Characteristics and features of the lake Kyzyl-Yar in the Crimea

  1. History of
  2. Things to do?
  3. How to get there?

Lake Kyzyl-Yar is located in the western part of the Crimea peninsula, 10 km from the town of Saki. It is included in the group of salt lakes of Evpatoria. The nearest settlements that you can navigate along the road are Novofedorovka and Ivanovka. The surface area of ​​the lake is about 8 square meters. km, the greatest depth is 3.7 m. The uniqueness of this reservoir is that its lower, deeper water layers remain salty, while closer to the surface the water is fresh.

History of

Translated from the Tatar name Kyzyl-Yar sounds like a "red cliff". And indeed, on the south side of the lake there is a rocky shore, which consists of reddish-brown stones. The distance from the water surface to the highest point is about 25 m. It is believed that This water formation appeared about 6 thousand years ago.

A possible cause of its occurrence could be a volcanic eruption and, as a result, certain movements of the earth's crust, as a result of which a depression was formed, which was flooded with sea water.

During its existence, brine formed at the bottom of the reservoir - a water layer with a high salt content. Also as a result of centuries of ebbs and flows, the bottom was covered with a layer of black sludge, the composition of which is similar to the famous mud of the city of Saki. True, due to the noticeable desalination of water in recent decades, the healing qualities of the sludge mass in Kyzyl Yar have slightly decreased. The layer of silt at the bottom is about 2.5 meters.

During the Crimean War in 1854, it was here that the Allied army landed, it was from here that it began its historic attack on Sevastopol. Considering the fact that from it to Novofedorovka a little less than 100 kilometers, this place can be called historical. Not far from the lake is the Tobe-Chokrak River (translated as “spring at the top”).

Until about the 1980s, the lake was completely saline. However, such human intervention in natural processes as uncontrolled discharge of fresh water from the North Crimean Canal, as well as the proximity of the Intermountain Reservoir and the inflow of fresh water from there significantly reduced the salt concentration.

As a result, the entire microclimate of the reservoir has changed, some species of flora and fauna have disappeared, but their new representatives have appeared instead. In some places, the lake is overgrown with algae, which when flowering gives the water a greenish or reddish tint. To date, this object is leased by the fish farm and is a local landmark that attracts vacationers.

Things to do?

Kyzyl-Yar is a very popular place among the guests of the Crimea. On the northern coast, the slope is gentle, so it is always full of tourists. Having settled on it, it is possible to receive beautiful suntan, and cool water will give feeling of freshness. If you approach the lake from the south side, then very steep views open from the cliffs.

One of the undeniable merits of Kyzyl-Yar is its proximity to the sea. Therefore, most often come here who wish to combine healing procedures with therapeutic mud with outdoor activities and fishing. There are many varieties of fish in Kyzyl-Yar: from small roach and small perch to more respectable specimens such as carp.

Fishing on the lake is free, the exception is the Upper - here for the pleasure of fishing you will have to pay about 200 rubles (2019).When paying, you should be vigilant and require from the fundraiser a certificate of employment, giving him the right to charge a fee, as well as a receipt, which should include the name and last name of the person who paid it.

Fish are allowed to catch only with a fishing rod, however, here you can always watch a lot of fishing nets, placed by poachers around the coast.

Such a number of networks greatly reduces the quality of fishing, so poachers periodically chase, but still there are a lot of them. During the day the catch is almost zero, and many prefer to stay overnight on the lake. You can spend the night in your own or rented tent - there is an equipped camping camp on the coast. Also, overnight accommodation can be found in the nearest settlements.

On weekends there is often not enough space for everyone, so it is best to go here on weekdays, and even better to take a boat and sail away from the coastal bustle. If you decide to make a fire, It is recommended to take care of the wood in advance - on the coast this is a problem. If you are going on a trip, do not forget to take a mosquito repellent with you, especially around the reservoir.

There are no restrictions on the number of fish caught here. But there are rules according to which one person can use at the same time no more than 2 fishing rods. If you know some of the secrets of fishing, you can get a great catch.

The people here are mostly friendly, so even if you are completely new, you can always find experienced fishermen who will share their secrets. For example, some advise to use semi-boiled potatoes as bait for carp fishing, but crucian carp is better to peck at an ordinary earthworm.

It is believed that the best bite at Kyzyl-Yar is from the beginning of May to the end of September. In the autumn-winter period in this area there are often strong winds, which greatly interferes with fishing.

If you are indifferent to fishing, in the village of Novofedorovka, located in the immediate vicinity of the lake, you can find all the traditional attributes of seaside resorts: small cafes, karaoke bars, restaurants, street trading and other entertainment.

In the evening after noisy parties, you can come to the shore of the lake and enjoy unity with nature. Some daredevils are trying to jump from a cliff, located near one of the coast.

However, it is strongly recommended not to do this, as the depth of the lake is not large enough, and such a “feat” can be very dangerous.

How to get there?

The easiest way to get to the lake is to get there by car. In doing so, be careful and do not drive into the dam - you can get stuck in the viscous sand. From Simferopol to Kyzyl-Yar about 50 km. The road is winding, often winds, on the way you should focus on such settlements as Razdolye, Teplovka, Frunze. Seasoned autotourists strongly recommend those who come here for the first time not to try to drive by car to the water itself, since there is a great risk of getting bogged down in shifting sandy soil.

In addition, it is forbidden to put any vehicles on the sand - this is detrimental to the ecology of the area. Local fishery authorities monitor violations and have the right to issue a fine. The maximum that is allowed is for the machine to stand on the sand with at least two wheels and two on the roadway. So she is less likely to get stuck, and the driver will not get a penalty.

It is best to leave the car on the roadway, where a special parking is equipped, and walk to the water on foot. If you move from Simferopol by public transport, specify which bus should go to Sevastopol, you should get to the Ivanovka stop. Then you need to walk a bit and a little ahead, on the west side of the road there will be a famous lake.

Review of travel to the lake Kyzyl-Yar through the village of Frunze, see below.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


