
Jealous girl: causes and signs of jealousy, how to behave?

Jealous girl: causes and signs of jealousy, how to behave?

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  1. Main reasons
  2. What to do?
  3. Major mistakes

When a girl is too jealous, it is very difficult to build an even and full relationship with her. Jealousy interferes with mutual feelings, it provokes quarrels and conflicts, breeds distrust of each other. Before you fight with jealousy, it is worthwhile to understand why the lady is jealous.

Main reasons

Many believe that if a girl is jealous, then it is good. After all, jealousy is the testimony of her sincere and strong feelings towards the guy. But sometimes jealousy is too strong, and begins to interfere with relationships. In addition, some girls are jealous of their soul mate to everyone: to his girlfriend, sister, mother, etc. Jealousy in such persons is manifested constantly and for no reason, and they can be jealous of the guy's friends or even his work. What to do in this case? To get started is to understand the reasons.

Sometimes it is simply impossible to understand why a girl is jealous of a guy. Behind the obvious signs of female jealousy can hide anything. For example, she may have one reason for jealousy, and thinking about it, she comes up with the second and third, then she starts to wind herself up, and as a result, the guy just wonders what he has done to her.

The main reason is that the guy often behaves strangely and provocatively. For example, he always flirts with the opposite sex. This may be distant relatives, acquaintances, colleagues, or just other girls. Of course, this behavior makes the girl feel jealous, and no matter how she tries to overcome this feeling, she still cannot calmly react to such situations.

As for the strange behavior, it may be as follows: the guy all the time with someone is texting, talking on social networks, and as soon as his girlfriend appears next to him, he hides his mobile phone. With such secretive behavior, he precisely provokes his beloved into jealousy. As a result, the girl will be forced to view phone messages secretly from you and be suspicious of all your acquaintances on the Internet.

The next cause of jealousy is to be found in its self-doubt. This also happens. If a girl doubts herself, considers herself not beautiful enough, constantly thinks that you deserve more, then in the end she begins to be jealous of you to everyone.

In addition, the girl may well be jealous of you only because you do not give her enough time. For example, she calls you at work, hears women's voices next to you and your excuse that you are busy now. In this situation, the scandal can not be avoided. Girls may experience the same jealousy if you always answer calls from your mother, sister, colleagues, and you always have time for them.

Another common cause takes its roots from the very childhood of the girl. That is, she grew up in an atmosphere where jealousy, mistrust, suspicion, or even treason were constantly present. When a girl grows up and observes such relations of parents, she unwittingly transfers them to her personal life, because for her it was the norm.

In any case, if a girl is jealous, then there are reasons for that. Many girls are real owners and, starting a relationship, try to create their own cozy little world into which they don’t want to let anyone in. Therefore, your usual behavior, communication with other girls is perceived as a personal betrayal.

Faced with jealousy, you need to look for not only the causes, but also the possibilities, to explain everything correctly and eliminate them.

What to do?

Before taking action, the guy must find out for himself the reasons. Is the problem really only in it, in its wrong perception of reality, or is it your fault, and you yourself constantly provoke quarrels?

If the reason is really in you, then you should start with yourself, then the jealousy of your second half will gradually disappear, and complete confidence will reign among you again.

You should change yourself, not her, if:

  • you are constantly delayed at work and do not warn you that you will be late;
  • you spend little time with her, and even spend the weekend with friends, colleagues, or just chatting on social networks;
  • you never ask her about how her day went, you are not interested in her hobbies, work;
  • on the street, in a restaurant or in a store, you constantly look at girls;
  • you never answer her phone calls, messages, and forget to give flowers even for holidays.

Consider, if the reason for her jealousy is in this, then you can easily correct the situation.

If your relationship is dear to you, and you want to live together in peace, without jealousy and scandal, the first thing your girlfriend needs is attention and care on your part. In fact, this is much easier than it seems. Start small. For example, just answer her phone calls during the day and not be annoyed with her. If you can’t pick up the phone, call back later when you have time. Send at least one SMS message to her during the day with the simplest question: “How are you? How is your day? ”No matter how trite it may sound, girls really perceive such little things as care and love from a man.

Try to give her flowers for no reason, go somewhere together at the weekend. Give compliments, especially in the presence of other women. Such an act on your part will allow her not only to feel loved and desired, but also help her raise her self-esteem. As soon as the girl feels caring on your part, she will gain self-confidence and forget about all fears.

In order for a girl not to be jealous of you, try to look only at her in her company and not look at other women. Of course, when you are only in the male company of your friends, you can look at other beauties. But to do it in the presence of your second half is not worth it. Moreover, never praise other girls in her presence, do not compliment them and do not admire their abilities. Even if these girls are your sisters or relatives. Such behavior on your part will be misunderstood by your girlfriend, and as a result, jealousy will begin to arise in her. By the way, if in your house there are often girlfriends, sisters of your spouse, then you should also behave more than restraint, and not give any reasons for jealousy.

If your other half is very often jealous of you for no reason, then you should speak frankly with her. There is nothing complicated about it. On the contrary, the girl will appreciate such an act on your part. After all, by calling her into a frank conversation, you show her your concern and concern for her. The conversation should take place in a calm atmosphere, without scandals and recriminations.

Start a conversation with a simple phrase that will set it on the right wave: “My dear, I want to understand what is happening to you. Let's talk and figure everything out together. ” Hearing this, every girl will understand that you care about her, what you think about her, worry and worry about her. During the conversation, you should more often tell her about your feelings in order to convince her that all doubts and fears should be left behind, that you love her and value relationships.

In addition, it is worth starting to dedicate it to their affairs.Share your thoughts and plans with her, talk about work. Girls love when their other half completely trust them when they consult with them. It is also worth more often to invite her to the general companies of her friends, to corporate parties, so that she herself can verify that you are true to her.

Major mistakes

Faced with the jealousy of their second half, many guys make gross mistakes, and thus only exacerbate the situation. If you see that the girl is offended at you, that she is jealous, then you should start a calm and frank conversation with her - this will be correct. But if you start screaming in response to her reproaches, blaming her for everything that seems to her or leaving the door, slamming the door, this will be your mistake. Thanks to this behavior, she is only firmly convinced that she was right.

Another mistake of most men is that they allow the situation to take its course and sincerely believe that she will calm down and everything will work out. At such moments, men ignore messages, calls, behavior and claims of their second half. To ignore the beloved and pretend that everything is good is a mistake that should be avoided.

See more on women's jealousy in the next video.

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