Personality psycho

Characteristics of the epileptoid personality type

Characteristics of the epileptoid personality type

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  1. Main features
  2. Causes of formation
  3. Interaction with other personalities
  4. Compatibility with other temperaments
  5. Behavioral correction methods

Among emotional people who are distinguished by their impulsive character, epileptoid personality occupies a special place. Psychiatry does not consider the features of the behavior of epileptoids as a disease, but the manner of their communication with others shows a deep disharmony between the internal and external world of such people. From the point of view of medicine, this character accentuation does not require therapeutic intervention, but it is of particular concern to close people and people around.

    Main features

    Epileptoid type - a variant of the formation of personality, founded from birth. It is characterized by increased excitability and propensity to provoke conflicts. People with epileptic accentuation have a predominantly athletic-dysplastic type of constitution. These are slow, restrained in the emotions of the personality, incapable of showing sentimentality and tenderness.

      The psychotype is distinguished by the following character descriptions:

      • epileptoids create around themselves an ideal, in their opinion, world and zealously maintain impeccable order in it;
      • they are annoyed by any behavior of others, which disagrees with a personal view of life;
      • keep a close eye on the actions of others and do not miss the opportunity to comment or criticize any action that does not correspond to their opinion.

      The behavior of a person with epileptoid accentuation is characterized by inhibition with occasional outbursts of anger or aggression toward the stimulus. During the period of restraint, they closely observe others, studying their behavior and looking for a reason to emphasize mistakes and imperfections. Often the object of irritation becomes an objective or subjective fact, which for a long time causes anxiety or anxiety. An example can be trivial, at first glance, things: loud laughter, music, improperly located things, and more. The accumulated emotions are poured into a nervous breakdown, accompanied by insults, obscene vocabulary and assault.

      Epileptoids are characterized by incredible perseverance, reaching to tediousness. In the circle of their acquaintances, they are reputed to be perfectionists, who are able to bring any unpromising project to the leading positions. They do not like a sudden change of life circumstances, they react negatively to criticism, therefore they are doing everything possible to avoid submission to anyone at work and in business. Unable to compromise.

      Epileptoid proves its case under any circumstances. His demeanor does not involve discussion, it is absolutely categorical, requires full approval and submission. In dealing with reputable people is able to demonstrate courtesy, pliability in order to earn the respect of your opponent.

      Among the positive qualities are:

      • Lean on property;
      • accuracy;
      • punctuality;
      • strict observance of their own rules and instructions;
      • ability to think outside the box;
      • creativity.

      But there are a number of drawbacks.

      • Hypochondria and rancor. Easily excitable, touchy type, not missing an opportunity to remind the offender his attitude to the experienced circumstances. In a joyful and elated mood, they are in a state of adrenaline and nervousness.
      • Scrupulousness, the tendency to repeatedly perform the same action.
      • Molestation.Get stuck on a particular thought or situation, imposing your opinion on others.
      • Stinginess Excessive frugality and obscenity creates an unpleasant impression when meeting, therefore maintaining friendly relations is given to the epileptoid with difficulty.
      • Inability to sympathy, pity and expression of positive emotions.
      • Characteristic narrowness of interests and conservatism.
      • Sharp mood change, looping on emotions, experiences and attitudes to certain circumstances.
      • Grudge, revenge, selfishness and touchiness.

      The specific attitude to the environment and the thirst to control what is happening makes people with accentuation indispensable in such professions: managers, businessmen, auditors, secretaries. They are able to ensure order in the documentation, invoices, delivery and acceptance of goods, the detection of non-compliance with the established requirements. Despite their limited outlook and one-sidedness, they are able to systematize the chaos that has arisen, to establish order and discipline. If the surrounding people help the epileptoid adapt in the external environment, learn to cope with outbursts of anger and spontaneous aggression, then individual qualities can be directed along a specific vector in which a person is able to achieve personal growth and financial stability.

      Causes of formation

      Among the social factors contributing to the formation of epileptoid accentuation, there are:

      • adverse living conditions;
      • incomplete family;
      • parental divorce in early childhood or adolescence;
      • psychological trauma;
      • addiction to bad habits.

      The epileptoid personality type is formed in childhood and (unlike other accentuations that disappear with time) is firmly attached to the personality, therefore, forms a pronounced picture by mature age. Psychologists diagnose epileptoid type according to special tests of anxiety, fear and neurotic scale.

      In early childhood, the characteristic manifestations of epileptoid accentuation touches the parents. It gives them the pleasure to watch the child shine in his room, meticulously fold toys, remove the dishes from the table. Periodic nervousness and outbursts of anger are perceived as an insult, and in adolescence are matched with hormonal activity. This type of personality is opposed to everything that encroaches upon established opinions and life priorities.

      With age, stubbornness and pretentiousness causes big problems. If, by his mature age, he does not acquire authoritative values, he outlines an ideal for himself and clearly follows his favorite priorities. Thus, it defines the system of personal comfort and stability, which follows itself and subordinates close people.

      Interaction with other personalities

      Increased excitability and pettiness cause negative emotions in others. At the same time, relatives should learn that the accepted norms in society do not restrain personal epileptoid outbursts: they can blacken others, find fault, provoke them to emit emotions, in order to prove their superiority. Any attempt to establish contact will be taken as interference with privacy or a way to change the view of the world around us.

        In the midst of a conflict, the epileptoid loses control of itself. Any attempts to stop him with arguments, requests or pleas will not be crowned with success. The only way that the epileptoid understands is a fitting rebuff to an opponent of equal physical strength and intelligence.

        Compatibility with other temperaments

        The epileptoid type with the hysteroid will be able to communicate if they can trust each other and find the right approach. If the epileptoid type will belong to a man, the partners will be able to find a common language faster than the other way around.A woman builds a model of behavior in which she becomes a manipulator, but the man does not notice this, feeling like a master in the house.

          Relations with paranoids can develop safely if the work and career growth of the epileptoid are directly dependent on the paranoid personality type. Epileptoids admire leaders and geniuses. Especially when it concerns the financial and material system and government structures. People of creativity do not cause personal interest, and in some cases become grounds for criticism and mocking discussion.

          A successful union of psychologists predict with emotive or psychasthenic. These relationships will be built on the traditions in which the husband will occupy the dominant place in the family, and the wife will provide the desired peace and perfect order in the house. The problem may be caused by the oppression of the second half, if the spouse allows you to treat yourself in an unworthy way.

          Radically different views on life circumstances are observed between the epileptoid and hyperthyme. And the relationship between the two epileptoids is possible if both partners learn to compromise and condescendingly treat each other’s character traits.

          For harmonious communication in a society, quick-tempered people have to follow certain rules, otherwise communication with others becomes impossible.

          Behavioral correction methods

          Classical psychiatry considers people with epileptoid accentuation as individuals who do not require medical and psychological correction. Therefore, treatment in outbreaks of anger and uncontrolled aggression is unjustified. Correction of the behavior of the epileptoid is social adaptation with the involvement of psychologists and teachers. In cases of hereditary pathology or head injuries, it is recommended to be examined by a neurologist in order to differentiate with epilepsy or other neurological disorders. Of great importance in leveling the behavior of an accentuated personality is the creation of a harmonious environment.

            For the correction of behavior used different methods.

            • The most favorable is the method of creating a situation of personal acceptance, in which it is necessary to provide maximum support to all undertakings of a professional and personal nature. At the first stage, it is necessary to adapt a person in such a field of activity in which his accuracy and pedantry will find worthy use. Then gradually delineate the relationship to work, where he must pay close attention to the little things with a personal life. A person must learn not to see flaws in other people and show loyalty to others.
            • The system of personal priorities helps people with epileptoid type to orient themselves in the outside world. Therefore, it is necessary to form a clear hierarchy of imitation of the behavior of significant people for the subject.
            • All types of therapeutic correction carried out in a state of relative emotional peace. Any attempts to resist an epileptoid in a state of overexcitement will lead to an attack of aggression or assault.
            • Psychology and its means acceptable for other psycho-types do not affect epileptoid. Attempts to shift attention, calm words or actions to such individuals are not applicable. Only having survived the crisis, they are ready to listen to the comments in their own direction, but relatives should keep to a calm tone so as not to provoke repeated aggression.

            A brief description of the epileptoid personality type is in the video below.

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            Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


