ordinary gum. It is used in each hairstyle as the main or fixative element. A wide range, availability in price will allow you to choose a gum for each hairstyle: thin or thick, the usual classic or with pebbles, flowers and many others. The disadvantages of cheap and often used gum include stretching them, as well as they quickly break.

Then began to use "bagel" (some gum of this type is called "donut"). It is as easy to use as a regular rubber band. It is similar in material to a sponge (just as soft), allows you to evenly distribute the curls and creates additional volume. They are produced in various sizes and in different colors, which will allow you to choose the “donut” you need.

If you have thin hair, it is very important to choose an accessory to match them: then it will not stand out. Due to frequent use and auxiliary pin fixing, it can tear very quickly.

There is a modernized "Collapsible bagel." The material is more rigid, in three places it will be tied with velcro to hold the hair.

The main disadvantage of this type of gum for the beam is a very weak spot for fastening.

Produced in two sizes (22x4 cm and 17x3 cm) and in three colors: brown, black and light.

If for some reason you do not have any of the above accessories, but you want to make a voluminous hairstyle, then the usual knitted sock will help you. This accessory was used by our grandmothers. Advantage is considered accessibility, because everyone has an unnecessary sock in the closet. One has only to cut off the tip and twist it into the same "bagel".

For masking, use a fabric that matches the hair color, or wind the hair in several layers.

Types of bunches with elastic

There are many types of buns with a rubber band - this is the simplest and quickest hairstyle.To make it, on the top collect all the hair with a rubber band and twist it into a bun. This hairstyle is more suitable for home or for walking with friends. It is short-lived, can quickly fall apart, especially if you have a heavy head of hair.

However, depending on the availability of auxiliary decorative methods of hair styling, the tufts are divided into several types.

  • Ballet beam. Judging by the name, all the ballerinas make it for themselves, but other representatives of creative professions also resort to it: gymnasts, populists and even Hollywood stars. Belong to the classic beam. Tie the tail with a rubber band (choose the one you like the most: high or low), twist the hair tightly and twist, securing the hairpins, around the base. In the end, you can put a grid or a beautiful elastic on top, or you can leave it like that.
  • Malvinka. Comb all the hair back and separate your hands from one to the other ear. Tie the tail and twist it into a loose bundle. There is another, more original version: take small strands near the ears and tie them back in the loop, but do not fully pull out the strands, thus dividing the tail into two parts (upper - loop, and lower - tail). Divide the upper part in half and twist the lower part of the tail between the two loops, securing it with stealth. Thus a bundle in the form of a bow will be obtained.
  • Harness Tie a high tail, securing with a rubber band, twist the whole strand into a bundle and pull out the individual strands with your fingers a little, twist the slightly tousled bundle into a bun and fix it with invisible fingers. So you will get a larger volume and a sloppy look of the beam, which will only add zest to your hairstyle.
  • Loop Tie one or two high tails in the form of an eyelet, that is, do not fully pull the hair through the elastic bands. Fan a little loop, and then wrap the remaining tail around it, securing it with stealth.
  • Bow. Collect all the hair in a high tail so that a loop is formed from above, and the end of the tail is ahead, falling on the forehead. Divide the loop into two equal parts, throwing the end of the tail between them. Secure to the back so that the ends are hidden under the bundle. Fix the bow with lacquer.
  • Wicker. Tie a high tail, then divide into two or more strands and braid the braids. Stretch them and twist each separately, fastening the studs.
  • With eversion. Suitable for long and medium sized hair. Comb the entire head of hair back and tie the tail with a rubber band at the bottom. Dividing the hair in half, between the head and the knotted rubber band, make a hole and turn the whole tail inside. Then twist the tail a little to the bottom half and place all the hair in the hole again. Secure with studs and then decorate with a comb or other accessory.

All these bundles can be made both on the high and on the low tail (or even on one side). Recently, among school girls and not only has it become popular to make two symmetrical beams. To do this, you only need to make a smooth parting and use two rubber bands and a little more studs.

How to do it yourself?

You can create beams with different types of weaving. So the hairstyle will certainly look festive and original. And you can start to weave with both the frontal part and the occipital.

If you have chosen the frontal weaving option, then to do this, separate the hair from ear to ear and briefly tie a rubber band or secure with a crab. Tie the remaining hair in the tail (it can be at the bottom or at the top), and then use any suggested method:

  • twist the usual harness and twist into a bun, securing the studs;
  • weave several braids or spikelets and fasten each separately;
  • use a “bagel”, a twister-hairpin or whatever will be on hand to make a volume smooth bun.
  • after the formation of the beam go to the weaving of separated hair.Take a small strand in your hand near the ear and divide it into three equal parts, then twist them like a regular braid, remembering to add additional strands on one side only (the forehead).
  • when all the hair is woven, weave a regular braid and secure it with a silicone rubber band. Wrap the already finished bundle of woven oblique around and hide the tail in it, securing invisible.

A bundle with a scythe on the back of the head is a little more difficult, since it is necessary to weave, starting from the back of the head and going up. In this case, it is more convenient to lower the head.

To do this, separate the strand from the head and divide it into three, weave it like a regular braid, adding hair on both sides. When you reach the top, collect all the hair and tie it with a thick rubber band, twist it into a regular bun or use a “bagel”.

There is another interesting variation - a bundle with a "bagel" and weaving. To do this, you will need two regular types of gum and one “bagel”, and of course, fixing means: varnish, mousse or foam. If you use foam or mousse, it is necessary to miss them before starting work. After that, comb and tie the hair on the crown with a thick elastic band, pass the “donut” and distribute the hair evenly over it, then put the elastic on top of the hair color. Collect the remaining hair on two sides and:

  • twist into a bundle;
  • braid pigtails or spikelet.

Then wrap two braided or twisted locks around the donut with hair.

At home, you can "create" a bundle using the twisting method. In this case, a “bagel” (plain or collapsible), a twister barrette or even a sock can be used. The twisting principle will be similar.

You can also use only gum and stealth.

  • Comb your hair well. Lift them up and tie up the tail.
  • The process of twisting the beam:
    1. Place the “bagel” or sock on the tip of the tail and, holding the latter vertically, spin it from top to bottom, while keeping an eye on the even distribution of the hair;
    2. take a collapsible "bagel" or twister-hairpin, place half of the tail and start to twist the hair up, twist the ends to each other and fasten them;
    3. take a strand of hair from the tail, spread it with foam and start to twist it from bottom to top, securing stealth from the roots of the head;
    4. do the same with the rest of the hair, securing the twisted locks in a circle, creating an unusual tuft.
  • For reliability, secure the hair with hairpins or hairpins, and then spray it with varnish.

It is easy to perform and a bundle with two braids. Typically, this hairstyle is performed on long hair. To do this, it is necessary to divide the hair back into two parts and tie two tails at a not too great distance from each other. Weave braids out of these tails or twist them into strands, stretching them a little, tie the ends with rubber bands to match the hair. Take one of the braids and begin to twist it around the base of the other braid, fastening the studs and hiding the end of the tail. Repeat the same procedure with a different braid, only so that the bald patches and rubber bands are not visible.

Each of these hairstyles can be created not only for everyday wear, but also for parties, weddings and graduations.

Many hairdressers twist curls or crimp hair before creating them, and then fix them in a sloppy and very voluminous bundle.

As mentioned above, this hairstyle with ease can be done at home. From the first time, of course, it may not work out, but there is no need to worry - it’s worth only a little training. And then you will have a perfect, exquisite or even subtly romantic hairstyle.

How to decorate?

You can decorate this hairstyle with various accessories:

  • hairpins or hairpins with stones, flowers;
  • ribbons and even kerchiefs;
  • kanzashi: rims, bows, bows, flowers (using ribbons, stones, buttons and other elements);
  • decorated flowers;
  • tiaras, brooches for hair.

The main task when using accessories is not to overdo it.

A more aesthetically pleasing hairstyle will look without their use. If you decide to decorate any attribute of the above, for example, metal clips, use only one, securing it from the side.

By turning on your imagination, you can also decorate with various ornaments: pendants or even necklaces. So you can feel the Egyptian queen or the Turkish sultana.

Bows made of ribbons and kerchiefs will create a new image. They emphasize innocence, timidity and will bring tenderness into the image of young girls.

Recently, kanzashi decorations can often be seen on little girls. These products can be purchased in stores with different hairpins, online stores or do it yourself. The basis is the ability to handle the ribbons, folding them into petals and flowers of different sizes, which are then attached with an glue gun to an elastic band, a clip or a comb, depending on the composition and desired composition. Also it can be diadems, headbands decorated with flowers and pebbles.

In the video below you can see three ways to create a bulk beam with an elastic band and a donut.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


