
Hairstyles in the style of the XIX century: ideas and tips on design

Hairstyles in the style of the XIX century: ideas and tips on design

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  1. History tour
  2. Everything is new - well forgotten old
  3. Recommendations of specialists

Hairstyles of the XIX century are notable for their special pomp and originality. In those days, women made beautiful styling only with the help of their assistants, the so-called maid of honor helped notable ladies.

The main distinctive feature of the hairs of the time were bouffanting. They replaced too bulky hair constructions that young ladies actively made in the 18th century.

In this article we will take a closer look at hairstyles in the style of the XIX century, consider the features and recommendations for design.

History tour

Hairstyles that ladies wore in the XIX century, one might say, were in the Greek manner. They emphasized the natural beauty of women of that time. The fashion of the Russian Empire of those times was greatly influenced by Europe. Complex forms and designs faded into the background, and the young ladies began to give preference to luxurious curls of different shapes and diameters, which were often placed around the head.

For curling curls used special tools that are heated on hot coals to a certain temperature. These devices are very similar to modern curling.

In the fashion were various knots of hair, bunches and partings. Spit enjoyed no less popular. Curly hair is often collected in a beam, fixed and decorated with beautiful accessories, such as feathers, tiaras and even real flowers.

A variety of braids woven not only when they were collected in a festive hairstyle or some original bundle. Weaving was in demand in everyday life, it was most often supplemented with various ribbons.

Since in the middle of the XIX century short haircuts with straight partitions began to appear, many women wore chignons and wigs to add additional volume to their hair, with which they could also make an unusual hairstyle.

Everything is new - well forgotten old

Despite the fact that women's hairstyles of the XIX century have sunk into oblivion, this does not mean that they can not be built with their own hands. Of course, no one will go with Victorian hair or styling from the golden age in everyday life, but for a theme party or even a prom, this hairstyle will be very helpful.

For inspiration, you can pay attention to the paintings from the late classicism style - the 19th century Empire style in Russia. You can find luxurious hairstyles with fresh flowers on them.

Consider a step by step master class hairstyles from the XIX century for medium or long hair, this option hairstyles at one time the ladies chose to the ball.

Currently, cosmetics allow you to simplify the creation of a hairdressing masterpiece and take advantage of modern styling products.

It is necessary to prepare:

  • round forceps of medium diameter;
  • crest;
  • combs - massage and for partings;
  • mousse and lacquer for fixing hair.


  • First you should wash your hair with shampoo and conditioner, then dry thoroughly with a hair dryer and comb along the entire length.
  • Further, using a thin comb, it is necessary to part the crescent from both sides of the head, retreating a small distance from the forehead. To prevent strands from interfering and disintegrating, they can be fixed with clips.
  • Make the tail of the rest of the hairs behind, without grabbing the front curls, separated by the parting. The tail can be fixed with a thin elastic band to match hair and hairpins.
  • Heat the tongs and begin to curl the curls.Previously, you can apply a small amount of mousse to them - so the hairstyle will last longer. First wind the left curls in curls, then proceed to the strands collected in the tail.
  • Further, the curls in the tail should be folded as if in a bun and fixed with the help of stealth hairpins and hairpins. Leave the front curls loose, do not need to comb them, according to the idea they should remain tight.
  • Hairstyle is ready. Now it should be sprinkled with lacquer for a strong hold. If desired, you can add a tiara or studs with decorative flowers.

Another original for our time but widespread in the 19th century, a rather simple styling option that would best suit owners of long curls.

Follow the step by step instructions.

  • To begin with, a small part of the hair must be separated along the hairline; 3 cm will be enough.
  • Now it is desirable to make a little bouffant on the hair. However, if there is no practice in this, you can simply collect the tail on the back of your head. The hairstyle will be less voluminous than with a fleece, but no less beautiful.
  • The next step will be weaving a braid from the tail. It is best to weave the classic version of the braids with slightly strands extended for volume.
  • Then the braid should be beautifully stabbed into the beam with the help of studs. The remaining separated strands must be screwed with small diameter forceps. Curls should turn out small, but tight. Ready hairstyle should be thoroughly sprinkled with lacquer strong fixation.

As an alternative to the pinned spit, you can simply twist the tail and stab each of the curls at the crown, creating the original styling. It turns out a great ballroom option for the exit for young girls.

Easy-to-do hairstyle that every woman can bring to life can become styling, for which only curlers and one barrette are needed.

    Hair should be combed along the entire length and divided horizontally into 2 parts to make 2 tiers. At first it is necessary to wind the lower tier with the help of curlers, and then the upper one in the same way. Strands should not be too thick. To prevent strands from interfering, they can be stabbed with clips.

    • Then you need to wait for time. On average, for a good curl, the curlers are worn for 30-60 minutes, after which they must be removed. If you leave the curlers for only 10 minutes, you get light curls, waves, like those that did in the era of romanticism of the end of the XVIII century.
    • Remove hair curlers should be carefully to curl remained beautiful elastic shape. You do not need to comb your hair, but you can make adjustments with a thin comb for partings.
    • Next, using a thin comb, you need to select one strand from the temples, connect them at the back of the back of your head and stab them with the help of the chosen hairpin.
    • Fixed hair fix hairspray.

    This installation is considered universal. Despite the hints of fashion from the past, it will perfectly complement any modern evening look. As an accessory for this hairstyle, you can use a miniature hat.

    Recommendations of specialists

      • If the hair is not thick and thin, then you can use a roller or chignon for pomp. Often, experts use tresses to add volume to hair, but at home it may be unusual for them to work.
      • Creating a hairstyle from the past, you can use different versions of braids, especially French ones look particularly advantageous.
      • To add notes of modernity to the hair, you can easily make something new. For example, creation of not classic curls on tongs, but a variant of a corrugation can be an excellent move. Such strands of hair can also be elegantly laid.

      Master class on creating a ball hairstyle era of the empire of the XIX century, see below.

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      Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


