Color psychology

Orange color in psychology

Orange color in psychology

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  1. Characteristic
  2. What does symbolize?
  3. Who likes?
  4. Application in clothing and parts
  5. Interesting Facts

Everything that surrounds us is of great importance for the general condition of the body. Food, light and drinking water, of course, are very necessary for our safe life. However, the perception of color plays an equally important role. Much depends on it - mood, and even health. No wonder in ancient times ancestors used color therapy. And she was very successful in getting rid of various diseases.


When red and yellow combine, it turns orange. Passion, the desire to argue and create is the red color scheme, and the love of life and the symbol of wealth is yellow. So in one color palette fits bright features.

A person in astrology bearing the name of an orange color is always uncommon in his actions. And it is quite natural. In our life, everything is important: date of birth, name, appearance and colors that are close to us in spirit. Thanks to these data, the general character of the individual is formed. By bringing them into one, experts can identify problem areas in terms of psychological state and provide assistance if required.

Orange color has a huge impact on the behavior and fate of the individual, as he is considered the hottest of the overall rainbow palette.

His psychology is the "heating" of the human nervous system. Orange for a woman is a kind of energy replenishment. If she wears the outfits of these shades, she will unwittingly attract the attention of the opposite sex and will envy her friends.

A completely happy and satisfied person will necessarily surround himself with orange hues. They cause a pleasant feeling of comfort and play a huge role for the overall positive attitude. It seems that the sun caresses in the rays of all who carry on themselves a piece of energy of the most delicious fruits and vegetables.

Looking at the bright orange palette, a person has a desire to drink some invigorating drink in the form of orange juice. By the way, this well-known and very tasty fruit is associated with the orange color scheme. All plant foods with this color scheme is healthy, multi-vitamin and very tasty.

The psychological component of such a palette tells us about energy that flows and flows out of the sun.

It is not without reason that specialists who use color therapy in the treatment of patients use hot shades to strengthen a person’s will power and their desire for success. This is due to the fact that the belligerent forces of Mars and Saturn are orange in color.

Carrot shades are good both in winter and summer. Only in winter are they able to lead a person out of the so-called hibernation. When outside the window is a solid white-gray variety, everyone wants to remember about summer. Maybe that's why we are happy to buy oranges and tangerines for the New Year. They remind us of July and create a cozy atmosphere when there is a strong frost outside.

What does symbolize?

Anyone who loves very hot and sunny days, be sure to compare them with the color of orange. The sea, the beach and a lot of fruit - these images emerge in our mind when our eyes see orange shades.

At this moment we want to get to where it is warm and fun. From this rises a good mood. The symbolism of orange tones can increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood. This is because red is present in this hue. This is the color of our blood. Without it, we can not live a day.Therefore, our body at the subconscious level involuntarily begins to react to a strong irritant - the color is orange.

It is not for nothing that in Buddhism these shades symbolize holiness and renunciation of the frailty of this world. Therefore, they are used in various ceremonies.

To enhance the effect, all the details of believers are decorated with bright hues, among which the main role is played by carrot color. It is pleasant to the eye and always denotes solar energy.

And everything that lives on Earth cannot do without sunlight. therefore in the chakra system, orange belongs to the second energy center. And this center is responsible for sexuality and creativity - very important components for a person. They provide happiness and peace of mind.

Another orange color symbolizes a person's desires. Not for nothing marketers use these shades in order to sell a particular product.

To do this, they endow it with orange shades. A simple man in the street, of course, "bite" on this bait.

And all this will happen because we, on an unconscious level, perceive Orange as some sort of necessity.

Who likes?

There is no person in the world who would not like the color orange. For people, this is an attractive color scheme, since they have the most positive emotions and sensations associated with it.

It is suitable for children, because toys often have bright palettes. Our children should take this world in a positive way. In addition, colors such as orange, can attract attention, and this will contribute to proper development.

Who among us does not like healthy fruits and vegetables? There is no such. Because we feel all the benefits from eating this plant food, and it is associated with orange shades.

For humans, orange is more than other colors. From red our eyes get tired quickly. From yellow comes the same effect. And orange is a diluted color scheme. He has absorbed all the most attractive and the best. No wonder it blows from the energy of our universal luminary.

Adults, like kids, will never give up carrot shades. They are very funny and life-affirming. Men who love the positive moments in life often wear shirts with these color schemes.

The most attractive and sexy ladies living in warm lands do not deny themselves the pleasure to wear more often on their slim and tanned orange-colored dress.

No wonder. Only fairly successful people can surround themselves with orange colors. And the logic here is simple: on the gray and dank day, the average man in the street is unlikely to be able to put on a coat the color of a sunny palette and take a crowded bus. A woman who lives in a mansion and often rests abroad, will do it without any difficulties, and will not even be complexes about this.

And this fact once again emphasizes that Orange is the palette of success, dedication and prosperity.

This is where the preferences come from. Orange love all without exception. But to use orange shades in everyday life is not given to each of us. Everyone knows that what is not always available to man has a certain value for him. And this is the main reason why the orange color is of interest, love and attraction.

Application in clothing and parts

Bright shades always attract the attention of others. If a man’s clothing is replete with various colors, then he will be in the center of the universe. This should be taken into account when you are going to make an impression in society and to attract interest to your person. Orange is what you need. With him you will always be in the center of events. An orange-colored woman's dress will surely attract the looks of men. Well, if it is still going to fit a sharp figure.

If a woman has a non-standard size, this can be hidden by applying bright color shades.A beautiful flared dress to the knees will favorably emphasize the beauty of your legs (elegant orange shoes in high heels will complete the picture), carrot shade will hide your fullness. Orange looks very good in combination with black.

The representative of the weaker sex, wearing a suit or dress with these shades, will emphasize her individuality and give the image of mystery.

Do not give up the shades of orange when interior design. The walls in the living room will always remind you of a hot summer. In such a room is quite cozy and warm. Sleep is a time when a person can rest and gain strength. The orange-colored lingerie well contributes to the fact that every morning you will wake up in your bed completely happy and filled with vital energy.

And all this will happen because the orange shades can give you a certain natural strength. They are able to protect against negative effects, such as damage or envy. These shades can give strength for resistance from the outside. Besides, the color of the carrot will absorb all the evil looks and bad words spoken to you.

Therefore, clothing or accessories of certain colors will contribute to your comfort in any environment.

Interesting Facts

Many simply underestimate the rich color, and therefore they say that they do not like it. The ancient Egyptians did nothing for nothing. For them, orange was more than just a color. This civilization valued both life and death alike. Therefore, the Egyptians painted mummies in black and orange colors. Fashion in the same shades in 1910 introduced Paul Poiret. And all the beauties approved the innovation. They wore outfits and looked very extravagant.

In the XIX century, the emperor of France ordered the soldiers to wear red-orange trousers and caps. But the real furore orange gamma acquired in the 60s. They are widely used Christian Dior. Then the most fashionable representatives of the weaker sex appreciated their beauty and had orange dresses and suits in their wardrobe.

By the way, about once in thirty years, orange shades reach their popularity. What can not be said about Holland - there they are always popular. It is important to know that orange is divided into three parts in its shades.

  • Very flashy shades - this is pure orange. From them blinded eyes. They are tasty and pleasant. Associated with sweets. No wonder they have the same names: mango, pumpkin, tangerine, marmalade-orange. Not colors, but solid cooking. Therefore, they radiate energy, sensuality and optimism.
  • Salmon, camellia, peach, sand, cappuccino, light ocher - these are all light shades. They are tasty and beautiful. They charge people with sophistication and eroticism, elegance and femininity. It is important to know that the brightest are the orange-beige tones. There is elegance. However, this color is very old and impersonal. Therefore, it is he who requires quite a bright make-up. It can be combined with opposite colors, such as black, red, brown, chocolate.
  • Cinnamon, persimmon, umber, terracotta, nutty, orange, and even chocolate - all of them personify dark tones of orange. They are compatible with sensuality, luxury, exotic, emancipation and dignity.

Another fact: Orange is in multiple colors. Take, for example, the same beige color. It contains a piece of orange. And it suits absolutely all women. If we talk about a very pure color, it will look good on the figure of a girl who radiates peace and natural beauty. Cooler tones will suit those who have some kind of estrangement, that is, they associate with the “winter look”.

Want to show the world its unusual? Then take advantage of the orange. It can be combined with completely incompatible tones. For example, with purple or pink. To stand out, wear a purple dress and pick up an orange handbag.Decorate your beautiful legs with orange shoes.

It is advisable to choose the same tone for absolutely all accessories that you are going to use.

    Interesting to know: human skin has orange shades.. Orange gives objects warmth and visually brings them closer. This color, that is, the color of saffron, can not be used in clothing in some nations. This is forbidden by religion. And from the word "orange" got its name such an animal as orangutan.

    People who prefer this color are very friendly and polite. And those who dislike him are considered callous. They do not expect anything from life and hope for nothing, that is, they are depressed.

    To accept or not to accept this information is up to you. But you should always strive for a positive and radiate it. And all this is possible if you actively use orange blossom. Yes, and eat fruits of the same color. They will promote health.

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    Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.