Crimea reservoirs: history, description and location

  1. amount
  2. Intermountain Reservoir
  3. Chernorechensky reservoir
  4. Balanovskoye reservoir
  5. Zagorsk reservoir
  6. Ayan reservoir

Have you ever thought about where water comes from in our cranes, what pipes it flows from, where it comes from, especially in fairly dry areas?

Each city and in different territories has its own reservoirs, of different sizes and volumes of filling. To some extent, it is a reservoir of water that people consume daily.

The number of reservoirs directly depends on the territory, population and level of consumption.

The peninsula of Crimea with its arid northern and central part consumes much more water than the same south.

How many water tanks exist in the Crimea? Their number and history will be described later in the article.


In the entire history of its existence, the Crimea peninsula acquired 23 large reservoirs, which were created by man.

The total area of ​​all the storage facilities is only 42 square km, which is no more than 0.20% of the entire territory of the peninsula.

It follows that the amount of fresh water contained in the reserve is about 400–450 million cubic meters.

Not all the amount of water that is stored in reserves goes to the needs of a person in his daily life. Consumption is divided into the following items:

  • up to 2% goes to fisheries;
  • up to 8% - for enterprises and industry;
  • up to 20% - for settlements and for housing and communal services;
  • and up to 70% for agriculture.

It turns out that all consumption is demarcated, and strict accounting is maintained.

From the largest to the smallest reservoir lined up as follows.

  • Chernorechensky - holds about 64.2 million m3 of water. It is considered the largest reservoir in the Crimea.
  • Second place is Intermountain. It holds 50 million m3.
  • Simferopol ranked third with indicators of 36 million m3.
  • Frontline goes after Simferopol with a reserve of 35 million m3.
  • Guerrilla accommodates 34.4.
  • Zagorskoye – 27,7.
  • Kerch – 24,0.
  • Belogorodskoe – 23,2.
  • And two of the smallest in volume: Feodosia - 15.4 million m3 and Izobilenskoe - 13.3 million m3.

There are also such reservoirs as Novoulyanovskoe, Mogabinskoe, Samarli (or Samarly reservoir), Kutuzovskoe, Zagorskoye, Station, Schastvenskoe, Almai. But in more detail we will consider only those that are most in demand among fishing enthusiasts, tourists and connoisseurs of history.

Intermountain Reservoir

There are very few really large lakes on the territory of the Crimea. Therefore Intermountain reservoir - a kind of oasis, gathering around him people who love wildlife, water landscapes and, most importantly, tent rest.

It is believed that this repository is one of the largest artificial reservoirs in the entire peninsula. And this is true, its capacity is 50 million m3. It impresses with its depth and coastline.

The most frequent guests of this reservoir are fishermen who enjoy plenty of the beauty of Mezhgorny after the abolition of the seasonal ban on fishing.

In 1977, the construction of the second phase of the North-Crimean Canal was conceived, but the plan could not be realized, and as a result only one building was realized, which in the ten years of construction from 1981 to 1991 turned into the Intermountain storage.

Large-scale intervention in the landscape of nature greatly affected the nearby small salt lakes.The water that was contained in the lakes, was not so concentrated, but due to the fact that the resulting reservoir solved great problems with water in the Crimea, it hid all the resulting defects.

This reservoir is located near Simferopol, near the village of Skvortsovo. Will have to go on the highway Simferopol - Evpatoria. Having reached Skvortsovo village and from it to the south-west, one can notice a dirt road that leads right up to the lake itself.

Chernorechensky reservoir

Water supply Sevastopol is completely obliged to Chernorechensky reservoir. This becomes clear if you look into the history books and delve a little into this topic.

As mentioned earlier, the Crimea suffered greatly from the lack of water resources. Sevastopol was no exception. Throughout its existence, the city sorely needed water. And until the middle of the last century, this question was almost impossible to solve.

But Soviet scientists from 1938 to 1940 conducted on the territory of Sevastopol, namely on the Black River, a study about whether it is possible to make a reservoir from this river. And the result was positive.

But because of the war, this plan was executed only in 1956, as they were able to return to the question of the repository only in the spring of 1949.

During this time, they built a large and powerful dam with a height of up to 28 m, which absorbed up to 33 million m3 of water. After 20 years, they decided to reconstruct the dam, and it grew by another 8 m, and in total its height began to reach 36 m.

The total area of ​​the reservoir is 6 square km, the depth is small - about 32 m.

But the peculiarity of this reservoir is that the summer period, especially during the tourist season, the water level in the storage facility always falls to a low critical point.

How to get to it?

The repository is located in the south-east of Sevastopol, in the Balaklava region. The dam and the reservoir itself surround the settlements from all sides.

Balanovskoye reservoir

Balanovskoye reservoir is completely artificial. It is located at the foot of the Crimean Mountains, in the south of the village of Zuya, in the Belogorsk district.

The best way to get to it is by car, comfortable and convenient.

Will have to go on the highway P-23 in the direction of Feodosia, from Simferopol to storage only an hour.

The reservoir is located near the village of Balanov, also located near such villages as Petrovo, Kurortnoye.

If there is no car, a bus goes from Simferopol to the village of Kurortne or Krasnogorskoye.

Zagorsk reservoir

Zagorsk reservoir is a closed area for visiting tourists and fishermen.

Around the storehouse is located checkpoints and barriers. It is forbidden to swim and fish, litter or drive into the area by car in the water reservoir (you will need to issue a special pass for this). But if you are a hiker or are traveling in the mountains by bike, then you can drive around the checkpoint.

To get to the vault, first you have to go to the city of Bakhchisarai, then by bus to get to the village of Sinapnoe. From the village itself to the barrier will have to make a way on foot.

Ayan reservoir

The most popular place among tourists. Excursions, both group and individual, are possible. In such excursions the guide will tell you a detailed story about a reservoir, about sources and the river Ayan.

You can get there yourself. From Simferopol goes trolley to the village Perevalnogo.

Get off at the bus stop, and then walk along a dirt road to the very storage.

You can get there by bus to the village Zarechnoye. Well, then - with the help of maps, you can also ask for help from local residents.

By car, you will need to build a route on the map Simferopol - Alushta, to the village of Zarechnoye. And there walk on foot to the place.

Video review of the reservoirs of Crimea, see the following video.

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