Features of spearfishing in the Crimea

  1. Leisure
  2. Where and how best to dive?
  3. Where to go?
  4. Species diversity
  5. Additional Information

Underwater hunting in the Crimea is the best option for such leisure activities in our country. Coming to the peninsula is appropriate for both amateurs and professional athletes. But in order not to be mistaken and not to be disappointed, it is necessary to thoroughly study all the subtleties and nuances.


The warm Crimean summer often misleads people who are going to conquer the depths of the Black Sea. Therefore, there is an opinion that you can get by with the minimum amount of equipment. And especially those who are accustomed to diving in cold seas are often at risk. In the absence of experience, there are also thoughts that summer diving in the Crimea is possible without special costumes. The consequences of such an error can be very dangerous.

In reality, a good, subjectively pleasant temperature is formed only at a depth of 2-3 m. But in order to get prey guaranteed, it is better to dive noticeably deeper. Experienced and gambling submarine hunters often go up to 10 m and below.

In those layers, only freedivers of the world level or close to it will be able to do without a special suit.

Therefore, prepared catchers most often stock up before going to Crimea:

  • flippers;
  • wetsuit;
  • a mask (models without bottom valves are best suited);
  • underwater electric lights;
  • guns for spearfishing;
  • nets to accumulate catch (so as not to float with each fish in hand);
  • cargo belts.

Where and how best to dive?

But do not think that with all the equipment and basic training, you can immediately learn extreme fishing in the waters of the Crimea. There are strict limitations of a formal nature. Violation of them threatens the life and health of the hunters themselves, and sometimes other people.

Safety requirements prohibit any diving for the purpose of hunting:

  • on official and wild beaches, as well as at some distance on both sides of them;
  • in ports (both cargo, and passenger, and even private);
  • near points of border and customs control;
  • along the border water area and on the approaches to it;
  • in places of dumping of waste, including sewer;
  • at the facilities of the Navy and at a reasonable distance from them.

Important: in the Crimea there are a number of protected areas of the sea. Protected under environmental law places marked on maps that should be studied in advance.

In some of these places, fishing and marine life without special tools is formally permitted. But it is better not to risk and not to go into a deliberate conflict with the law.

It is worth remembering the objective limitations associated with the weather.

Inexperienced underwater hunters may suffer, going for prey in the winter months. Then overcooling, especially aggravated by a sudden storm, is life threatening.

If bad weather broke out, or a storm warning was transmitted, it is impossible to dive, regardless of the season.

Water jerks can throw hapless catchers on stones. And even if this does not happen, a muddy suspension will still not allow to get a lot of fish.

Where to go?

Theoretically, along the whole coast of ancient Taurida, you can catch good prey. But in the western part of the peninsula is too small; especially bad with depths and visibility in Sevastopol. Some travelers prefer the south and south-east of the region.

At the same time, the southern coast of Crimea is bad in that it is used almost entirely. Because there are very few places where there are no restrictions.

Relatively good is the area between Sudak and Theodosia. In this area, the bottom is replete with caves and rocks.Such an environment attracts fish. In the deep part of the sea collected a lot of algae.

The problem is that getting out quite far from the coast will turn out exclusively on motorized vessels.

Passage on rowing boats is difficult. In the reviews, it is noted that from Sudak to Feodosiya there are a lot of fish, and the visibility is very good. Officially, catching underwater resources is permitted near the Kerch Strait. But the bottom is covered with silt and sand. The weak review is to some extent compensated by the opportunity to fish who does not like to settle in rocky places.

If you still go back to Sevastopol, then you should pay attention to Cape Fiolent.

Important: within the city itself fishing is completely prohibited. But there are no bans at the cape, and the water is very clean.

The catch here will contain many different types of fish. It is worth trying your hand also at Cape Aya and Laspi Bay.

Species diversity

The Black Sea is not distinguished by a special variety of fish assortment. But for most professional catchers, not to mention amateurs, it is quite enough. Mullet will catch in the warm season. With the advent of climatic spring, it comes to the southwest of the peninsula and gradually moves eastward over the season. Outwardly similar pelengas manages to get most often from Cape Chameleon.

Large bison can be caught on rocky areas, where at great depths lies the mass of boulders.

A fairly significant slab is collected in shallow waters full of cracks and caves.

Important: catching a slab is not recommended - it is protected by Russian law.

You can meet this fish:

  • in Sevastopol waters;
  • in the Sudak area;
  • southwest of Kerch.

Novice catchers with excellent vision should try to catch a flounder. Mostly it is to the waters of Kerch. But with luck, this fish is caught throughout the coastal zone. The main problem is not to get, and find a flounder. It is too high quality masked.

Underwater hunters who have boats, often mined Katrans. Black Sea sharks have a habit of approaching catchers and imitating an attack. You can detect katrana in any Crimean waters. It was possible to catch him along the Azov coast.

Scorpions, they are “sea ruffs”, live on a deep rocky bottom. Since this is a predatory fish, it is mainly in ambush.

Important: the “sea ruff” has several toxic thorns.

But the "sea roosters" are valued not so much for its beauty, as for the taste of meat. The fish can grow up to 0.5 m. Mostly it is found at a depth of 18-20 m. The rooster is not able to get close and grab yourself with your hands.

Still worth thinking about catching:

  • bluefish;
  • red mullets;
  • hamsa;
  • scads;
  • pelamides;
  • mackerel;
  • tuna;
  • herring

Additional Information

Going to the Black Sea submarine hunters should only after long workouts. Without the ability to accurately shoot there is nothing to do. In the clear water of the fish from afar find the catcher. Many try to hunt from ambushes.

Start fishing from rulena (sometimes called greenfish).

This type of fish is painted in a blue-green tone; You can meet her on rocky sites.

For the "stuffing hands" greens fit perfectly. She lives shallowly and is not too afraid of people. To approach it is not difficult. But for the same reasons, experienced hunters ignore greens.

Attention is deserved not only by sea, but also freshwater fish of Crimea. So, in the Bakhchisaray reservoir can be found:

  • ram;
  • pike perch;
  • whitefish;
  • bream.

            In Zagorsk reservoir carp and silver carps are caught. Quite a few there are also roach, perch, crucian carp, and rudd. For perch and silver carp go to the reservoir, located near Kerch. Repeatedly there it was possible to catch fish heavier than 10 kg. During the day on the Kerch reservoir there are two optimal “windows” for fishing: 8-10 and 17-18 hours.

            With the features of spearfishing in the Crimea can be found in the next video.

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            Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


